"A Circus For Baby"@en . . "While the creature continues to keep Baby Smurf entertained, Brainy summons every Smurf in the village together to tell them that he and Brainy were attacked by the creature, describing it as huge and ferocious and that he battled it with all his might. Then Hefty asks where's Baby Smurf, and Brainy humbly answers that the creature has him, which makes Hefty so upset with Brainy for just leaving the infant alone with the creature. Papa Smurf has Harmony summon the village together so that they can mount a rescue operation. Meanwhile, the creature shows Baby Smurf the feats of daring strength that it can do until it is called by a human trainer, who refers to it as Pyramis. He is upset that the creature has run off while they were on their way to Lord Balthazar's castle and is ready to deal"@en . "While the creature continues to keep Baby Smurf entertained, Brainy summons every Smurf in the village together to tell them that he and Brainy were attacked by the creature, describing it as huge and ferocious and that he battled it with all his might. Then Hefty asks where's Baby Smurf, and Brainy humbly answers that the creature has him, which makes Hefty so upset with Brainy for just leaving the infant alone with the creature. Papa Smurf has Harmony summon the village together so that they can mount a rescue operation. Meanwhile, the creature shows Baby Smurf the feats of daring strength that it can do until it is called by a human trainer, who refers to it as Pyramis. He is upset that the creature has run off while they were on their way to Lord Balthazar's castle and is ready to deal with it when an older man comes along, reprimanding the trainer by saying that creatures respond better to affection than violence. Baby Smurf watches underneath a bush and cries when he sees the friendly creature being taken away by the humans. As the Smurfs run into the forest to find Baby Smurf, Clumsy trips and falls into a very large footprint made by a creature that none of them recognize as being from the forest. Brainy says that it must be \"the monster\", but Papa Smurf sees that it isn't a monster's footprint at all, but before he can say what the footprint is made by, he turns and sees that Baby Smurf is safe. Then Jokey directs their attention to a caravan of humans with various types of animals walking beside them, and Brainy sees that among them is \"the monster\". Papa Smurf calms Brainy's fears by saying that the \"monster\" is actually a circus elephant, which makes Brainy rather humble in learning something new. Smurfette asks what a circus is, and Papa Smurf explains that it is a traveling show full of acrobats, clowns, and animals that do tricks. Smurfette sees that Baby Smurf is upset, and Papa Smurf says that Baby and the elephant must have been very good friends, so saying goodbye must be hard on him. Dreamy then suggests that they should put on a circus for Baby Smurf, and the other Smurfs present think that it is a good idea to cheer up the little infant. Soon the Smurfs are busy in the village preparing to put on their own circus, with Handy and a group of Smurfs raising up a circus tent, Painter giving Vanity a makeover as a clown, and Hefty practicing a tightrope act with Dreamy watching. Brainy is given a new suit to wear as the showmaster of the event, but he tells Tailor that he doesn't like the top hat that has been made to go with the suit, much less any other like it. He says that he needs a hat that is tall and that really makes him stand out in the crowd, and Tailor reluctantly obliges by giving him a special hat that starts out flat, but with a tap suddenly becomes big, which Brainy says is perfect. Handy shows Papa Smurf a cannon that he has just built for the grand finale, which will launch a Smurf in the air as the \"smurfy cannonball\". Baby Smurf becomes curious to examine the cannon for himself, and so he enters into the barrel of the cannon while Handy adjusts its angle and cranks it up to demonstrate how it works, but fortunately Baby Smurf isn't launched from the cannon as he safely appears out of its nozzle with a white flag in his hand. Meanwhile, Brainy is giving Tailor a hard time with all the demands he makes for adjustments to his suit, which makes Tailor so upset with Brainy that he hurls him out of the village to land on his head. The top hat flattens and then springs back to full size, launching Brainy back into the air and sending him landing on the tightrope while Hefty is still practicing on it. Hefty gets launched into the air and lands on a branch, but then the baton he was using causes him to lose his footing. He grabs onto the branch for dear life, looking down and becoming fearful of how high he must be from the ground, until he loses his grip and lands on the tightrope, only to be catapulted onto the circus tent to knock it down. Hefty becomes so upset with Brainy that he couldn't wait to get his hands on him. Soon the circus is all set and ready for business, with the Smurfs gathering around the carnival attractions that are outside the circus tent before the main show begins: Brainy showing off the largest rutabaga, Smurfette offering kisses from \"the most beautiful Smurf\", and Jokey presenting a game of \"Douse The Grouch\" with Grouchy as the Smurf ready to be dumped into a dunking tank by whoever hits the bullseye. Harmony gives it a try, but his ball misses the target. Papa Smurf lets Baby give it a try, and Baby hits the target dead in the center, sending Grouchy straight into the dunking tank. Then comes the main event, in which the Smurfs watch inside the tent the acts introduced by Brainy, who just can't seem to get past his introductions without prompting from the audience. The first act was Smurfette riding on top of two squirrels while standing up and then jumping through a hoop Handy was holding, which made the Smurfs cheer. The second act was Nat Smurf taming a trio of chipmunks, which also elicited cheers from the crowd. Then Brainy turns to Hefty to get him to do his tightrope act, but Hefty is acting uncharacteristically fearful and tells Brainy to have Jokey and Clumsy go next, and as Brainy goes to introduce the third act, Hefty takes a look at the tightrope and finds himself getting dizzy from the sight of it. The next act has Jokey, Clumsy, Farmer, Vanity, and Grouchy dress up as clowns, with Jokey and Clumsy doing juggling, Farmer balancing himself on a rolling rutabaga, and Vanity spritzing water in Grouchy's face. While the circus continues on with the performances, Hefty summons Papa Smurf to talk to him in private, and so Papa