"Farrell is a character appearing in Pok\u00E9mon the Series: XY."@en . "Farrell var en kvinnlig Eurondaner, och verkade vara den n\u00E4st h\u00F6gsta bef\u00E4let fr\u00E5n Alar, folkets ledare."@sv . . "2012"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "2371"^^ . . "Second-in-command"@en . "Kvinna"@sv . . . . . . "Farrell var en kvinnlig Eurondaner, och verkade vara den n\u00E4st h\u00F6gsta bef\u00E4let fr\u00E5n Alar, folkets ledare."@sv . . . . . "None"@en . . . "Farrell is a character in Fable III. He is first seen when Walter and the Hero first enter Bowerstone Industrial. As the two approach a factory, they see a crowd has gathered outside of it. As they investigate, a cut-scene begins in which Farrell makes a speech to a gathered crowd about Reaver's unfair treatment to the workers, calling for them to stand up to the factory owner to gain better working conditions. Reaver then enters the scene and responds by shooting Farrell, at the same time discussing his new \"Reaver Team Spirit Award\" in which he \"rewards\" those who break his rules by shooting them, shooting Farrell again and again to punctuate his point. With Farrell left to die on the ground, the once-angry mob, now visibly frightened, quickly obey Reaver's commands and return to work."@en . . . "Farrell is a criminal from Varrock."@en . "Male"@en . . . "5"^^ . . . "Female"@en . "Alive"@en . . . . "\"The End of Days\""@en . "Eurondans"@en . "Lieutenant Farrell"@en . . . . . . . . . "Farrell"@en . "Deceased"@en . . . "None"@en . "Junior engineer"@en . . . "Fable III"@en . "Unknown"@en . . . . "Farrell"@fr . . "Pok\u00E9mon the Series: XY"@en . . "Farrell used his Dusknoir in his battle against Nico and his Fletchinder. Dusknoir did have the advantage over Fletchinder due to Thunder Punch but Dusknoir was easily knocked out by Fletchinder's Flame Charge."@en . . . "Farrell war ein sehr begabter Autodieb, der Manic zu sich nahm nachdem ihn seine Mutter verlie\u00DF da sie ihn vor Robotnik in Sicherheit bringen wollte. Mehrere Jahre danach als Manic seine Geschwister Sonic und Sonia traf wurde Farrell von Robotnik gefangen und robotisiert. (SSS: #10) Kategorie:Underground Zone Charaktere Kategorie:M\u00E4nnlich"@de . . . . . . "#C8A2C8"@en . . "Farrell"@de . "In 2370, Farrell worked on the deuterium cartridges with Ensign Tyler, shortly before the activation of a new warp core. (TNG: \"Phantasms\" ) Farrell was not seen in the episode, so it is possible that this is an entirely different person from the Farrell in Star Trek Generations. The script of the episode spelt the character's name as \"Farrel.\" [1] Farrell was played by Dendrie Taylor."@en . . . . "Sergeant Farrell was Major Henry West's second-in-command. He was executed for attempting to help Jim, Hannah and Selena escape."@en . . "Active"@en . . . . . . "\u30D5\u30A1\u30EC\u30EB Fareru"@en . . . . . "Farrell is a leader of The Outsiders in The Kings of Clonmell."@en . "Farrel"@sv . "\"Fear of the Red Mist\""@en . . . "ghost"@en . . . . "Farrell is a leader of The Outsiders in The Kings of Clonmell."@en . . "2000"^^ . . "Doctor Farrell"@en . . . . . . "5"^^ . . . . "Trainer"@en . "Sergeant Farrell was Major Henry West's second-in-command. He was executed for attempting to help Jim, Hannah and Selena escape."@en . "Farrell is a character appearing in Pok\u00E9mon the Series: XY."@en . . . "Scientist"@en . "Lieutenant Farrell dient als Ingenieurin an Bord der USS Enterprise-D. Im Jahr 2370 arbeitet sie zusammen mit F\u00E4hnrich Tyler am Warpantrieb als der neue Warpkern installiert wird. (TNG: ) Ein Jahr sp\u00E4ter analysiert sie die Daten eines romulanischen Tricorders, den das Au\u00DFenteam vom Amargosa-Observatorium mitgebracht hat. Kurz nachdem Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge von den Duras Schwestern entf\u00FChrt worden ist, fragt sie, ob sie eine Diagnose der Plasmarelais durchf\u00FChren solle. Jedoch kommt sie nie dazu, da die Enterprise kurz darauf erfolgreich von den Duras Schwestern angegriffen wird, die es durch die Sabotage von Geordis VISOR schaffen, die Schildfrequenz der Enterprise herauszufinden. Dabei wird der Warpkern besch\u00E4digt, den Farrell nun versucht zu reparieren. Sie muss jedoch den Maschine"@de . . . . . "Freefall"@en . "Farrell is a criminal from Varrock."