. . . "De Wetlands is een grote, natte zone onder de Stonewrought Dam en ten noorden van Loch Modan, bedekt met kleine rivieren, meren en vijvers. Het grenst aan drie zijden door bergen, de Wetlands staat open voor de oceaan naar het westen. Avonturiers op zoek naar een route naar de Wetlands moet ofwel komen door belegerd Dun Algaz van Loch Modan of kruis het beschadigde Thandol Span van Arathi Highlands. Denoordelijke hellingen van de Wetlands zijn over het algemeen ingedeeld in de Khaz Mountains. De Wetlands is een uitgestrekt, moeras koud. Mist de mantel van de aarde,en de bewolkte hemel maakt het land een uniform grijs. Veel Ironforge bolwerken stond ooit in deze regio, maar de oorlog heeft verlaagd hen tot puin. Wilde dieren, murlocs, enafvallige orcs nu de controle van het land. Menethil Harbor, een stad aan de westkust,is alleen de aanwezigheid van het Bondgenootschap in deze troosteloze regio."@nl . . . "monarchia dziedziczna"@pl . . . . . "The Wetlands is a large, wet zone below Stonewrought Dam and north of Loch Modan, covered with small rivers, lakes, and ponds. Bordered on three sides by mountains, the Wetlands are open to the ocean to the west. Adventurers seeking a route to the Wetlands must either come through sieged Dun Algaz from Loch Modan or cross the damaged Thandol Span from Arathi Highlands. The northern slopes of the Wetlands are generally classed within the Khaz Mountains."@en . . . . . . "Wetlands"@pl . . . . . . . "20"^^ . . . . . . . "Natural Born Critters"@en . "Plassering; Nordlige Khaz Modan Wetlands er en stor og v\u00E5t sone under Stonewrought Dam, nord for Loch Modan, dekket av sm\u00E5 elver, sj\u00F8er og dammer. Fra tre av sidene er det fjellkjeder langs grensene, men \u00E5pent i vest mot havet. Eventyrere som vil pr\u00F8ve lykken i Wetlands m\u00E5 enten komme igjennom det beleirede Dun Algaz fra Loch Modan, eller igjennom det skadede Thandol Span fra Arathi Highlands. Det g\u00E5r ogs\u00E5 b\u00E5t mellom Auberdine/Menethil Harbor/Theramore isle. De nordlige delene av Wetlands tilh\u00F8rer det som kalles Khaz Mountains. Wetlands er en \u00F8de. kald sump. Der t\u00E5ke ofte kryper langs bakken og tunge skyer gj\u00F8r landskapet gr\u00E5tt og tungt. Mange Ironforge Strongholds stod en gang i denne regionen, men krig har forvandlet de til skrap. Ville dyr, murlocks og Orcer kontrollerer n\u00E5 dette landet. Menethil Harbor, en havneby p\u00E5 vestkysten, er Alliansens eneste \"by\" i denne regionen."@no . . "The Wetlands refers to a territory where the Gamlon elves seeked refuge when their home had been overrun by the Vulii. They arrived through a temporary portal and supposedly went to take shelter in the Treeal Shrines."@en . . . . . "Plassering; Nordlige Khaz Modan Wetlands er en stor og v\u00E5t sone under Stonewrought Dam, nord for Loch Modan, dekket av sm\u00E5 elver, sj\u00F8er og dammer. Fra tre av sidene er det fjellkjeder langs grensene, men \u00E5pent i vest mot havet. Eventyrere som vil pr\u00F8ve lykken i Wetlands m\u00E5 enten komme igjennom det beleirede Dun Algaz fra Loch Modan, eller igjennom det skadede Thandol Span fra Arathi Highlands. Det g\u00E5r ogs\u00E5 b\u00E5t mellom Auberdine/Menethil Harbor/Theramore isle. De nordlige delene av Wetlands tilh\u00F8rer det som kalles Khaz Mountains."@no . . "Wetlands"@pl . . "Zoo Tycoon 2"@en . . . . . . . . . "Wetlands is a 1995 computer game developed by created by Hypnotix, Inc. and published by New World Computing for DOS."