Smurf leaves Baby alone so he could find out what's wrong. Hefty confesses that he's now afraid of heights and that he feels like a coward. Papa Smurf says that's nothing to be ashamed of because every Smurf has something that they're afraid of, but he tells Hefty that he must decide what's important to him and to have a little faith in himself. Hefty realizes that Papa Smurf is right and that he can't ruin Baby's circus by not appearing on the high wire like he was supposed to. As he steels himself up for the tightrope act, Baby Smurf wanders off and goes into the cannon which Handy prepares for the grand finale. Meanwhile, in Lord Balthazar's castle, the evil sorcerer watches Pyramis the elephant perform his tricks and is not amused. He tells the older man who owns the elephant that he promised tricks from around the world and instead all he gets is a stupid elephant, a thought that the elephant owner's trainer also shares when he calls the owner stupid. Pyramis does not take kind to being called stupid and suddenly knocks the ball straight toward Balthazar's head before dousing the ungrateful host with a burst of water from his trunk, angering him to the point where he tells the elephant owner and his trainer to remove the animal and to be gone by morning or else he'll feed them to his moat monster. Back at the Smurf circus, while Hefty tries to keep himself from looking down during his tightrope act, Papa Smurf notices that Baby Smurf is missing and asks Dreamy if he's seen him, to which he says that he hasn't. Meanwhile, Handy gives the cannon three cranks to get it ready for the big finale, then Brainy comes over and gives it three cranks, then Greedy and Jokey come over and give it three cranks each. As Hefty slips and dangles on the tightrope, dropping the baton to the ground, Papa Smurf realizes that Hefty is in trouble and tells Brainy to go straight to the grand finale, the \"smurfy cannonball\". Handy and Clumsy drag a reluctant Lazy over to the cannon to prepare him for launch when Clumsy trips and activates the launch lever, firing Baby Smurf straight out of the cannon. Papa Smurf and Smurfette both gasp as they see the infant fly straight past Hefty and through the circus tent's roof, uncertain of where he will land. At Lord Balthazar's castle, the evil sorcerer lies in his bed, being kept awake by the trumpeting noise of the elephant being chained up outside. Then suddenly Baby Smurf lands on the pillow right next to him, and Balthazar sees that he now has a valuable creature in his possession that he could do something with. Back in the village, Papa Smurf uses a sextant to calculate the trajectory of the cannon's launch to determine where Baby Smurf will land, and soon comes to the conclusion that he must have landed in Balthazar's castle. Fearful of what the evil sorcerer might do to Baby Smurf, Papa Smurf leads his little Smurfs on a rescue mission to save the infant. At that moment, Baby Smurf is put inside a glass jar and measured on a balance while Lord Balthazar looks through a spell book and ponders what kind of evil experiments he could perform with a Baby Smurf. Sometime later, the Smurfs reach Balthazar's castle and try to quietly sneak in, though Clumsy trips and falls, which makes the elephant become noisy to the point where his trainer angrily tells the creature to be quiet or they will be fed to the moat monster. After passing through the castle gate, the Smurfs climb up the walls using the vines, but Hefty finds himself feeling dizzy again when he looks down and sees how high he is from the ground. Soon they reach the window to the sorcerer's laboratory, where he is busy preparing to give Baby Smurf a \"hot bath\". Papa Smurf sees a chandelier hanging on a rope and tells his little Smurfs that he needs sometime to walk on the rope to the top of the chandelier and then lower himself down to save Baby Smurf. Hefty has a feeling that he's being called upon to do that very job and tries to ask someone else to do it, but Papa Smurf says that he's the only one who's able to do it. Brainy says that Hefty is too afraid to do it, but Hefty is determined to prove that he isn't and so bravely climbs up to the rope and walks on it to the top of the chandelier. Unfortunately, Hefty gets distracted when he hears Balthazar talking about \"heights\" and falls off the rope, launching Baby Smurf inside the jar into the air until the jar lands up on a rafter. Balthazar sees that there must be Smurf intruders nearby and so sends his pet raven to capture them while Papa Smurf tells his little Smurfs to run. Soon Balthazar has the Smurfs in his grasp, and he threatens to do more experiments with them as he will also do with Baby Smurf, who then cries so loud that the elephant outside roars and pulls on his chains to break free. His trainer raises up his prod and threatens to use it on the elephant, calling him a stupid oaf. The elephant soon breaks his chains and becomes so threatening to the trainer that he cowers underneath his cape and flees. Filling up enough water in his trunk, the elephant walks through the gate and sprays the moat monster as he enters to break into Balthazar's laboratory and back the evil sorcerer into a corner, causing him to let go of the Smurfs he captured. The elephant picks up Balthazar with his trunk and tosses him out the window. Then as Papa Smurf sees that Baby Smurf is about to fall off the rafter, Hefty has the elephant lift him up so that he could catch Baby Smurf before he fell to the ground. The Smurfs cheer, and Papa Smurf is pleased to see that Hefty has managed to overcome his fear of heights in a moment of great emergency. They and the elephant flee from the castle just as Balthazar has to deal with his moat monster licking him. Soon with the Smurfs safely out of reach in the forest, Pyramis rejoins his owner as the circus caravan moves on, with the owner saying that he can replace trainers, but a talented elephant is much harder to replace. As the Smurfs wave goodbye to the elephant, Baby Smurf cries again, and the Smurfs wonder what they'll do now to make the infant happy. Papa Smurf says that they'll go on with their circus for Baby Smurf, and so back in the village the show goes on as Smurfette and all her fellow Smurfs repeat the same performances they did before under the circus tent. Hefty goes up on the tightrope to do his act, and he does it flawlessly and courageously to much applause from the audience. Grouchy, who sits next to Papa and Baby Smurf in the audience, says that he hates applause (before he gives some of his own) but that he likes circuses."@en . .