@en . . "Dissection and studying of mutants"@en . "\"The Other Side\""@en . . . . "XY020"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Kalos"@en . "Farrell was a good-natured thief in the Sonic Underground zone who took in Manic the Hedgehog after his mother, Queen Aleena, was dethroned by Dr. Robotnik. Years later, when Manic had discovered his siblings Sonic and Sonia, Farrell was Roboticized by Robotnik along with Lady Windimere and Uncle Chuck. (SSS: #10)"@en . . . . . . "In 2370, Farrell worked on the deuterium cartridges with Ensign Tyler, shortly before the activation of a new warp core. (TNG: \"Phantasms\" ) Farrell was not seen in the episode, so it is possible that this is an entirely different person from the Farrell in Star Trek Generations. The script of the episode spelt the character's name as \"Farrel.\" [1] In 2371, Farrell analyzed the data from a tricorder found on a dead Romulan aboard the Amargosa observatory. After Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge was released from captivity by the Duras sisters, Farrell asked if they could run some diagnostics on the port plasma relays, but the diagnostics were never initiated because the Enterprise was attacked by the Duras, who were monitoring the Enterprise shield frequency through a visual acuity transmitter in La Forge's VISOR. Farrell tried to make repairs to the damaged warp core, but was forced to evacuate main engineering after a coolant leak led to a warp core breach. While leaving the stardrive section, La Forge and Farrell found a group of children who had been separated from their parents and brought them to safety in the saucer section, protecting them during the rough landing on the surface of Veridian III. (Star Trek Generations) Farrell was played by Dendrie Taylor."@en . "Lieutenant Farrell dient als Ingenieurin an Bord der USS Enterprise-D. Im Jahr 2370 arbeitet sie zusammen mit F\u00E4hnrich Tyler am Warpantrieb als der neue Warpkern installiert wird. (TNG: ) Ein Jahr sp\u00E4ter analysiert sie die Daten eines romulanischen Tricorders, den das Au\u00DFenteam vom Amargosa-Observatorium mitgebracht hat. Kurz nachdem Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge von den Duras Schwestern entf\u00FChrt worden ist, fragt sie, ob sie eine Diagnose der Plasmarelais durchf\u00FChren solle. Jedoch kommt sie nie dazu, da die Enterprise kurz darauf erfolgreich von den Duras Schwestern angegriffen wird, die es durch die Sabotage von Geordis VISOR schaffen, die Schildfrequenz der Enterprise herauszufinden. Dabei wird der Warpkern besch\u00E4digt, den Farrell nun versucht zu reparieren. Sie muss jedoch den Maschinenraum evakuieren, da es einen Plasmaausstoss gibt. Schlie\u00DFlich kommt es zu einem Warpkernbruch. Als alle Personen von der Antriebssektion in die Untertassensektion evakuiert werden, hilft sie gemeinsam mit La Forge einigen Familien, sich mit ihren Kindern zu retten. (Star Trek: Treffen der Generationen) Lieutenant Farrell wurde in Star Trek: Treffen der Generationen von Dendrie Taylor gespielt und von Daniela Brabetz-Thuar synchronisiert."@de . "N\u00E4st h\u00F6gsta bef\u00E4lhavare"@sv . . "Dr. Farrell"@en . . . . "Doc Farrell"@en . . "Human"@en . . . . . "Breaking Titles at the Chateau!"@en . "Farrell is a character in Fable III. He is first seen when Walter and the Hero first enter Bowerstone Industrial. As the two approach a factory, they see a crowd has gathered outside of it. As they investigate, a cut-scene begins in which Farrell makes a speech to a gathered crowd about Reaver's unfair treatment to the workers, calling for them to stand up to the factory owner to gain better working conditions. Reaver then enters the scene and responds by shooting Farrell, at the same time discussing his new \"Reaver Team Spirit Award\" in which he \"rewards\" those who break his rules by shooting them, shooting Farrell again and again to punctuate his point. With Farrell left to die on the ground, the once-angry mob, now visibly frightened, quickly obey Reaver's commands and return to work."@en . . "Farrell war ein sehr begabter Autodieb, der Manic zu sich nahm nachdem ihn seine Mutter verlie\u00DF da sie ihn vor Robotnik in Sicherheit bringen wollte. Mehrere Jahre danach als Manic seine Geschwister Sonic und Sonia traf wurde Farrell von Robotnik gefangen und robotisiert. (SSS: #10) Kategorie:Underground Zone Charaktere Kategorie:M\u00E4nnlich"@de . . . . "2000"^^ . "Human"@en . "Gielinor"@en . . "Farrell"@en . "white"@en . "Farrell was a good-natured thief in the Sonic Underground zone who took in Manic the Hedgehog after his mother, Queen Aleena, was dethroned by Dr. Robotnik. Years later, when Manic had discovered his siblings Sonic and Sonia, Farrell was Roboticized by Robotnik along with Lady Windimere and Uncle Chuck. (SSS: #10)"@en . "San Francisco Police"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Melee, Ranged"@en . . . . . . . "Farrell"@sv . . . . . . . .