. "Los langehesi era una especie humanoide de piel roja nativa del planeta Langhesa. Como los qella y los yuuzhan vong, los langhesi pod\u00EDan modelar seres vivos en nuevas formas. su idioma era el langhesan. En el 129 ABY su mundo natal fue conquistado y su especie esclavizada por los tsinimals, que vieron su tecnolog\u00EDa como una afrenta a sus dioses. Los langhesi entonces migraron por toda la galaxia, y se especialziaron en crar mascotas \u00FAnicas para los ricos de la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica."@es . "Los langehesi era una especie humanoide de piel roja nativa del planeta Langhesa. Como los qella y los yuuzhan vong, los langhesi pod\u00EDan modelar seres vivos en nuevas formas. su idioma era el langhesan. En el 129 ABY su mundo natal fue conquistado y su especie esclavizada por los tsinimals, que vieron su tecnolog\u00EDa como una afrenta a sus dioses. Los langhesi entonces migraron por toda la galaxia, y se especialziaron en crar mascotas \u00FAnicas para los ricos de la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica. En el 89 ABY algunos langhesi migraron al planeta viviente Zonama Sekot. Ellos fueron los que modelaron la tecnolog\u00EDa sekotana y construyeron el masivo hiperimpulsor en Zonama Sekot."@es . . . . . "The Langhesi were a race of red-skinned humanoids indigenous to the planet Langhesa, presumably in the Langhesa system. Like the Qella and the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong, the Langhesans could mold and shape life into new forms. They spoke Langhesan. In 129 BBY, their homeworld was conquered and the species was enslaved by the Tsinimals who saw their technology as a sin against their gods. Because of this, the Langhesans engaged in a mass migration across the galaxy. They specialized in producing unique pets for the rich of the Galactic Republic."@en . . . "The Langhesi were a race of red-skinned humanoids indigenous to the planet Langhesa, presumably in the Langhesa system. Like the Qella and the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong, the Langhesans could mold and shape life into new forms. They spoke Langhesan. In 129 BBY, their homeworld was conquered and the species was enslaved by the Tsinimals who saw their technology as a sin against their gods. Because of this, the Langhesans engaged in a mass migration across the galaxy. They specialized in producing unique pets for the rich of the Galactic Republic. In 89 BBY, some Langhesans migrated to the living world of Zonama Sekot. These were responsible for shaping Sekotan technology and building the massive hyperdrive on Zonama Sekot."@en . . "The Langhesi were a race of red-skinned humanoids indigenous to the planet Langhesa, presumably in the Langhesa system. Like the Qella and the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong, the Langhesi could mold and shape life into new forms. They spoke Langhesan. In 129 BBY, their homeworld was conquered and the species was enslaved by the Tsinimals who saw their technology as a sin against their gods. Because of this, the Langhesi engaged in a mass migration across the galaxy. They specialized in producing unique pets for the rich of the Galactic Republic."@en . "Langhesi"@es . "The Langhesi were a race of red-skinned humanoids indigenous to the planet Langhesa, presumably in the Langhesa system. Like the Qella and the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong, the Langhesi could mold and shape life into new forms. They spoke Langhesan. In 129 BBY, their homeworld was conquered and the species was enslaved by the Tsinimals who saw their technology as a sin against their gods. Because of this, the Langhesi engaged in a mass migration across the galaxy. They specialized in producing unique pets for the rich of the Galactic Republic. In 89 BBY, some Langhesi migrated to the living world of Zonama Sekot. These were responsible for shaping Sekotan technology and building the massive hyperdrive on Zonama Sekot. The Langhesi composed approximately 3% of the population of the planet."@en . . "Langhesi"@es . "Langhesi"@en . "Langhesi"@en . "\u041B\u0430\u043D\u0433\u0435\u0437\u0438"@en . . . "Langhesi"@es . "Langhesi"@en . . . .