"Iluzija es un archivo que aparece en la galer\u00EDa de Resident Evil 6."@es . "Informar"@es . "280"^^ . "Iluzija (Archivo)"@es . "La galer\u00EDa de Resident Evil 6"@es . . . "The Iluzija is a creature that results from a high-level mutation brought on by exposure to the C- Virus. Iluzija is derived from the Serbian word for \"phantom.\"\n\nThis creature closely resembles a monstrously large snake, one that can camouflage its body to blend into its surroundings. When the creature spots its prey, it starts to behave erratically.\n\nWhen it is in a weakened state, its ability to camouflage itself is greatly reduced. To compensate for the loss of this defensive mechanism, parts of its skin will become extremely hard, making it difficult to harm with conventional weapons.\n\nBelow is a memo left behind by a researcher involved with the Iluzija for Neo-Umbrella.\n\n----\n\nWe call this mutation \"Iluzija.\" It was a very surprising find.\n\nIts camouflage ability is so effective that it becomes practically invisible. This of course gives it a very good advantage over its prey. The scales not only hide the snake-like creature, but they also are extremely hard and make for good armor. But on the inside, this creature is just like any other animal.\n\nIts only vulnerable spot is its mouth, which becomes visible once opened for attack. But the victim would only have a moment to exploit it before they were eaten alive."@es . . . "Iluzija es un archivo que aparece en la galer\u00EDa de Resident Evil 6."@es . "Espa\u00F1ol=\nIluzija es el resultado de una mutaci\u00F3n at\u00EDpica causada por la exposici\u00F3n al virus C. \"Iluzija\" deriva del termino servio que significa \"fantasma\".\n\nEsta criatura parece una serpiente monstruosamente gigante y es capaz de camuflar su cuerpo mimetiz\u00E1ndose con los alrededores. Cuando localiza a su presa, empieza a excitarse, pero cuando esta debilitado su habilidad para camuflarse se ve menguada. Para compensar la p\u00E9rdida de su mecanismo de defensa, algunas partes de su piel extremadamente duras, con lo que es m\u00E1s complicado hacerle da\u00F1o con armas convencionales."@es . . "\u30A4\u30EB\u30B8\u30E4?"@es . "Iluzija"@es .