. . "5"^^ . . "The warmth of the sun was hard on the cats' backs. The patrol approached a sparkling steam flowing lazily beside a tree. They lapped up the water eagerly, relishing in the way the cool water hit their tongues. The leader of the patrol, a white tom, looked at the prey they managed to catch. It wasn't as much as most days on Green-leaf, but enough to feed several cats. \"Whitetail,\" a brown tabby began. \"Do you smell that?\" He sniffed the air. The white tom looked to Brackenheart. He took a deep breath of the air, his lung stinging slightly. \"No...\" Brackenheart whispered from beside Whitetail."@en . "Kerian Twine"@en . "1"^^ . . . . . "101"^^ . "\u201CA Fresh Start\u201D is the first episode of the Cycle Alwas, and the first of the overall series. It first aired on April 12, 2006."@en . . . . "The warmth of the sun was hard on the cats' backs. The patrol approached a sparkling steam flowing lazily beside a tree. They lapped up the water eagerly, relishing in the way the cool water hit their tongues. The leader of the patrol, a white tom, looked at the prey they managed to catch. It wasn't as much as most days on Green-leaf, but enough to feed several cats. \"Whitetail,\" a brown tabby began. \"Do you smell that?\" He sniffed the air. The white tom looked to Brackenheart. He took a deep breath of the air, his lung stinging slightly. \"Smoke!\" A grey tabby, Ashtail, gasped. He looked to his deputy, fear glistening in his green eyes. \"We have to see if it's coming from ThunderClan territory.\" Whitetail nodded, looking to the rest of his patrol with consisted of a silver she-cat named Dawneyes and a bright ginger and white tom named Foxclaw. \"Go warn the camp, we must be ready to evacuate.\" He told the two warriors who nodded, and the two skirted off. \"Follow me!\" He meowed his orders to the others. The three cats bounded across the forest, dodging thick, brown trees and stray roots. Brackenheart managed to trip on a rock, and they stopped to help him up. His fur was fluffed up from embarrassment, but they couldn't quit following where the smoke was coming from. As the made their way through ThunderClan territory, they were nearing the unclaimed territory where rogues reigned from moons before. They could see the smoke billowing up from the area, spreading across the sky. \"It's coming from the territory next to us,\" Whitetail was relieved. \"A Thunderpath divides us, the worse it could do it spread to WindClan territory. But we should still check it out.\" They continued on, eyes water as they approached the flaming land. They stopped by the smooth black ground of the Thunderpath, watching the fire intently. Ashtail began to cough, his tail lashing. \"Can we get out of here now? It won't harm us, and this smoke is killing me!\" The grey tabby complained. Whitetail was about to order the cats to head back, but his eyes caught sight of a tree faltering against the flames. His eyes watched it intently, widening once he saw it was breaking apart. It began to to fall to its side, landing on the Thunderpath in an array of sparks and ash. \"No...\" Brackenheart whispered from beside Whitetail. The flames from the fallen, burning tree crept towards the overgrown grass of the ThunderClan side. The flames licked across the plants, setting them ablaze. The fire began to eat away at the greenery at a ravenous pace. \"Run!\" Whitetail demanded his Clanmates, whipping around on his paws. The cats raced across the territory, the flames growing around them. They desperately tried to avoid the extreme heat and smoke approaching them, dodging falling branches and crumbling trees. They finally burst through the brambles encircling the camp, gasping from the polluted air. To their luck, Dawneyes and Foxclaw managed to warn the cats. Jaystar had grouped them up, ready to escape their camp. \"Go!\" The white tom, fur grey with soot and ash, choked out. Jaystar gazed to his Clanmates, trying to keep calm as he pushed them out of camp. Snowheart was trailing behind, struggling to keep hold of her three kits. To looked to her father with worried eyes, knowing that Goldfeather, her mate, was not here to help. The young tom passed from sickness last moon, leaving Snowheart's kits fatherless. Whitetail rushed to his kit's aid, helping her by scooping up two of the kits' scruffs into his jaws. He could hear their tiny, confused mews escaping their mouths. He nodded to his white furred daughter, and the two cantered after their Clanmates. Whitetail's paws hit the ground hard, two tiny bundles trembling in his jaws. Worrying thoughts troubled his mind about the fire, but he tried to push them aside. They were making good time, for the flames had not yet reach them. Whitetail sadly remembered that the fire would be consuming their camp now, destroying the land they had lived in since birth. The two cats caught up to the rest. Jaystar uttered out orders as they ran, the blue-grey tom telling them how they had to find somewhere to escape. ThunderClan was approaching the Thunderpath that cut off ShadowClan and ThunderClan territories from each other. They could see an awestruck ShadowClan leader on the other side, seeing the grey smoke flowing into the sky like storm clouds. The fire was racing across the territory at a quick rate, and Briarstar, the ShadowClan leader beckoned over the cats with her tail. Jaystar gave her a thankful expression, and the cats rushed over the Thunderpath. There wasn't a single monster in sight. Whitetail suspected they were scared off by the fire like ThunderClan was. The tan tabby she-cat, Briarstar, gave Jaystar a curious glance with amber eyes. \"Where did the fire come from?