. "\"Iantha! Guess what? We have a surprise for you!\" Iantha looked up from the book she was holding - Platypii for Dummies - and raced down the stairs to where Phineas was standing. He looked excited. \"You're not gonna believe what me and Ferb did for you!\" She thought. \"What letter does it start with?\" \"F.\" \"Frankenstien, frog, fancy dress . . .\" She gave up. None of those things were particually pleasant. \"You're not even close.\" Phineas grinned. \"Just tell me!\" He said nothing, just lead Iantha into the living room where three very familiar people were sitting. Oh. No. \"Ta-da!\" He beamed. \"Me and Ferb tracked down your family for you! We thought you were lonely, and it's Christmas, after all, and we agreed that everyone should be witht heir family on Christmas. What do you think?\" Iantha was speechless. In the bad way. You see, Iantha has had a history of bad experiences with her family, especially when she accidentally transformed into a platypus and her family abandoned her. Hilda, Bob, and Trixie Gweeni didn't look exactly thrilled to see their daughter/sister, but they didn't say a word. \"I'll leave you alone to have a happy reunion,\" Phineas said cheerfully, oblivious to the feelings the Gweenis had for each other. He walked out of the room. \"I believe I will talk with our hosts,\" Bob said, standing up and walking into the kitchen. \"I will too.\" Hilda followed him. A long silence followed as the two sisters stared at each other. \"Well,\" Iantha finally said. \"What have you been up to?\" Trixie shrugged. \"Almost nothing. It's so boring this time of year.\" Iantha couldn't believe her ears. Christmas was less than a week away, and Trixie was saying it was boring? \"Christmastime is the least boring time of the year, period! Well, Halloween is fun, and you can't beat Dance Like a Chicken Day, but Christmas is most certainly not boring.\" \"I don't see what's so exciting about it. You ask for stuff. Your parents give it to you. The end.\" \"But what about Santa?\" Trixie sniffed. \"Santa isn't real.\" Iantha almost fell out of her chair. \"He is too! Phineas and Ferb told me that last year they actually met him! And helped deliver presents to Danville!\" \"Yeah, right. Think about it, flying reindeer? Seven billion presents fitting in one tiny sleigh? It's ocmpletely illogical.\" \"So is every single thing Phineas and Ferb have been doing!\" \"It's all smoke and mirrors. None of it is real.\" \"Oh yeah?\" Iantha felt herself turning red. \"Well, I'm gonna prove to you Santa and all of Phineas and Ferb's inventions are all real!\" Trixie smirked. \"Good luck. You'll need it.\" She stomped out of the room."@en . . . "\"Iantha! Guess what? We have a surprise for you!\" Iantha looked up from the book she was holding - Platypii for Dummies - and raced down the stairs to where Phineas was standing. He looked excited. \"You're not gonna believe what me and Ferb did for you!\" She thought. \"What letter does it start with?\" \"F.\" \"Frankenstien, frog, fancy dress . . .\" She gave up. None of those things were particually pleasant. \"You're not even close.\" Phineas grinned. \"Just tell me!\" He said nothing, just lead Iantha into the living room where three very familiar people were sitting. Oh. No. \"But what about Santa?\""@en . . "Proving Christmas"@en . . . .