. . . . . . . "by user The Beast I am voting John Adams for president in 2008. Okay maybe not the real John Adams, but a canidate in his mold. Adams was a simple Massachusetts farmer. When called upon for help, Adams would organize a peace treaty, become the vice president, or even be president himself. He didn't grow up wanting to become a political leader. He just wanted to help a young nation and improve society. The times are different now. Now we have senators, mayors, and governors whose number one goal is to become president. Do you think Hilary Clinton has stood by Bill Clinton because she has truly loved him? No, being his wife has helped her advance politically. Same with the other canidates, Clinton and Former Governor Mitt Romney change their opinions daily. One day Romney visits a women's rights group and states that he is pro-abortion and the next day he is at a conservative convention preaching against abortion. Which is what intrigues me about Senator John McCain. I am currently undecided about who to vote for in 2008, but McCain does demand my respect and interest. I do not agree with him on every issue (McCain-Feingold and Economics for starters), but at least he stands strong in his beliefs to help America. We need a president like that. A president who is truly interested in helping America. Maybe McCain is that guy or maybe he isn't. We'll see. If we can get a canidate like Adams who concerned with helping to improve America instead of the typical me-first canidate than America will be a lot better off. __NOEDITSECTION__ From The Opinion Wiki, a Wikia wiki. From The Opinion Wiki, a Wikia wiki."@en . . "We need John Adams Back!"@en . . "by user The Beast I am voting John Adams for president in 2008. Okay maybe not the real John Adams, but a canidate in his mold. Adams was a simple Massachusetts farmer. When called upon for help, Adams would organize a peace treaty, become the vice president, or even be president himself. He didn't grow up wanting to become a political leader. He just wanted to help a young nation and improve society. If we can get a canidate like Adams who concerned with helping to improve America instead of the typical me-first canidate than America will be a lot better off. __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . .