. "Black Empire"@en . . . . . . "Black Empire"@pl . . . . . . . "Black Imperium"@en . . . "Dominus"@en . . . "The Black Imperium is a militaristic liberation force, often vilified within the Republic, that seeks to bring freedom to the galaxy - a release from the gaping maw of the self-serving beast the Republic has become. What started as a small political movement grew into a full-out war. Unlike the Republic Navy, the Black Navy and Guard officer ranks aren't filled with just the privileged, but sentients from all walks of life and planets, while the majority of the ground combatant forces are strange creatures, known only as clones. Recently, the Black Imperium underwent a power shift with the freak accident that lead to Euphemia's death, calling Draven Gamahon to the leadership mantle."@en . . "Paxo, Tatooine, Yidri"@en . . . . . "The Black Imperium is a militaristic liberation force, often vilified within the Republic, that seeks to bring freedom to the galaxy - a release from the gaping maw of the self-serving beast the Republic has become. What started as a small political movement grew into a full-out war. Unlike the Republic Navy, the Black Navy and Guard officer ranks aren't filled with just the privileged, but sentients from all walks of life and planets, while the majority of the ground combatant forces are strange creatures, known only as clones."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Highkeeper Ra and the other keepers battled the Black Empire for years beyond counting. This empire was specifically formed around the corrupting location where Y'Shaarj was embedded somewhere near the center of ancient Kalimdor. Like most of the dominions of the other Old Gods, the Black Empire was built by aqir laborers directed by ruthless n'raqi taskmasters. As the empire rose, it attracted the attention of the incumbent elemental lords who attacked it ceaselessly, before they too were enslaved."@en . . . . "Highkeeper Ra and the other keepers battled the Black Empire for years beyond counting. This empire was specifically formed around the corrupting location where Y'Shaarj was embedded somewhere near the center of ancient Kalimdor. Like most of the dominions of the other Old Gods, the Black Empire was built by aqir laborers directed by ruthless n'raqi taskmasters. As the empire rose, it attracted the attention of the incumbent elemental lords who attacked it ceaselessly, before they too were enslaved."@en . . .