"Kawaii"@en . . "Piotr Czerniawski"@pl . "y"@en . "The state motto is \"Meroww Neko Neko ^_^\". It's supposed to refer to the slogan uttered by national patriot Hello Kitty upon beating the locals."@en . . . . "300"^^ . . "18"^^ . . . . . . "ze zbioru Poprawki do sn\u00F3w"@pl . . "Kawaii"@pl . . "NOTE: this guild does no longer exist as far as I know, yust I wont change this page.. it brings back only memories of noob days.. it was fun (gosh.. long ago I seen this page... :/ Lili) To all who might remember me, this is CrowArcher, a member of Kawaii. The reason Kawaii has been lost was because lili, bless her kind heart, gave one too many banning rights and every single person in Kawaii was kicked out. Later, Lili invited me again and we tried to rebuild the guild. Our efforts were in vain, however and Lili decided it was time to move on and entrusted the guild to me. After trying some more to rebuild the guild, I left the guild and remained guild less for much time. Currently, I am in Compassionate Blue Sky, owned by Passionate, a former Kawaii member."@en . . "Kawaii is a Fantagian who works full-time at one of the most popular shops in Fantage; Sun Block, where you can purchase new skin and eyes for your avatar. Her name means \"cute\" in Japanese. She also says \"Mahalo,\" which is the Hawaiian word for \"thank you.\" She is a very important person in Fantage."@en . "kawaii = lindo,fofo,belo oposto de kuwaii"@pt . "kawaii = lindo,fofo,belo oposto de kuwaii"@pt . . "Capture135.jpg"@en . "Kawaii"@pl . "Kawaii"@pt . . . "Kawaii (\u53EF\u611B\u3044) is a Japanese term which means exceptionally cute or adorable. It is often used to describe \"cute\" hentai images, especially images of animals or younger characters (Hello Kitty, for example, though that is not a manga). Kawaii characters are often drawn with large, saucer-like colourful eyes and small noses and mouths; they are often young, too, and will wear colourful clothes. Their hair is usually colourful and they will appear happy and shallow for a large portion of time. The term has come into usage on online messageboards and chatrooms."@en . "NOTE: this guild does no longer exist as far as I know, yust I wont change this page.. it brings back only memories of noob days.. it was fun (gosh.. long ago I seen this page... :/ Lili) To all who might remember me, this is CrowArcher, a member of Kawaii. The reason Kawaii has been lost was because lili, bless her kind heart, gave one too many banning rights and every single person in Kawaii was kicked out. Later, Lili invited me again and we tried to rebuild the guild. Our efforts were in vain, however and Lili decided it was time to move on and entrusted the guild to me. After trying some more to rebuild the guild, I left the guild and remained guild less for much time. Currently, I am in Compassionate Blue Sky, owned by Passionate, a former Kawaii member. Let the story of kawaii teach all guild leaders a valuable lesson. Lili speaks, A guild with mainly neutral members and a few braks and bonta's to, the guild was created by me and imlfrasse but he left to make his own guild \"she's vampire\" Some of the main members are: lileca \"lili\" me, the guild leader(other carr 'lazina' was leader before) SodinaD \"sodi\" my dear friend who i realy couldnt miss ^_^ paramedyk-PL \"para\"(member of former guild \"toigu\") -Buffy our artist ;) The guild was supposed to be build up by the former members of \"toigu\", But sadly enough most members of that guild joined different guilds or stooped playing... \"Kawaii\" means \"cute\" in Japanese. The idea to name it kawaii came because sodi likes saying kawaii and I thought it would be a kawaii name for a guild ;) if anyone is interested in joining try to PM any of the above mentioned members ^^ being nice and helpful is more important than your level, although we could use some high level's to protect our perc ;) (logo's made by Buffy) xD"@en . "NPC/Sunblock Owner"@en . . . "Kto si\u0119 wachluje uszami? Krowa, czy ko\u0144? Wstali i poszli zawiadomi\u0107 miasto. Konieczne sta\u0142o si\u0119 podj\u0119cie dzia\u0142a\u0144, samo podj\u0119cie. Bez \u017Calu i chwa\u0142y. Znale\u017Ali jajo ukryte w namiocie. I st\u0142ukli."@pl . "Gender"@en . "rushu"@en . "Kawaii (\u53EF\u611B\u3044) is a Japanese term which means exceptionally cute or adorable. It is often used to describe \"cute\" hentai images, especially images of animals or younger characters (Hello Kitty, for example, though that is not a manga). Kawaii characters are often drawn with large, saucer-like colourful eyes and small noses and mouths; they are often young, too, and will wear colourful clothes. Their hair is usually colourful and they will appear happy and shallow for a large portion of time. The term has come into usage on online messageboards and chatrooms."@en . "The state motto is \"Meroww Neko Neko ^_^\". It's supposed to refer to the slogan uttered by national patriot Hello Kitty upon beating the locals."@en . "lileca"@en . . . "Kto si\u0119 wachluje uszami? Krowa, czy ko\u0144? Wstali i poszli zawiadomi\u0107 miasto. Konieczne sta\u0142o si\u0119 podj\u0119cie dzia\u0142a\u0144, samo podj\u0119cie. Bez \u017Calu i chwa\u0142y. Znale\u017Ali jajo ukryte w namiocie. I st\u0142ukli."@pl . "Occupation"@en . . "y"@en . "Location"@en . "Sun Block"@en . "Kawaii"@en . "Kawaii is a Fantagian who works full-time at one of the most popular shops in Fantage; Sun Block, where you can purchase new skin and eyes for your avatar. Her name means \"cute\" in Japanese. She also says \"Mahalo,\" which is the Hawaiian word for \"thank you.\" She is a very important person in Fantage."@en . . . . "Female"@en .