"*\n** \n***"@en . "War of the Spider"@en . "Surviving nerubians are no longer in the rank of the Old Gods' forces."@en . . "Nerubian Empire is destroyed."@en . . "Wojna Paj\u0105ka by\u0142a konfliktem toczonym mi\u0119dzy straszliw\u0105 armi\u0105 nieumar\u0142ych Kr\u00F3la Lisza a nerubia\u0144skim kr\u00F3lestwem Azjol-Nerub w Northrend. Wojna rozpocz\u0119\u0142a si\u0119, gdy w\u0142adcy paj\u0105k\u00F3w wys\u0142ali swoje elitarne oddzia\u0142y do ataku na Lodow\u0105 Koron\u0119. Nerubianie byli niewra\u017Cliwi na Plag\u0119 Nieumierania Kr\u00F3la Lisza i pot\u0119g\u0119 mentalnej dominacji, wi\u0119c we wcze\u015Bniejszych latach zwyci\u0119sko toczyli wojn\u0119 przy u\u017Cyciu taktyki partyzanckiej, kt\u00F3rej Ner'zhul nie m\u00F3g\u0142 si\u0119 efektywnie przeciwstawi\u0107. Po dziesi\u0119ciu latach walk Ner'zhul i upiorni w\u0142adcy zwyci\u0119\u017Cyli przez najazd na ich podziemn\u0105 stolic\u0119 Azjol-Nerub przy pomocy niezliczonej masy nieumar\u0142ych i sprytnych Nathrezim, niszcz\u0105c krypty i tunele paj\u0119czego imperium. Wed\u0142ug Kilixa Wyja\u015Bniaj\u0105cego Nerubianie spotkali wrogo nastawionych Beztwarzowych w sercu swego imperium i zostali zniszczeni przez dw\u00F3ch wrog\u00F3w Plagi i Yogg-Sarona. Zw\u0142oki Nerubian nie by\u0142y odporne na wskrzeszenie, wi\u0119c po walce Kr\u00F3l Lisz wcieli\u0142 nerubia\u0144skich bies\u00F3w podziemi i w\u0142adc\u00F3w krypty w swoje szeregi i przyj\u0105\u0142 nerubia\u0144ski styl architektoniczny jako sw\u00F3j w\u0142ascny. W\u015Br\u00F3d wskrzeszonych by\u0142 dawny pan Nerubian Anub'arak, kt\u00F3ry wyruszy\u0142 by pom\u00F3c Arthasowi Menethilowi w rajdzie by obroni\u0107 Lodow\u0105 Koron\u0119 i ostatecznie scali\u0107 si\u0119 ze zniewolonym Ner'zhulem, by sta\u0107 si\u0119 obecnym Kr\u00F3lem Liszem. Dla ksi\u0105\u017Cki wyst\u0119puj\u0105cej w grze i sekcji Historii Warcrafta opisuj\u0105cej oficjaln\u0105 wersj\u0119 wydarze\u0144, zobacz artyku\u0142 War of the Spider (History of Warcraft)."@pl . . "Unknown"@en . "The War of the Spider was a conflict between the fledgling undead army of the Lich King and the Nerubian Empire of Azjol-Nerub in Northrend. The war began when the spider-lords sent their elite forces to attack the Icecrown. The Nerubians were immune to the Lich King's Plague of Undeath and powers of mental domination, so in the following ten years the Nerubians fought with a strong and effective guerilla-tactic which the Lich King could hardly battle against. After that ten years Ner'zhul and his dreadlords won by invading their subterranean capital Azjol-Nerub with enormous mass of undead and the cunning Nathrezim, destroying the crypts and tunnels of the spider empire. According to Kilix the Unraveler, it was during this invasion that the Nerubians came across the hostile Faceless ones at the heart of their empire, and were destroyed by the two enemies of the Scourge and Yogg-Saron. The Nerubian corpses weren't immune to resurrection, so following the conflict, the Lich King incorporated the Nerubian crypt fiends and crypt lords into his ranks, and adopted the Nerubian architectural style as his own. Among those risen was the former lord of the Nerubians Anub'arak, who went on to assist Arthas Menethil in his rush to defend the Icecrown and ultimately merge with the imprisoned Ner'zhul, becoming the current Lich King."@en . "*Yogg-Saron's forces"@en . . "*†\n**Various queens\n*** \n**Various spiderlords\n***†\n***Other Nerubians\n**** †\n****"@en . . "*Kingdom of Azjol-Nerub†"@en . "*Undead Scourge"@en . "War of the Spider"@pl . "Wojna Paj\u0105ka by\u0142a konfliktem toczonym mi\u0119dzy straszliw\u0105 armi\u0105 nieumar\u0142ych Kr\u00F3la Lisza a nerubia\u0144skim kr\u00F3lestwem Azjol-Nerub w Northrend. Wojna rozpocz\u0119\u0142a si\u0119, gdy w\u0142adcy paj\u0105k\u00F3w wys\u0142ali swoje elitarne oddzia\u0142y do ataku na Lodow\u0105 Koron\u0119. Nerubianie byli niewra\u017Cliwi na Plag\u0119 Nieumierania Kr\u00F3la Lisza i pot\u0119g\u0119 mentalnej dominacji, wi\u0119c we wcze\u015Bniejszych latach zwyci\u0119sko toczyli wojn\u0119 przy u\u017Cyciu taktyki partyzanckiej, kt\u00F3rej Ner'zhul nie m\u00F3g\u0142 si\u0119 efektywnie przeciwstawi\u0107. Po dziesi\u0119ciu latach walk Ner'zhul i upiorni w\u0142adcy zwyci\u0119\u017Cyli przez najazd na ich podziemn\u0105 stolic\u0119 Azjol-Nerub przy pomocy niezliczonej masy nieumar\u0142ych i sprytnych Nathrezim, niszcz\u0105c krypty i tunele paj\u0119czego imperium."@pl . . . . . "3"^^ . . "Fall of Azjol'Nerub"@en . . . "The War of the Spider was a conflict between the fledgling undead army of the Lich King and the Nerubian Empire of Azjol-Nerub in Northrend. The war began when the spider-lords sent their elite forces to attack the Icecrown. The Nerubians were immune to the Lich King's Plague of Undeath and powers of mental domination, so in the following ten years the Nerubians fought with a strong and effective guerilla-tactic which the Lich King could hardly battle against. After that ten years Ner'zhul and his dreadlords won by invading their subterranean capital Azjol-Nerub with enormous mass of undead and the cunning Nathrezim, destroying the crypts and tunnels of the spider empire."@en . "Zwyci\u0119stwo Plagi, polegli Nerubianie wcieleni w szeregi nieumar\u0142ych."@pl . . "*, the \n*, jailor of the Lich King \n**"@en . . . "*1 Spider King\n**Nerubians"@en . "* Nieumar\u0142a Plaga"@pl . . . "*1 Lord of the Nathrezim\n**1 Dark Lord of death\n***Some Demons\n****Nathrezims\n***Undead"@en . "Scourge victory, fallen Nerubians added to the ranks of the Undead."@en . . . "War of the Spider"@en . "* Anub'arak†\n*Liczne kr\u00F3lowe\n*Liczni w\u0142adcy paj\u0105k\u00F3w"@pl . "*1 Old God\n*Some Faceless General\n**Faceless ones"@en . "Wojna Paj\u0105ka"@pl . "Kr\u00F3lestwo Azjol-Nerub†"@pl .