"Duel on Destroyer's flagship was a duel between Anar Velron and Darth Destroyer on Destroyer's main flagship."@en . "Duel on Destroyer's flagship was a duel between Anar Velron and Darth Destroyer on Destroyer's main flagship."@en . "Battle of Onderon"@en . . "Skirmish on Dantooine"@en . . "Duel on Destroyer's flagship"@en . "Dark War"@en . "Anar Velron wins by blowing up Destroyer"@en . "Duel on Destroyer's flagship"@en . "Battle of the Jedi Temple"@en . "*Darth Destroyer\n*15 Imperial troopers and Sith"@en . "*15 Imperials\n*16 Sith"@en . . "*all the Jedi\n*Anar Velron injured"@en . "219"^^ . "Darth Destroyer and all the Imperials and Sith"@en . "10"^^ . "*Anar Velron\n*9 other Jedi"@en . "Above Onderon in the flagship"@en .