"Ardeth/3"@en . "The air was still wet, and no light were yet to be seen, for the sun had not yet risen. But outside the room was busy with noises of people hustling about. Inside the room, nothing much could be seen except for two other beds with two boys: Jama and Jorma. Ardeth got up, he judged that it was nearing dawn, and soon lady Jor would call for them. He walked over to the side of his bed and picked up his sword that he had gotten from the boat. That incident was three years ago, but he remembered every detail of it. \u2018Jama, Rhogan, Jorma!\u2019 Lady Jor cried out from outside the room. \u2018Get up!\u2019 Almost like a reaction, Jorma got up, as if he heard his mother, even though he was in a deep sleep. Jama got up a while later. \u2018Is it time?\u2019 He asked. \u2018I suppose.\u2019 Answered Ardeth. Most of the people of Ar\u00E1k were leaving to go to another village, Shir\u00ECsh, a village south and west to where Ar\u00E1k lie. It was the annual after harvest gathering, where merchants of the Free Villages, which include Ar\u00E1k, Shir\u00ECsh and Caarb, come together to trade. People also come from all the cities of the Guijan Kingdom and some strangers from places unheard of, to trade. The merchants of Ar\u00E1k had already left a few days ago, and now the peoples desirous of taking part in the market from Ar\u00E1k were getting ready to leave. The three children went out of the room and ate the little food lady Jor had prepared. Then they went outside of the house. Here, people were already crowding the streets. The boys took the road that went to the creek that ran through Ar\u00E1k. Here they met Han, a young boy, much like Jama, but a year older. He was already swimming in the creek (for that was how the boys of Ar\u00E1k preferred to bathe). There were also F\u00ACowler and his younger brother Flak. \u2018Hi there, Jama.\u2019 Han greeted them. \u2018And Rhogan.\u2019 The boys greeted each other. \u2018All ready to go?\u2019 Fowler asked them. \u2018You would be.\u2019 Answered Han. \u2018There would be no limit of things to eat.\u2019 He teased for Fowler was a stout boy, and slow. \u2018I sure am.\u2019 Answered Ardeth for he had never been out of Ar\u00E1k for the years he had been there. \u2018You would be too, Rhogan.\u2019 Han spoke. \u2018Prince, huh!\u2019 Han had despised Ardeth, for before he came, he was the bully and leader amongst the young boys, but Ardeth grew taller than him, and was more skilled in fighting, and Han feared him, though he never let anyone know. The boys had finished bathing and went and home. They got dressed and packed other pieces of there clothing, for the market was for an entire week. Ardeth took up his sword, for though he knew he would not need it, it seemed a good thing to take with you on a journey. He also wore his medallion wrought of gold for he knew that it was worth more than anything that would be for sale in the market, and he was proud of that. The boys again went outside, but now, there were fewer stairs and there was a red color to the east in the sky. Jor was waiting outside for them. \u2018Hurry, the dawn has begun.\u2019 He led them through streets, in the same direction a lot of other persons were walking. The boys knew exactly where he was taking them, to the boats. The creek they bathed in ran into a river that led out to the sea and came from farther south. It was not a wide river, and it was not deep. The boys could swim in it if they wish, but it was mainly used for transporting between the three villages. At the edge of the river were many boats, made of wood, and only small enough to carry three persons. But there were many of these, enough to carry a small army into battle. Jorma climbed into the one with his mother, into this boat also went Jor. Jama and Ardeth went into another boat. The boats soon filled up, and the sky became lighter. Ardeth then notice that ahead, the chief was boarding a boat, with him were his wife and Kari. Kari, seeing Ardeth, ran towards their boat and entered it. \u2018Good morning the both of you.\u2019 She greeted them. \u2018Could I come with you?\u2019 \u2018Morning miss Kari.\u2019 Answered Jama, now feeling a little crowded, for he liked that the boat he rode in was empty, except for Ardeth, and thus comfortable. \u2018Why\u2026?\u2019 \u2018Sure you can.\u2019 Answered Ardeth. \u2018It was only two of us anyway.\u2019 And so the boats set out. They rode slowly and together. Often the boats were so close that people shared a late breakfast, amongst boats, for those who had not eaten, and many older folks were engaged in conversations. The sun rose, but that did not affect the people, for often the river was totally shaded by trees that stretched their branches until they interlock overhead like a huge never-ending roof. Not long after the river branched into two directions, one to the southeast and the other southwest. Here, more boats were met from the people coming out of the southeastern branch of the river and joined them. These people were as Jama said, of the Caarb village, and they had traveled since dinner the previous day to reach them. Here the company of boats halted for a while until all was greeted and friendly hellos were said and news exchanged. Then off gain the boats went down the southwestern branch. This river, Jama explained, was the Shir\u00ECsh River, named after the Shir\u00ECsh people. Then suddenly, as if separated clearly by some great being, the kind of trees that had surrounded them all ended, and a new kind began. Tall and eerie, and slender they were, and were brown and almost bare of leaves thus provided no shade. Luckily, the sun was not at noonday\u2019s strength yet. \u2018Why are these trees so different?\u2019 Ardeth asked. \u2018They are frightening to look upon.\u2019 \u2018They are called the Tarsbis trees. And they are so because it was how they were grown.\u2019 Answered Kari. \u2018A well tended garden will have flowers growing undisturbed, and its flowers be large and bright. But here the ground is no more.\u2019 And as she said this Ardeth saw that the bottoms of these trees were below a swamp, an extension of the river they now rode, but full of weed and undergrowth. \u2018It was this way since the people of my village came, and will be till the end.\u2019 Kari finished. At lunch, the boats stopped. They huddled together in close formation, and the people shared amongst themselves whatever food they had. Every one was talking, and it made the Tarsbis trees seem pleasant. \u2018So will you row this afternoon?\u2019 Jama asked Ardeth. \u2018My arms are tired already.\u2019 \u2018Ok.\u2019 He answered. \u2018The stranger?\u2019 Asked Han, who was in a boat besides them. \u2018He know nothing of boats, and would soon sink all of you.\u2019 \u2018Are you forgetting?\u2019 Asked Jama. \u2018That he came from the great Rhorim? In a vessel wrought of metal?\u2019 Han became quiet again. \u2018Why does he pick on you so, Rhogan?\u2019 Asked Kari. \u2018You are much bigger, though not older, and could beat him in a fight of words or fists.\u2019 \u2018And that is exactly why he fights.\u2019 Ardeth spoke. \u2018For even though I could beat him, I would not try, and he takes advantage of it.\u2019 After lunch, the boats journeyed off again. Ardeth found that he was very skilled in steering the boats. He sometimes steered through the great hosts of boats to the front, then slowed, and goes to the rear, without letting the boat ever touching any other (and this required great skill for the river was not wide and there were many boats close together). One of the times he was in front, he noticed that the Tarsbis trees ended, and rode even farther ahead of the group, for he disliked the trees. The new trees were green, and the grounds beneath which their roots grow were sturdy and green. \u2018Thus ends the Tarsbis forest.\u2019 Said Kari. \u2018These trees are from the border of the Lindor forests to the east.\u2019 And as she said this, Ardeth noticed that the trees were thicker on the left, to the east. On the right were scattered trees with far stretching grasslands. Eventually, the water of the river also changed from its muddy brown to a clear flowing stream. The other boats had not caught up to them yet when they saw that there was a clearing in the forest to the east. There was a broken road here, long forgotten by those who made it, and seldom used. For the people now usually prefer boats than horses. Where the road ended by the side of the river were the remnants of an old bridge, broken and unusable. \u2018And what is that road called?\u2019 Ardeth asked, pointing to the road in the east and its continuation in the west. \u2018We do not know.\u2019 Answered Kari. \u2018None now ever uses it.\u2019 \u2018Nay, not none.\u2019 Jama spoke, and pointed eastward. Far up the road, a stranger could clearly be seen riding towards the river upon a horseback. He was heavily clad and was riding with great speed. \u2018Well he\u2019s an idiot.\u2019 Jama spoke again. \u2018How does he plan on crossing the river?\u2019 \u2018Who is he?\u2019 Ardeth asked. \u2018I don\u2019t know. He is not of the Caarb village, that\u2019s for sure. He might be a rider of the kingdom of Guijan, they dress like that in times of war.\u2019 It was late afternoon when the group caught up with them, for Jama, Ardeth and Kari had begun eating a snack and the boat was drifting by itself. \u2018Fastest rower I\u2019ve seen in a while, Rhogan.\u2019 Greeted Carur, the rower of the front boat of the hosts. \u2018Messages will always fall unto hearing ear, and in time, if you carry it.\u2019 \u2018Thank you, Sir Carur.\u2019 Ardeth answered. It was just beginning to get dark, and the first stair had appeared when the boats reached Shir\u00ECsh. There were many people by the edge of the river ready to greet the guests as they arrived. The Chiefs of Ar\u00E1k and Caarb and their wives got out first, and hey were escorted to their quarters. When it was their turn, Ardeth Jama and Kari got out of the boat, and took along with them their baggage. Lady Jor was waiting on the bank with Jorma, and a young boy, who Ardeth did not know, was standing besides her. \u2018Your tents will be on the south side of the square. Meoc here will direct you. Change and be ready for the opening feast.