. . "During the events of the first Dead or Alive Tournament, DOATEC kidnapped a powerful shinobi, Hayate of the Mugen Tenshin Ninja Clan, who was in a coma after his spine was heavily damaged by Raidou during a Torn Sky Blast duel. The purpose of the project was to develop a superior physical body with superhuman abilities, using Hayate's current strength, skills, and abilities as a starting point. Apparently most of the modifications were made to Hayate's nervous system, and while his spine was repaired and he came out of his coma, he didn't show any improvement in abilities and power, and he lost his memories as a result of the experiments. The project failed and Hayate was released by Lisa. After Epsilon failed, DOATEC then planned to clone the winner of the tournament and Hayate's younger sister, Kasumi, who was considered genetically superior to Hayate. This second attempt led onto Project Alpha. However after the fifth tournament, Donovan had Project Epsilon reactivated when Hayate was recaptured by Rig. Hayate was confined inside the laboratory hidden within the rig and put to sleep at a basic cellular level. But the project seems to have failed once again when Kasumi rescued him and Lisa woke him up from his sleep."@en . "Project Epsilon"@en . "Epsilon"@en . "*UNSC Weaponry\n*Modified ODST Armor"@en . . . . "ONI"@en . "Intelligence, Battle"@en . . . . . . "Project Epsilon was an ONI project that created \"super soldiers\" of a very high class. They created troops that were effective in most combat roles that could report directly to ONI and do jobs that ONI did not want the rest of the armed forces of Humanity to know about. This had many benefits. The group reported directly to ONI Section One, and to the rest, indirectly. They had their own armor suit, based on that of the ODST. They could requisition vehicles. The troops also had an AI of their own. After a harsh training, they were ready to become ultimate soldiers and gather intelligence for ONI. The troops that the program created became known as SODT (Pronounced as individual letters) This stood for Studies and Observations Division Troops. They would deploy into battle using SOEIV pods, Pelicans, and their own methods. In battle, they used a line of weaponry that was uncontested. They had access to the entire UNSC arsenal."@en . "*Batch 1=336"@en . . . . . "Project Epsilon was an ONI project that created \"super soldiers\" of a very high class. They created troops that were effective in most combat roles that could report directly to ONI and do jobs that ONI did not want the rest of the armed forces of Humanity to know about. This had many benefits. The group reported directly to ONI Section One, and to the rest, indirectly. They had their own armor suit, based on that of the ODST. They could requisition vehicles. The troops also had an AI of their own. After a harsh training, they were ready to become ultimate soldiers and gather intelligence for ONI."@en . "During the events of the first Dead or Alive Tournament, DOATEC kidnapped a powerful shinobi, Hayate of the Mugen Tenshin Ninja Clan, who was in a coma after his spine was heavily damaged by Raidou during a Torn Sky Blast duel. The purpose of the project was to develop a superior physical body with superhuman abilities, using Hayate's current strength, skills, and abilities as a starting point."@en . "Usquequaque Questio"@en . "Project Epsilon"@en . . . . . . "Special Operations"@en . . . . . . . "Section 3"@en . . . .