@en . . . . . "Northern Khaz Modan"@en . . . . "Kategorie:Kraje [[Category:Kategorie:Kraje]]"@cs . . . . . . . . . . . "Acquitrini"@en . . . . . . "Mokrad\u0142a s\u0105 du\u017C\u0105 podmok\u0142\u0105 stref\u0105 po\u0142o\u017Con\u0105 poni\u017Cej Tamy Stonewrought, na p\u00F3\u0142noc od Loch Modan. Kraina jest usiana strumieniami, jeziorami i \u017Ar\u00F3de\u0142kami i z trzech stron jest otoczona przez g\u00F3ry, a od strony zachodniej otwiera si\u0119 na ocean. Podr\u00F3\u017Cnicy poszukuj\u0105cy drogi na Mokrad\u0142a musz\u0105 przeby\u0107 albo przez obl\u0119\u017Cone Dun Algaz na po\u0142udniu lub poprzez uszkodzone Prz\u0119s\u0142o Thandola na p\u00F3\u0142nocy."@pl . . . . . "200"^^ . "Ruins, safe harbor"@en . . . . "Wetlands"@no . . . . . . "Greenwarden's Grove"@nl . . . . . . . "Todos los monstruos de Tipo Aqua/AGUA/Nivel 2 o menor ganan 1200 ATK."@en . . "7627"^^ . . . "Wetlands"@en . . . . . . . "Terras Molhadas"@en . "Preview wetland.jpg"@en . "\uC2B5\uC9C0\uCD08\uC6D0"@en . . . "All Aqua-Type/WATER/Level 2 or lower monsters gain 1200 ATK."@en . "A wetland is a place that has moist conditions and soil is saturated for most of the year. These places are not regional biomes but definable areas of marshes, swamps, bogs, fens, vernal pools, and floodplains. A wetland can have trees and shrubs growing in and does not always have to have water. Water can be present underground or seasonal. Plants in a wetland are adapted for low-oxygen conditions due to frequent and variable periods of inundation."@en . "A wetland is a place that has moist conditions and soil is saturated for most of the year. These places are not regional biomes but definable areas of marshes, swamps, bogs, fens, vernal pools, and floodplains. A wetland can have trees and shrubs growing in and does not always have to have water. Water can be present underground or seasonal. Plants in a wetland are adapted for low-oxygen conditions due to frequent and variable periods of inundation."@en . . . . . "Orc, Dragonmaw"@en . . . . . . "Alle WASSER Monster vom Typ Aqua der Stufe 2 oder niedriger erhalten 1200 ATK."@en . "Feuchtgebiete"@en . "\u30D5\u30A3\u30FC\u30EB\u30C9\u4E0A\u306E\u6C34\u65CF\u30FB\u6C34\u5C5E\u6027\u30FB\u30EC\u30D9\u30EB\uFF12\u4EE5\u4E0B\u306E\u30E2\u30F3\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u306E\u653B\u6483\u529B\u306F\uFF11\uFF12\uFF10\uFF10\u30DD\u30A4\u30F3\u30C8\u30A2\u30C3\u30D7\u3059\u308B\u3002"@en . "Wetlands"@nl . . . . . "Mokrad\u0142a"@en . . . "Continuous-like"@en . "ca. 25,000"@nl . . "Tous les monstres Type Aqua/EAU/Niveau 2 ou moins gagnent 1200 points d'ATK."@en . "The Wetlands refers to a territory where the Gamlon elves seeked refuge when their home had been overrun by the Vulii. They arrived through a temporary portal and supposedly went to take shelter in the Treeal Shrines."@en . . . . . . "Contested"@en . . "Palustrine Wetland"@en . . . "Wetlands"@es . . . . . . . . "Todos os monstros de \u00C1GUA do Tipo Aqua de N\u00EDvel 2 ou menos ganha 1200 de ATK."