\u2019 Lady Jor spoke, and then went off southwards. \u2018Hi.\u2019 The little boy called Meoc said. \u2018Follow me.\u2019 The five, Ardeth, Jama, Kari, Jorma and Meoc, went southwards. Meoc led them through a narrow street that was full of people busying about with baggage and other things from the boats. The street ended in a large open field. In the field were set up many tents and lamps, and in the middle of this were large tables with many chairs. Many people were about setting things down, and moving things. \u2018The market square.\u2019 Proclaimed Meoc. \u2018But for tonight, the opening feast. I bet you\u2019re excited.\u2019 \u2018At seeing the many weapons displayed tomorrow for sale, yes.\u2019 Answered Jama. \u2018Seeing the many fine clothing and jewelry.\u2019 Answered Kari. \u2018Excited in being at the feast.\u2019 Said Jorma. \u2018And what about you, Rhogan.\u2019 Asked Meoc. \u2018How did you know my name?\u2019 Asked Ardeth. \u2018News travel faster than you can imagine.\u2019 He replied. \u2018You were found three years ago on the shore?\u2019 \u2018Yes I was.\u2019 \u2018Many tales were heard of you, that you carry a sword beyond the making of the Guijan, and a medallion like those worn by our Chiefs.\u2019 \u2018Really?\u2019 \u2018Is it true that you are better with the sword than any in our villages? Can I see your sword? Can I see your medallion? Please?\u2019 Meoc begged. Ardeth looked around people were still busying with what they were doing, and these groups of children were like many others across the square. Ardeth reached to his side and unsheathed his sword. It glimmered faintly in the moonlight. The sound the sword made caused a few heads to turn, and Ardeth quickly sheathed it. They children now passed among the tables, which were all laden with fine cloth. \u2018Your seats will be with you families.\u2019 Meoc instructed. Farther south they walked until al last they came to a few hastily built houses. Away to their right, the village of Shir\u00ECsh stood, much like Ar\u00E1k. Beyond the village stood, high above the hoses and trees, the remnants of a tower, unused. Little of it was seen in the night. Meoc led them to one of the hastily built houses. \u2018You will be housed here for the remainder of the market.\u2019 He said to them then led them inside. The house, or tent, was more comfortable than it seemed. It could easily house a small family, and thus four children were no problem. Meoc left them and went away. \u2018Assemble when you hear the horn.\u2019 He said before he left. The four changed into their fine clothes and sat, talking noisily. They had had a light dinner, and already their stomachs growled. \u2018You rowed far ahead, Rhogan, the people were worried, especially our Chief.\u2019 Spoke Jorma. \u2018Only to get out of those eerie trees.\u2019 Said Ardeth. Then he remembered the horseman, the group of boats would have seen him closer, for by then, he would\u2019ve reached the river. \u2018Did the people know who the horseman was?\u2019 Asked Ardeth. \u2018What horseman?\u2019 Question Jorma. \u2018We saw no horseman.\u2019 The other three looked at each other. \u2018There is no other road.\u2019 Said Jama. \u2018At least none that I know of.\u2019 \u2018Nothing to worry about.\u2019 Ardeth spoke after a while. \u2018I\u2019m sure, as you had said, that he was a horseman from the Guijan kingdom, he is probably here tonight.\u2019 But Ardeth wished that he did not have to see that rider again, for there was an air or power and menace about him. \u2018So, Rhogan.\u2019 Spoke Kari, after a while. \u2018This is your first market, it is not?\u2019 \u2018Yes.\u2019 Answered Ardeth. \u2018You will love the things you see.\u2019 Chimed in Jama. \u2018The weapons of Caarb are plenty and cheap, and we could buy some.\u2019 \u2018If dad allows.\u2019 Broke in Jorma. \u2018But you\u2019ll love those of Guijan. The weapon makers there are skilled.\u2019 Continued Jama, and then looked at Ardeth\u2019s sword besides him. \u2018Though what that Meoc said was right. None of the Guijan swords can compare to yours. You should carry it around, to show off a bit\u2019 \u2018And let someone steal it?\u2019 questioned Kari. \u2018There are thieves here?\u2019 Question Ardeth. \u2018Of course. Thousands of people gathered from unknown places, there are sure to be a few thieves and murderers about.\u2019 \u2018All the more reason to walk with my sword.\u2019 Answered Ardeth. \u2018What?\u2019 Questioned Kari. \u2018So that I can protect you from these thieves and murderers.\u2019 Answered Ardeth, Kari blushed. \u2018The food is great. More than you\u2019ve ever eaten.