. . . . "Borz'Mat'oh"@es . . "Borz'Mat'oh era un fil\u00F3sofo duinuogwuin. Junto con el Canciller Supremo Fillorean, \u00E9l asegur\u00F3 la paz al final de la Contenci\u00F3n Duinuogwuin y fund\u00F3 la Universidad de Coruscant en el 15.500 ABY."@es . . . "Borz'Mat'oh"@en . . . . . . . "Borz'Mat'oh"@en . "[Source] Borz'Mat'oh \u00E9tait un philosophe Duinuogwuin qui n\u00E9gocia un trait\u00E9 de paix avec le Chancelier Supr\u00EAme Fillorean pour mettre un terme \u00E0 la Controverse des Duinuogwuins."@fr . . "Borz'Mat'oh was a philosopher of the Duinuogwuin species. In 15,500 BBY, Borz'Mat'oh's species became embroiled in the Duinuogwuin Contention, a conflict with the Galactic Republic, but the philosopher was able to forge a peace between the Duinuogwuin and the Republic after meeting with their Supreme Chancellor Fillorean. After the Contention, Borz'Mat'oh and Fillorean founded the University of Coruscant on the Republic's capital planet of Coruscant, and the pair were immortalized in statues crafted from the dark glass known as chalcedony."@en . . "Borz'Mat'oh was a philosopher of the Duinuogwuin species. In 15,500 BBY, Borz'Mat'oh's species became embroiled in the Duinuogwuin Contention, a conflict with the Galactic Republic, but the philosopher was able to forge a peace between the Duinuogwuin and the Republic after meeting with their Supreme Chancellor Fillorean. After the Contention, Borz'Mat'oh and Fillorean founded the University of Coruscant on the Republic's capital planet of Coruscant, and the pair were immortalized in statues crafted from the dark glass known as chalcedony."@en . . . . "[Source] Borz'Mat'oh \u00E9tait un philosophe Duinuogwuin qui n\u00E9gocia un trait\u00E9 de paix avec le Chancelier Supr\u00EAme Fillorean pour mettre un terme \u00E0 la Controverse des Duinuogwuins."@fr . "Borz'Mat'oh era un fil\u00F3sofo duinuogwuin. Junto con el Canciller Supremo Fillorean, \u00E9l asegur\u00F3 la paz al final de la Contenci\u00F3n Duinuogwuin y fund\u00F3 la Universidad de Coruscant en el 15.500 ABY."@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "Borz'Mat'oh"@en . . "Borz'Mat'oh"@fr . . "Borz'Mat'oh"@es . "Borz'Mat'oh"@en . . . . . . "Borz'Mat'oh"@fr . "Borz'Mat'oh"@es . "Philosophe"@fr . . . . .