@en . . . "The Green Belt.jpg"@en . "Pantanos"@en . . "WetlandsRain.jpg"@pl . . . "25"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Northern Khaz Modan"@nl . . ""@en . "2084239"^^ . . . . . . "De Wetlands is een grote, natte zone onder de Stonewrought Dam en ten noorden van Loch Modan, bedekt met kleine rivieren, meren en vijvers. Het grenst aan drie zijden door bergen, de Wetlands staat open voor de oceaan naar het westen. Avonturiers op zoek naar een route naar de Wetlands moet ofwel komen door belegerd Dun Algaz van Loch Modan of kruis het beschadigde Thandol Span van Arathi Highlands. Denoordelijke hellingen van de Wetlands zijn over het algemeen ingedeeld in de Khaz Mountains. De Wetlands is een uitgestrekt, moeras koud. Mist de mantel van de aarde,en de bewolkte hemel maakt het land een uniform grijs. Veel Ironforge bolwerken stond ooit in deze regio, maar de oorlog heeft verlaagd hen tot puin. Wilde dieren, murlocs, enafvallige orcs nu de controle van het land. Menethil H"@nl . . "Marshes, Swamps, Bogs, Fens, Vernal Pools, & Floodplains"@en . . . . . "Islak Arazi"@en . . . . "Wetlands"@en . . . . "Alliance-begunstigd"@nl . . . . . . . . . "Wet Grasslands"@en . . "Mokrad\u0142a s\u0105 du\u017C\u0105 podmok\u0142\u0105 stref\u0105 po\u0142o\u017Con\u0105 poni\u017Cej Tamy Stonewrought, na p\u00F3\u0142noc od Loch Modan. Kraina jest usiana strumieniami, jeziorami i \u017Ar\u00F3de\u0142kami i z trzech stron jest otoczona przez g\u00F3ry, a od strony zachodniej otwiera si\u0119 na ocean. Podr\u00F3\u017Cnicy poszukuj\u0105cy drogi na Mokrad\u0142a musz\u0105 przeby\u0107 albo przez obl\u0119\u017Cone Dun Algaz na po\u0142udniu lub poprzez uszkodzone Prz\u0119s\u0142o Thandola na p\u00F3\u0142nocy. Mokrad\u0142a s\u0105 wyludnionym, zimnym bagniskiem. Mg\u0142y okrywaj\u0105 ziemi\u0119, a wiecznie ci\u0119\u017Ckie chmury nadaj\u0105 krajobrazowi szary odcie\u0144. Niegdy\u015B sta\u0142o tu wiele warowni kr\u00F3lestwa Ironforge, jednak wojna obr\u00F3ci\u0142a je w ruin\u0119. Dzikie zwierz\u0119ta, murloki i orkowi renegaci kontroluj\u0105 ten obszar, a jedynym miejscem wolnym od ich wp\u0142yw\u00F3w jest Port Menethil, miasto na zachodnim wybrze\u017Cu."@pl . . . . . . . . . . "Tutti i mostri di Tipo Acqua/ACQUA/Livello 2 o meno guadagnano 1200 ATK."@en . . . . . . . "Wetlands"@nl . "Lands of Conflict 79-80"@en . . . "Kr\u00F3l Magni Bronzebeard"@pl . . . . "Gnoll"@en . . . "* Your monsters gain ATK\n* Your opponent's monsters gain ATK"@en . . . . . . . . . "Kategorie:Kraje [[Category:Kategorie:Kraje]]"@cs . "Wetlands"@cs . . . . "Plaines Mar\u00E9cageuses"@en . . . . . "Spell"@en . . . "25000"^^ . . . "Pack 48"@en . . "Shicchis\u014Dgen"@en . "P\u00F3\u0142nocne Khaz Modan"@pl . . . . . . "\u03A5\u03B3\u03C1\u03BF\u03AF \u03A4\u03CC\u03C0\u03BF\u03B9"@en . "Wetlands is a 1995 computer game developed by created by Hypnotix, Inc. and published by New World Computing for DOS."@en . "* Aqua\n* WATER\n* Level 1 Monster Cards\n* Level 2 Monster Cards"@en . "Wetlands landscape.jpg"@nl . "Mo\u010Dvarje"@en . . "Field"@en . . "The Wetlands is a large, wet zone below Stonewrought Dam and north of Loch Modan, covered with small rivers, lakes, and ponds. Bordered on three sides by mountains, the Wetlands are open to the ocean to the west. Adventurers seeking a route to the Wetlands must either come through sieged Dun Algaz from Loch Modan or cross the damaged Thandol Span from Arathi Highlands. The northern slopes of the Wetlands are generally classed within the Khaz Mountains. The Wetlands is a vast, cold swamp. Mists cloak the ground, and the overcast sky makes the land a uniform gray. Many Ironforge strongholds once stood in this region, but war has reduced them to rubble. Wild creatures, murlocs, and renegade orcs now control the land. Menethil Harbor, a city on the west coast, is the Alliance\u2019s only presence in this dreary region."@en . . . .