"In Germany, the One Piece manga is published by Carlsen Manga and the Anime TV series premiered in 2003 on RTL II. The Anime has also aired on Tele 5 since 2008, on Animax Germany since 2009 and on the MTV-owned TV station VIVA (as of November 2011). The show is currently airing on Prosieben Maxx (as of September 2013). Because Germany is the only country in Central Europe to air One Piece, many Czech and Slovakian fans know characters by their German names."@en . . . . "One Piece in Germany"@en . "In Germany, the One Piece manga is published by Carlsen Manga and the Anime TV series premiered in 2003 on RTL II. The Anime has also aired on Tele 5 since 2008, on Animax Germany since 2009 and on the MTV-owned TV station VIVA (as of November 2011). The show is currently airing on Prosieben Maxx (as of September 2013). OVAs as well as most of the TV series' specials up to the first Boss Luffy specials have been left unnoticed for neither broadcasting nor publishing on DVD. There were early plans for DVD releases of the TV show by polyband, but the plans were dropped while the first DVD was being announced only. From February 2011 onwards, the German Anime DVD Publisher Kaz\u00E9 Germany has announced to release all ten One Piece movies. In January 2012, Kaz\u00E9 announced that they had acquired the license to release the first 195 episodes on DVD. 456 episodes have been aired on German Television as of December 2014. Because Germany is the only country in Central Europe to air One Piece, many Czech and Slovakian fans know characters by their German names."@en .