"Transformers Wars"@en . "Cybertron"@en . . . . . . . "Sky Dive"@en . "Just remember this... \n* Squat (Self explanatory) \n* Pray (Waste of time... you'll probably die anyway) \n* Leap (only a moron would actually do this) \n* Ahhhhhhhhh!!! (What said moron will scream as he/she falls to Earth from thousands of feet in the air.) \n* Touchdown (\"Woo hoo! Football!\" -- Not really. And to be honest, your chances of surviving this fall are slim and none. So don't count on landing safely.)"@en . . "F-16 Falcon"@en . . . . . "Skydive"@en . . . . "unknown"@en . "Activates powerful missiles"@en . "AIR WARFARE STRATEGIST"@en . . . . . "smaller than Anakin"@en . . "unknown"@en . "F-16 Falcon"@en . "Felix Baumgartner was slated to leap from a balloon nearly 23 miles (37 kilometers) above southeastern New Mexico on Monday (Oct. 8, 2012), breaking the sound barrier as he plummeted to Earth in a harrowing freefall. \n* \n* \n*"@en . . . . . . "Skydive is more interested in reading about jet fighters than being one. He's more likely to have his face stuck in a book about World War II air battles than to be in the air himself. It's not that he's a coward - he's just fascinated by the science of aerial warfare. But even though he's a somewhat reluctant member of the Aerialbot team, he is invaluable - his knowledge of aerial military tactics is without equal. The other Aerialbots constantly look to him to plan strategy, a responsibility Skydive sometimes finds to be daunting given his extreme modesty. His biggest fault, if you could call it that, is he doesn't realize how smart he really is. At least everyone else around him does. The information-storage capacity of Skydive's cerebro-circuitry is greater than most Transformers'. This enables him to record instantaneously any flying motions he sees, and, within the limits of his design, duplicate them himself. Thus, he's able to simulate the techniques of World War II aces he's studied on film as well as the gliding patterns of birds he's watched in person. He is possibly the most skilled flyer of all the flying Transformers. His maximum speed is Mach 2.6 and range is 1400 miles. In F-16C Fighting Falcon jet mode, he can shoot laser-guided missiles with a range of 80 miles. In robot mode, he uses a nega-gun, which shoots a beam that cancels the bonding force between molecules. Only objects held together by the strongest molecular bonds can resist crumbling to dust when hit by the beam. He combines with his fellow Aerialbots to form the giant robot known as Superion. Sometimes, in duplicating the flight of another, Skydive pushes his design beyond its limits. This often results in mid-air stalls. He can usually recover before crashing, but while stalled, he is completely vulnerable to attack."@en . . . . . "Male"@en . . . . "Skydive is more interested in reading about jet fighters than being one. He's more likely to have his face stuck in a book about World War II air battles than to be in the air himself. It's not that he's a coward - he's just fascinated by the science of aerial warfare. But even though he's a somewhat reluctant member of the Aerialbot team, he is invaluable - his knowledge of aerial military tactics is without equal. The other Aerialbots constantly look to him to plan strategy, a responsibility Skydive sometimes finds to be daunting given his extreme modesty. His biggest fault, if you could call it that, is he doesn't realize how smart he really is. At least everyone else around him does."@en . "FC"@en . . . "Blue"@en . "Just remember this... \n* Squat (Self explanatory) \n* Pray (Waste of time... you'll probably die anyway) \n* Leap (only a moron would actually do this) \n* Ahhhhhhhhh!!! (What said moron will scream as he/she falls to Earth from thousands of feet in the air.) \n* Touchdown (\"Woo hoo! Football!\" -- Not really. And to be honest, your chances of surviving this fall are slim and none. So don't count on landing safely.)"@en . . . . "Skydive is a Normal Move Card."@en . . "Autobot"@en . . . "Skydive is a Normal Move Card."@en . "Cybertron"@en . . . "Air Warfare Strategist"@en . . . . . "Would rather read about jet fighters than be one - fascinated by the science of aerial warfare. Can, within the limits of his design, duplicate the flying motion of anything he sees; maybe the most skilled flying transformer of all. Flies at mach 2.6, and has a range of 1400 miles. Carries laser-guided missiles, and fires a negagun that crumbles objects by breaking molecular bonds. Prone to midair stalls. With fellow forms Superion."@en . . . . . "Autobot"@en . . . . "Skydive is more interested in reading about jet fighters than being one. He's more likely to have his face stuck in a book about World War II air battles than to be in the air himself. It's not that he's a coward - he's just fascinated by the science of aerial warfare. But even though he's a somewhat reluctant member of the Aerialbot team, he is invaluable - his knowledge of aerial military tactics is without equal. The other Aerialbots constantly look to him to plan strategy, a responsibility Skydive sometimes finds to be daunting given his extreme modesty. His biggest fault, if you could call it that, is he doesn't realize how smart he really is. At least everyone else around him does. Skydive was beaten up once by Starscream when Starscream electricuted him with Sith Lightning. Skydive was hailed as a hero at the end of the Transformers Wars at Cybertron like the other Aerialbots."@en . . "Same as Slingshots"@en . . . "100"^^ . . . . . "Would rather read about jet fighters than be one - fascinated by the science of aerial warfare. Can, within the limits of his design, duplicate the flying motion of anything he sees; maybe the most skilled flying transformer of all. Flies at mach 2.6, and has a range of 1400 miles. Carries laser-guided missiles, and fires a negagun that crumbles objects by breaking molecular bonds. Prone to midair stalls. With fellow forms Superion."@en . "Felix Baumgartner was slated to leap from a balloon nearly 23 miles (37 kilometers) above southeastern New Mexico on Monday (Oct. 8, 2012), breaking the sound barrier as he plummeted to Earth in a harrowing freefall. \n* \n* \n*"@en . . .