\" She asked them after they were safely across. The blue-grey leader sighed in response. \"The unclaimed territory next to ours. A tree fell and spread the fire across.\" She nodded slowly. \"Follow me,\" the she-cat glanced towards Snowheart and her kits. \"You have some cats who need to be safe from this fire. They followed Briarstar across the lush, dark green territory. Whitetail looked around, feeling awkward as if he were trespassing. The ominous, tall pine trees released a strong scent, making Whitetail wrinkle his nose. A brown tabby approached Briarstar from an opening in the pine trees, glaring at the ThunderClan cats with surprise. \"The fire hit ThunderClan territory?\" The guard's green eyes widened. Briarstar nodded. \"We're doing them a favor, Clovershade.\" She turned back to the evacuated Clan. \"We welcome you to ShadowClan territory, don't get any ideas. This is done out of generosity.\" They nodded slowly, pushing their ways into ShadowClan camp. It was bustling with warriors. Apprentices were playing by the Fresh-kill pile while warriors chatted. A medicine cat padded out from her den beside a tall pine, her apprentice at her heels. The cats quieted as ThunderClan slowly walked through. Some bristled in alarm, but Briarstar rose her tail, shaking her head softly. The tan tabby made her way towards a large mound of dirt on the other side of camp, pulling herself on top of it. She scanned around the camp with dark amber eyes. \"Cats of ShadowClan,\" she announced slowly, her tail flicking back and forth hesitantly. \"ThunderClan's territory has gone up in flames. We've taken them in so they don't suffer the same fate.\" Murmurs echoed across the Clan. Warriors looked worriedly to each other, thinking ThunderClan would try to take over. \"They are only staying for the night, as the fire should be over by dawn.\" She ended the meeting, hoping off the mound with a graceful leap. The ThunderClan cats settled around, exchanged few words with the ShadowClan warriors. The uneasiness passed between the two rival Clans, and the warriors began more frequent, drawn of conversations with each other. Instead of seeming like a trespassing Clan, the moment felt more like a gathering. Whitetail met up with his mate, a beautiful silver she-cat, Silverleaf. The mates made their way to their daughter and her kits, who were permitted into the nursery with another queen. The ShadowClan queen chatted with Snowheart eagerly, she told Snowheart how to take entertain her kits when they got older. She stopped her conversation when her kits began to bounce around her paws, begging to play with Snowheart's. \"They're much too small.\" The dappled grey queen scolded her two offspring. \"They aren't as old as you, Volekit and Tallkit.\" The two kits moped around, but their ears perked as Whitetail and Silverleaf padded in. \"How are you doing?\" Whitetail crept over to Snowheart, peeking at the kits she was grooming. \"They're fine, Whitetail.\" Snowheart meowed simply. \"A bit disturbed, but completely healthy.\" The other queen watched the two warriors with careful eyes, keeping her two kits close to her. Her face showed an distrusting expression to the two warriors. Whitetail caught the queen's glance, and the white tom turned back to Silverleaf. \"We should get back to the others.\" He could sense the queen's unwelcoming attitude. Silverleaf nodded briefly, giving her daughter a smile. \"Get me if you need anything, Snowheart.\" She meowed. The white queen rolled her eyes. \"They're my kits, Silverleaf.\" She sighed. \"I don't need you treating me like a needy apprentice.\" Silverleaf looked hurt, but she turned around, her and Whitetail exiting the den. As the night passed over, Jaystar readied his Clan to leave. Briarstar padded towards him, blinking the sleep from her eyes. \"Are you sure you don't need to stay until sunhigh?\" She asked the tom. \"There could still be hot embers in your territory.\" The leader pointed out. He shook his head. \"ThunderClan is ready to leave, we cannot stay in ShadowClan for longer than needed.\" His voice held a high authority. Briarstar shrugged, her ears flattening. \"Very well then. I will get two of my warriors escort you out.