. . "Three sunrises after the culprit had almost been apprehended, the Clan was sitting in the clearing, relaxing. It was the first time SparkClan had rested in a long time. But of course, it wouldn't last long. Zapheart, who had quickly recovered from drinking the water in the lake, ran into the camp. \"Tunnels...water...die....\" He said, breathing hard. \"Slow down!\" I said to him. After taking a breath, Zapheart explained to us that he'd discovered tunnels running throughout the water systems near our camp, and that while investigating them, he'd seen a blast of lake water rush into the tunnels. He'd then ran quickly back to the camp. \"Well, we have to destroy the tunnels!\" A queen said. \"And fast.\" Ivystar agreed."@en . . "Spreading Slowly to Infect Us"@en . . . . "Three sunrises after the culprit had almost been apprehended, the Clan was sitting in the clearing, relaxing. It was the first time SparkClan had rested in a long time. But of course, it wouldn't last long. Zapheart, who had quickly recovered from drinking the water in the lake, ran into the camp. \"Tunnels...water...die....\" He said, breathing hard. \"Slow down!\" I said to him. \"Well, we have to destroy the tunnels!\" A queen said. \"And fast.\" Ivystar agreed."@en . . .