\u2019 Jorma said, breaking the awkward silence. \u2018When will they sound that horn?\u2019 \u2018Jorma, you will get fat when you\u2019re older.\u2019 Said Kari. \u2018How?\u2019 Question Jama. \u2018Can\u2019t you see his size? He\u2019ll grow up to be a stick. What say you Rhogan?\u2019 But Ardeth was silent. He was thinking about the tower he had seen earlier. Tall it was, and dark. Yet fair it seemed, and it was calling to Ardeth, and he wanted to go. \u2018Where is that tower?\u2019 He asked. \u2018The ruins?\u2019 Asked Jama. \u2018Half-a-days walk on foot. We could get there and back after exploring everything, before dinner, if we leave early enough.\u2019 \u2018And we\u2019re allowed to leave?\u2019 Ardeth asked. \u2018No one\u2019s stopping us.\u2019 Jama said. \u2018I went there before, nothing much to see, except ancient texts and tall stairs to nowhere.\u2019 \u2018If you\u2019re going, I have to come too.\u2019 Said Kari. \u2018I\u2019ve always loved adventures.\u2019 \u2018No you haven\u2019t.\u2019 Said Jama. \u2018Well, you\u2019ll need the grace of a lady in such a dark place.\u2019 \u2018I have to come too.\u2019 Spoke Jorma. \u2018Because, Jama, you know if I don\u2019t, father will find out. None of us knew you went before, you know.\u2019 \u2018Very well.\u2019 Grunted Jama. \u2018It settled then, when could we go?\u2019 Asked Ardeth. \u2018Anytime during the week.\u2019 Answered Jama. \u2018I\u2019ll get some of the boys I went with the last time. They\u2019re from Shir\u00ECsh, at least most of them are. They know the way well. We\u2019ll decide the day tomorrow.\u2019 Ardeth became excited, though he didn\u2019t know why. He loved the tower as he set eyes on it. Not long after, the horn sound out. It echoed far into the woods and throughout the village. The four went outside, they wondered where they might find their families amid all the people gathering to the square, when, against the current of people came running Meoc. \u2018Follow me.\u2019 He said, almost out of breath. \u2018I will direct you.\u2019 Then he turned to Kari. \u2018I did not know you were the daughter of the Chief of Ar\u00E1k. I was told where you were to sit, then I realized. A wonderful group of guest I have to attend. Both Rhogan the boy from the sea, and Kari, daughter of the Chief of Ar\u00E1k are in it.\u2019 \u2018Nothing special, I assure you.\u2019 Answered Ardeth. \u2018What a horn! It was loud, surely anyone far away could have heard it, and that was not needed.\u2019 \u2018The horn was not made for gatherings of feasts.\u2019 Answered Meoc. \u2018It is one of the three great horns of the Free villages. Ar\u00E1k have one. Have you never heard it?\u2019 \u2018No.\u2019 \u2018That horn is in the great hall.\u2019 Spoke Kari. \u2018It was used in times of old when war fell upon us. The people of Guijan gave them to us to aid them. Ar\u00E1k would sound the horn if the enemy came from the sea, and Shir\u00ECsh, if they came on land. The Caarb will relay the message to Luijan, the guard fortress. And they then relay it to the main city of the Guijan. But war had not happen for a generation, and there is much hope for peace.\u2019 Ardeth was wondering whom the kingdom of Guijan wars with, and hoped that it was not his Kingdom of Atlantia. I am a prince of that Kingdom, he thought. The people of Guijan could kidnap me for ransom from my kingdom. Rumors that I am a prince no doubt reached those parts. I hope that was not the purpose of the rider we saw. I have to be most careful. Just then, he saw Lady Jor, already seated. Jama, Jorma and himself took up their seats while Kari was taken to the head of the same table. After that, Meoc went away, again, on another business. Ardeth then realized the arrangement of the tables. Three large tables were in the center of the square. The one he sat in was to the west, and had the Chief and councilors of Ar\u00E1k and their families. The other tables to the west, behind Ardeth, sat the other people of Ar\u00E1k. The center table had the Headmen of Shir\u00ECsh, while the center table to the east had the Chief and councilors of Caarb. The people of Caarb, who Ardeth recognized because they had come together along the river, were seated farther east, beyond the Caarb head table. To the south of the head tables were empty tables, Ardeth guessed that they were for the people of Shir\u00ECsh, when they were ready. To the north was constructed a small stage area, from a wooden platform built a little higher off the ground. The stairs were all visible, and not a cloud was in the night sky. The moon, though not yet full, cast a bright light over the square, and the lamps the villagers had set up added to its brilliance. After most of the persons were seated (some now took up the southern tables) the Chief of Shir\u00ECsh came with his family (a son and a daughter) and sat at the head of the middle table. One of the men got up from that table, went to the stage, and blew the horn he carried. Again the horn echoed throughout the region. \u2018Welcome!