. . . "Ellos ser\u00E1n Mi martillo, la espada en Mi mano, el guantelete en Mi pu\u00F1o, la perdici\u00F3n de Mis enemigos y el terror del traidor. Cuando nadie se atreva a pelear a su lado, luchar\u00E1n. Solo los m\u00E1s grandes entrar\u00E1n en sus filas, pues les confiar\u00E9 la senescal\u00EDa y vigilancia de las Puertas del Infierno"@es . "La Ordo Malleus (lit.: Orden del Martillo en Alto G\u00F3tico) es una de las tres Ordos principales de la Inquisici\u00F3n. Sobre ella recae la responsabilidad de investigar y destruir a las manifestaciones f\u00EDsicas del Caos, los Demonios y otras criaturas de la Disformidad, que aparecen de cuando en cuando en el Imperio."@es . . . "The Ordo Malleus is a Catholic Church organization. It first appears in The Warrior."@en . . . "Ordo Malleus"@es . . "An Ordo Malleus Inquisitor is sanctioned to call on the aid of any organisation of the Imperium. The greatest threat to humanity in the galaxy, that of a daemonic invasion of a planet, can only be dealt with by the Grey Knights, the Ordo Malleus' own Chamber Militant. The Ordo Malleus - besides being the Daemonhunters of the Imperium - is the secretive inner order of the Inquisition. It is controlled by a council of 169 Inquisitor Lords called Masters, whose authority extends even to the Master of the Inquisition. The Ordo's organisation is divided into Chambers, each controlled by an Inquisitor Lord called a Proctor. The number of Inquisitors in each Chamber can vary from a few score to hundreds. Being a division of the Inquisition, the Ordo Malleus consists of exceptional individuals who are involved in a covert war for Mankind's continued survival for the last ten thousand standard years. As every Inquisitor has sworn oaths to defend the Imperium from its worst enemies, the members of the Ordo Malleus are concerned with eliminating the physical manifestation of Chaos itself. They have pledged their existence to the discovery and elimination of the daemonic threat to humanity, no matter where it is found. The Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus have at their disposal every resource of the Imperium of Man and will not hesitate to requisition local troops at a moment's notice. The Ordo Malleus goes to great lengths to hide the existence of Chaos and its servants from the greater masses of Mankind as they fear such knowledge might only increase the number of individuals who fall prey to the corruption of the Dark Gods. As such, on those rare occasions when the Ordo Malleus is mentioned by name, it is referred to as the watchdog of the Inquisition itself, though its actual purpose as the Imperium's elite Daemonhunters is known only to those within its employ as Acolytes and Throne Agents. Within the Inquisition, the Ordo Malleus forms a secret order that is tasked with the very specific role of serving as the Imperium's primary Daemonhunters. As such, it is their duty to root out all sources of daemonic activity and to combat such forces in whatever form they take. This means that only the most mentally stalwart and physically able of Inquisitors are tasked to this duty. Their missions can see them engage their foes either in hand-to-hand fighting or battle them in the realm of mental energy which requires special abilities and powers. This means that the Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus are usually psykers and those who lack such abilities must possess tremendous mental resolve. As they are a highly secretive group, the identities of Ordo Malleus Inquisitors are kept secret. When members of the Ordo must appear in public in the course of their investigations, they are allowed to adopt the uniforms of various other Imperial Adepta that hide their features and allows them to keep their true identities a secret. Only the Emperor and the cyber-libraries of the Ordo Malleus possess a truly accurate recounting of the events of the Horus Heresy. Among the targets of the Ordo Malleus are the Chaos Space Marines of the Traitor Legions, covens consisting of Chaos worshippers and Renegade psykers and the Sensei who are seen as a threat to the Imperium. It is known that certain Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus have been allowed entry into the Eldar's Black Library and have gained more knowledge of the Archenemy than almost any other human save for the Emperor Himself. The power and authority of the Ordo Malleus extends beyond the nominal boundaries of the Inquisition, a jurisdictional extension known as the Malleus Remit. In events of grave emergency concerning potential daemonic threats, a Malleus Inquisitor may demand the services and resources of any Imperial servant or organisation, a request which may not be refused on pain of death. Even the High Lords of Terra and the Adeptus Astartes are beholden to follow the Malleus Remit without hesitation when it is invoked, a responsibility laid down at the end of the Horus Heresy by the Emperor's decree. Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus are also permanently seconded to the Cadian military due to that worlds proximity to the Eye of Terror making its inhabitants susceptible to the influence of Chaos. In normal circumstances, the Ordo Malleus focuses its investigations toward two primary threats: \n* The Daemon Without: The most obvious threat is that of daemons who have physically manifested in the material universe and those mortals dedicated to the service of Chaos in all its forms. \n* The Daemon Within:The less obvious threat is an internal one, including Radical Inquisitors who have been declared Extremis Diabolus for heretical actions in which they adopted the use of the tactics and artefacts of Chaos to fight the servants of the Archenemy."@en . . . "Ordo Malleus"@en . . . . . "Ordo Malleus • Ordo Hereticus • Ordo Xenos"@en . . "La Ordo Malleus (lit.: Orden del Martillo en Alto G\u00F3tico) es una de las tres Ordos principales de la Inquisici\u00F3n. Sobre ella recae la responsabilidad de investigar y destruir a las manifestaciones f\u00EDsicas del Caos, los Demonios y otras criaturas de la Disformidad, que aparecen de cuando en cuando en el Imperio. Los miembros de la Ordo Malleus, conocidos coloquialmente como Cazadores de Demonios, son individuos de extraordinaria fuerza de voluntad, capaces de enfrentarse cara a cara con los agentes del Caos sin retroceder. La Ordo Malleus no ser\u00EDa lo que es de no ser por estos extraordinarios individuos, que han mantenido una guerra constante desde hace diez mil a\u00F1os contra las fuerzas del mal que amenazan a la Humanidad. Cada uno de los Inquisidores que sirve a esta Ordo ha jurado defender al Imperio con su vida, dedic\u00E1ndose por completo a desenmascarar y destruir lo demon\u00EDaco all\u00ED donde se encuentre. Al tener a toda la Humanidad a su disposici\u00F3n, un Inquisidor no sentir\u00E1 ning\u00FAn remordimiento por reclutar tropas o civiles cuando lo crea oportuno, llegando incluso a poder solicitar, que no exigir, la ayuda de los mism\u00EDsimos Marines Espaciales del Adeptus Astartes. Debido a la naturaleza altamente confidencial de su misi\u00F3n y a la gran fuerza mental necesaria para enfrentarse con \u00E9xito a las fuerzas del Caos, la Ordo Malleus es, de lejos, la m\u00E1s peque\u00F1a de las \u00D3rdenes de la Inquisici\u00F3n. No obstante, el poder de los Inquisidores de la Ordo se ve reforzado por la C\u00E1mara Militante de la misma, los Caballeros Grises."@es . . "An Ordo Malleus Inquisitor is sanctioned to call on the aid of any organisation of the Imperium. The greatest threat to humanity in the galaxy, that of a daemonic invasion of a planet, can only be dealt with by the Grey Knights, the Ordo Malleus' own Chamber Militant. The Ordo Malleus - besides being the Daemonhunters of the Imperium - is the secretive inner order of the Inquisition. It is controlled by a council of 169 Inquisitor Lords called Masters, whose authority extends even to the Master of the Inquisition. The Ordo's organisation is divided into Chambers, each controlled by an Inquisitor Lord called a Proctor. The number of Inquisitors in each Chamber can vary from a few score to hundreds."@en . . . . "Galbus Heer, Lecturas al Ordo Malleus"@es . . . . . "Debes enfrentarte a la verdad de frente y sin apartarte de tu deber. Nuestros enemigos han dejado de ser mortales. Compadecerse de ellos resultar\u00EDa quim\u00E9rico, el autoenga\u00F1o es su \u00FAnico aliado. Dedica esta arma, que te ha sido otorgada por el Emperador, a su destrucci\u00F3n. Utilizarla es tu \u00FAnico cometido: vives tan solo para administrar el fuego purificador. Toma tu cetro y tu arma, tu armadura y tu ca\u00F1\u00F3n ps\u00EDquico y ve."@es . . . "Emperador de la Humanidad"@es . . "The Ordo Malleus is a Catholic Church organization. It first appears in The Warrior."@en . . . . .