\" Whitetail saw that Jaystar was about to protest, but he decided not to go against Briarstar's words. Two muscular warriors bounded up, and the Clan followed them out into the pine forest. As they neared the Thunderpath, they could see ash blowing in the wind, causing some warriors to choke. Jaystar gave a nod to his warriors, allowing them to get to the other side. The two ShadowClan warriors said their goodbyes, and began their departure back to ShadowClan camp. Whitetail reluctantly went back into his territory. Trees were charred and some had fallen and crumbled all around. Bushes were bare, their leaves burnt away. Their paws grew black with soot as they ambled to their camp. When they entered their destroyed camp, all hope seemed lost. They inspected the damage, trying to collect all they could to rebuild. Jaystar sighed softly from beside Whitetail, looking to his deputy. Whitetail shook his head, unsure what to do. As the white tom browsed around, he caught site of a tiny sprout from outside the Tall Tree. The tree was black as night on the side, the outer bark crumbling off in large clumps. But the tiny sprout was bright green, standing out against the ash. The tom smiled. All hope was not lost, for fire not only brought destruction, but new life."@en . "N/A"@en . "A Fresh Start is the sixth episode of Cyberpunk. The previous was Bustin' Out, and the next is New Lives."@en . . "Recurring Characters"@en . . . . "I wasn\u2019t takin\u2019 this! Not from them\u2026 Not from him\u2026 I kicked a rock across the ground, looking for somethin\u2019 to take my anger out on, it shouldn\u2019t be like this jus\u2019 a few months ago everything was goin\u2019 real nice, but ever since\u2026 Then I remembered what the gnome had said\u2026 I thought back. Well, as I was sayin\u2019, my uncle, Garin. Ah\u2026 but the necklace\u2026 It was a pretty little thing done up in silver, my uncle had lots of crazy stories, and quite a few of them were about this necklace. I got my nickname \u201CSilver\u201D at least from a few, after I throttled someone with the thing. Related to * Whit Gehax"@en . . "2006-04-12"^^ . . ""@en . . "N/A"@en . "New Characters"@en . . . . . . . . . "Tara"@en . "It's been a week since I left the city, and I manage to keep hydrated from the rain and barely kept myself from starving to death from the wild of the forest. I came across a big town near the end of my journey of a new start but no one would even come near me. Later at night I came across a house, a big house that looked like someone lives there. but by the time I reached the iron gates, I collapsed on the walk way. As I was about to fall a french maiden saw me and got me into the house, where she treated me and took care of me when I was sick. I fell unconscious for three days, I woke up and went downstairs to see where I am."@en . "1"^^ . . . . "It's been a week since I left the city, and I manage to keep hydrated from the rain and barely kept myself from starving to death from the wild of the forest. I came across a big town near the end of my journey of a new start but no one would even come near me. Later at night I came across a house, a big house that looked like someone lives there. but by the time I reached the iron gates, I collapsed on the walk way. As I was about to fall a french maiden saw me and got me into the house, where she treated me and took care of me when I was sick. I fell unconscious for three days, I woke up and went downstairs to see where I am. \"Oh! Your awake!\" \"Yes ma'am, I am.\" \"Good! Breakfast is almost ready.\" \"Please miss, you have done so much, I can just leave and- \" \"No! Please Stay! It is no trouble at all!\" \"Are you sure?\" \"Yes, now come and eat. You have came a long way.\" I felt like I am not welcome here, even though she is insisting. It was as if my mother was still alive and she always cooks breakfast every morning. Well I might as well be thankful to \"The Father\" for this fate. \"So I see your looking for help.\" \"Well something like that. I thought I can just stick around till I can find a place.\" \"I'm sorry miss I didn't catch your name.\" \"Sera, Sera Jason. And yours?\" \"Joey, Joey Redgrave.\" I have to make my human name sooner or later. I have to keep a low profile, even though there are no demons here. I have to change my name, thankfully I know how to do that. \"Mr. Redgrave, you seem like a nice young man. Are you new here?\" \"Yes, I just arrive here.\" \"Ah, so the young man is awake, Ms Jason.\" \"Good morning, Goshuujinsama (Master).\" \"And who might this young man be?\" \"This is Mr. Joey Redgrave.\" \"I saw you collapse on the street last night, so I ordered Ms. Jason here to help you get back to heath.\" \"It is most appreciative sir.\" \"Please son, call me lucas\" \"Thank you for offering and bringing me back to health Lucas.\" \"I just carried you in, it was Ms. Jason who brought you back to health.\" \"Lyaah! goshuujinsama! (Master) your embarrassing me\" \"anyways let's talk businesses, I am going to place you as a teacher's assistant in kuoh academy. And you will get all of the help and training you need there.\" \"Yeah, wait. Your giving me a job?\" \"But of course!