. . . . . . . . . "In 2269, criminally insane ex-Fleet captain Garth of Izar chose Marta, a dangerously insane Orion woman, as his consort as part of his self-styled \"coronation\" as \"ruler of the galaxy\" at the Elba II asylum they and their fellow inmates had taken over. Shortly after, however, Garth punished Marta for kissing Captain Kirk by having her brought outside the facility, exposing her to the toxic atmosphere of the planet, then detonating a small sample of a powerful explosive he had developed and inserted into her necklace. (TOS: \"Whom Gods Destroy\" )"@en . "Consort \u00E4r en Wraith titel ges till Hive drottning's erk\u00E4nda partner, som ocks\u00E5 var oftast ledare f\u00F6r hennes Hives blad. Guide steg till positionen efter uppdraget till Asuras. (ATL: \"Stargate Atlantis: Consort\") (ATL: \"Stargate Atlantis: Lost Queen\") kategori:Titlar"@sv . . . . "Distract someone each night."@en . . "No one should have to manipulate people on the whim of a higher power, but then again, no one would want to, either. A beautiful and unfortunate young woman had lost everything. She had nothing - no job, no home, no family or friends to turn to, not even hope - but eventually found salvation in the world of organized crime. Though reluctant, the Consort felt she was a respected member of the Mafia. Unknown to her, she was just being used as the Mafia's residential Femme Fatale. Much to the Consort's chagrin, her role in the Mafia stuck with her, and she was too far into the whole ordeal to back out. As the sands of time flew forth, the Consort began to embrace her position, and, over time, executed her missions with confidence, tact, and prestige. In the end, she had it all: respect, power"@en . "A consort was the spouse of a reigning monarch. Bail Organa was the consort of Queen Breha Organa, who ruled over the planet Alderaan till its destruction by the Galactic Empire."@en . . . . . . "Consort"@sv . . "Distraction blocks your target from using their role's night ability."@en . . . . . . . "Consort thumb|50x50px"@en . . "Most Consorts can be hired before the mission starts and they receive a part of the reward, depending on their skills on paper (and not on their effective utility). Consort available is varied per mission, ranging from MT's, other Armored Core and up to planes and helicopters. It is possible to arrange up to two consort in a mission, depend on prize, consort available and mission requirement. In other cases you are \"constrained\" to be fellowed by a consort, for example during Story Mission 6 in AC: VD the player is flanked by Erik, or in AC: FA you are followed by Wynne D Fanchon. In the next incarnation of Armored Core game, consort is replaced with UNAC. UNAC its self is Armored Core unit that is controlled not by pilot but by a type of virtual intellegence called \"formula brain\". Notably on Verdict day, the player is only able to assign only one UNAC at a time, but with the option of customization. {{stub}}"@en . . . . . . "Manipulation"@en . . . . . . . . . . "The consort is for all basic purposes the 'spouse' of the emperor. The title was used, as it is today in many kingdoms, to make it clear that power and inheritance are not shared, as they might be in the case of King and Queen. During his reign, Tortaalik's consort was Noima."@en . "A consort was the spouse of a reigning monarch. Bail Organa was the consort of Queen Breha Organa, who ruled over the planet Alderaan till its destruction by the Galactic Empire."@en . . . "Consort is one of the high ranking positions in a court and is considered as one side of the Queen's triangle, the other two sides being Steward and the Master of the Guard."@en . "Consort is one of the high ranking positions in a court and is considered as one side of the Queen's triangle, the other two sides being Steward and the Master of the Guard."@en . . . . "In 2269, criminally insane ex-Fleet captain Garth of Izar chose Marta, a dangerously insane Orion woman, as his consort as part of his self-styled \"coronation\" as \"ruler of the galaxy\" at the Elba II asylum they and their fellow inmates had taken over. Shortly after, however, Garth punished Marta for kissing Captain Kirk by having her brought outside the facility, exposing her to the toxic atmosphere of the planet, then detonating a small sample of a powerful explosive he had developed and inserted into her necklace. (TOS: \"Whom Gods Destroy\" ) In 2366, a Tasha Yar from an alternate timeline returned with the USS Enterprise-C to the battle at Narendra III. The ship was destroyed by the Romulans, and its surviving crew captured. A Romulan general who oversaw their capture became enamored of her and spared the lives of the remaining crew in exchange for Yar becoming his consort. One year later, she gave birth to a daughter named Sela. (TNG: \"Yesterday's Enterprise\" , \"Redemption II\" ) In 2371, Seska, an undercover Cardassian operative, was stranded in the Delta Quadrant on board the USS Voyager. In order to get home, she attempted the transfer of Starfleet replicator technology to the Kazon-Nistrim in exchange for their protection but was caught. She escaped aboard a Kazon raider and became the consort of First Maje Culluh, the leader of the Kazon-Nistrim sect. One year later she bore him a son. (VOY: \"State of Flux\", \"Basics, Part I\")"@en . . "Consort Linota has the following traits: \n* Chivalrous \n* Licentious \n* Solitary This article relating to The Sims Medieval is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . . . . "2"^^ . "Consort \u00E4r en Wraith titel ges till Hive drottning's erk\u00E4nda partner, som ocks\u00E5 var oftast ledare f\u00F6r hennes Hives blad. Guide steg till positionen efter uppdraget till Asuras. (ATL: \"Stargate Atlantis: Consort\") (ATL: \"Stargate Atlantis: Lost Queen\") kategori:Titlar"@sv . . . . "Consort"@en . . . . . . . . . . "A beautiful dancer working for organized crime."@en . "Most Consorts can be hired before the mission starts and they receive a part of the reward, depending on their skills on paper (and not on their effective utility). Consort available is varied per mission, ranging from MT's, other Armored Core and up to planes and helicopters. It is possible to arrange up to two consort in a mission, depend on prize, consort available and mission requirement. In other cases you are \"constrained\" to be fellowed by a consort, for example during Story Mission 6 in AC: VD the player is flanked by Erik, or in AC: FA you are followed by Wynne D Fanchon. {{stub}}"@en . . . . . "Consort Linota has the following traits: \n* Chivalrous \n* Licentious \n* Solitary This article relating to The Sims Medieval is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . . "No one should have to manipulate people on the whim of a higher power, but then again, no one would want to, either. A beautiful and unfortunate young woman had lost everything. She had nothing - no job, no home, no family or friends to turn to, not even hope - but eventually found salvation in the world of organized crime. Though reluctant, the Consort felt she was a respected member of the Mafia. Unknown to her, she was just being used as the Mafia's residential Femme Fatale. Much to the Consort's chagrin, her role in the Mafia stuck with her, and she was too far into the whole ordeal to back out. As the sands of time flew forth, the Consort began to embrace her position, and, over time, executed her missions with confidence, tact, and prestige. In the end, she had it all: respect, power, and most importantly, the love and trust of the Godfather. All she had left to fear in the world was the pedestal upon which her own execution could commence, and the cold blade of a Serial Killer. (credit)"@en . . . . "Your target is skilled at disrupting others. They could be an , or ."@en . . . . "The consort is for all basic purposes the 'spouse' of the emperor. The title was used, as it is today in many kingdoms, to make it clear that power and inheritance are not shared, as they might be in the case of King and Queen. During his reign, Tortaalik's consort was Noima."@en . . "Your target is a beautiful woman working for the . She must be a ."@en .