\" I was totally confused. He is giving me a job opportunity in a private school and I will have job training there. It was too convenient to happen, to stumble across a rich man's house, who happens to be the Directer of the school. But this is all too much, all in one day I need to find some answers. \"Come Joey, we have to head for the school.\" \"Right now?\" By noon, we arrived to the school and I happen to find that the gender racial is completely different from each other, I don't see as much guys here besides the teachers. I met one of them and even the principle. \"So he will be working for us?\" \"Yes my friend, he is a fine young man.\" The people here accepted my appointment and I got the job, yay! But I still have much to know about the school I am working in as a teacher, It's gonna be rough."@en . . . . . "Kerian Twine"@en . . . "Twine Light Media"@en . . "Kerian Twine"@en . "\u201CA Fresh Start\u201D is the first episode of the Cycle Alwas, and the first of the overall series. It first aired on April 12, 2006."@en . . . . "N/A"@en . . . . . "A Forbidden Reality"@en . . . . . . . . . "A Fresh Start"@en . "Kerian Grey"@en . "None"@en . . . "6"^^ . "I wasn\u2019t takin\u2019 this! Not from them\u2026 Not from him\u2026 I kicked a rock across the ground, looking for somethin\u2019 to take my anger out on, it shouldn\u2019t be like this jus\u2019 a few months ago everything was goin\u2019 real nice, but ever since\u2026 Then I remembered what the gnome had said\u2026 I thought back. A few years ago I came to Stormwind seeking a new life\u2026 and my revenge. I won\u2019t go into details but there were few of us, at least, for the moment. The one sitting next to me was my younger brother, on my other side a guy I knew since I was a kid. All I had was a few copper, the dirty, blood stained clothing I\u2019d been wearin\u2019 for the last few months, a oily shotgun, a half empty bottle of Whisky an\u2019 well\u2026 My uncle\u2019s Necklace\u2026 he said I could have it once he was gone\u2026 I never thought it would be so soon\u2026 My brother was very calm, sitting with a blank expression watching the rain pound down on the water. My old friend was shaking, he was younger than us, it could have been jus\u2019 the cold, but I knew he was scared\u2026 How can the son of one of the most feared bandits of the north be scared of a little adventure, well he never took after his father \u201CMenag Senior the mighty bloodchewer\u201D Or somethin\u2019 like that anyway. He thought we\u2019d be shot on sight\u2026 poor kid, apart from them everyone else looked either excited or sea sick, and I tell ya this wouldn\u2019t be the last time I float around on some second rate raft made out of driftwood and old clothes. I placed my hand on the poor boys shoulder; I\u2019d always been the older, the wiser and the stronger. \u201CC\u2019mon Menag we\u2019re nearly there now\u201D. He just mumbled, I couldn\u2019t hear him under the Storm, the sky was ripping itself apart. Although at the time I never really though about it, I\u2019m shocked how much punishment that raft took. Well, as I was sayin\u2019, my uncle, Garin. He had always been good too me and as far as I know he had no idea he\u2019d be stuck with me for five and a half years. He was great, a bit odd, with his cult stuff and his engineering, but a great man. He was like a second father, in fact considering my real dad was always busy he was really the first person who I could really trust, a guy who taught me so much, who always knew how to get me out of trouble, who would never be able to help me again. Ah\u2026 but the necklace\u2026 It was a pretty little thing done up in silver, my uncle had lots of crazy stories, and quite a few of them were about this necklace. I got my nickname \u201CSilver\u201D at least from a few, after I throttled someone with the thing. Anyway, that gnome\u2026 She was babbling on about the dragon flight, maybe it\u2019s a sign... maybe, I\u2019m not one to believe in fate, my uncle was always a supporter\u2026 Urgh, what harm could it do, sure we can\u2019t trust rich boy Eyel with too much power but hell he can be kept in line, maybe I might even be able to take these guys for a ride, if the turn out to be fake. If I can get the right people in this group and get the right people out or on my side my wouldn\u2019t it be easier to get what I want? Yeah, why even ask, sides at the rate things are goin\u2019 I can\u2019t pass on a chance like this. Only time will tell. I guess I\u2019ll just have to ride it out, that\u2019s what I do. Related to * Whit Gehax"@en . "TBA"@en . "1"^^ . . . . "A Fresh Start"@en . . "A Fresh Start"@en . . . "A Fresh Start"@en . "A Fresh Start is the sixth episode of Cyberpunk. The previous was Bustin' Out, and the next is New Lives."@en . "The closing events of the Civil War"@en . . . . . "Every Man For Himself"@en . . . . . . "With the money taken from the nameless Yankee, and the food assistance of the neighbors, the large family starts to regain some form of tradition."@en . . .