\u2019 The man announced. \u2018To the village of Shir\u00ECsh, and the marketplace of the Three Free Villages.\u2019 The people cheered, for they pride themselves in being free, their own rulers, with no king. \u2018Before we begin feasting\u2026\u2019 The announcer began again; there were murmurs from the crowd. \u2018\u2026words from the Chiefs of our villages.\u2019 He got down and went back to his seat at the middle table. Chief Kadgan of the Caarb village first went up. He was similarly built like Chief Hebalb, indeed, most of the peoples of the three villages were. \u2018Once again we have gathered to celebrate what we have earned. I have nothing to say except that this long period of absence of wars has enabled Caarb to advance and focus on other more important things.\u2019 He stepped down and there were cheers and applause, especially from the people of Caarb. Chief Hebalb stood up next. \u2018Peace, a word we have longed for, and now we have it. May it be that long it remains with us.\u2019 There were more cheers, and the Chief was about to step down when a figure from the southern table stood up. He was the same rider that the three had seen riding up the road. He was still clad in his heavy traveling clothes, and was well armed, having a sword by his side, with a bow across his back. But the stranger was old, with a long gray beard, and a walking staff by his side. \u2018Great Chief of the Arakaynians, where is this boy that you spoke of? The Prince, you had boasted of at the last opening dinner?\u2019 The stranger asked. \u2018Stranger from afar, as you have asked previously, I have brought him with me.\u2019 Chief Hebalb turned to Ardeth. \u2018Arise child. This is Ardeth O\u2019Atlantia. Or as I named him, Rhogan.\u2019 Ardeth stood up. The stranger looked at him with piercing eyes and Ardeth quickly sat down. \u2018May this market be the best that we\u2019ve ever witnessed.\u2019 Ended Chief Hebalb, and stepped down. Chief of the Shir\u00ECsh, Chief An\u00FClad, got up. \u2018I welcome all, the Caarbs, the Arakaynians, the peoples of Guijan, and all others from afar.\u2019 As e said this, he stared at the stranger who asked the question, and Ardeth realized that the stranger was not from the Guijan kingdom. \u2018Once again I have the honor of welcoming you to the market of our Three Free Villages. And proud indeed I am to say that. Free we are, never troubled by the wars of other men. The Guijan we help, for they are our neighbors. Even so, long it was since war had ever rapped at our doors, and I am grateful. Not since the times of our fathers have we seen blood shed in our villages. And I hope that it will be so for a very long time. \u2018Never-the-less.\u2019 He continued. \u2018We have a greater host of people from the Guijan Kingdom this year.\u2019 Here he motioned to a host of people on the southern tables, all clothed in traveling wear, but most looked young and stronger, much like warriors. \u2018Before we begin the feast, for the first time ever, we shall allow one amongst them willing to share news of good tidings and to declare the feast started.\u2019 Chief An\u00FClad sat down. The host of warriors from Guijan talked amongst themselves, never had they been asked o do such a thing in the Free Villages. Eventually one stood up, their leader. \u2018I am Anul, Leader of the warriors of Luijan. Thank you, kind Chief for such an honor. Peace you speak off, and we realized how much you were affected by our wars. We have nothing to say, which all would find as good news. I hope that this is the beginning of what would be a great friendship between our kingdom and you group of villages. I guess that all that is left now is to say that the feast is declared open.\u2019 There were many cheers, and the horn was blown again, lightly this time. Most of the peoples of Shir\u00ECsh came forth with trays of food and drinks. These were first given to the head tables first, then to the tables designated for the outsiders. Ardeth had never been to such a feast for all the time he had been in Ar\u00E1k. Never had he gone to a market, and was now disappointed that the only reason he was brought was because the Chief had promised a stranger he would. They ate, and much too. And there were talks and gaffs, and many people got up from their seats to chat with their friends and people from other villages whom they had come to know well. Ardeth kept a close eye on the stranger, he had not moved, and ate quietly. But always he kept his staff in his hand, even as he ate. Ardeth realized that his staff was of metal, and a stone was on top. The top had a crown-like shape, with spears at the tips of the points of it. Within this crown-like shape was the crystal. Ardeth thought this weird, then accepted that the man had probably come from a wealthy kingdom, or was a lord or prince from where he came. Ardeth felt for his sword, it was safely by his side. At his table were Jor, The Chief and other high members (who were warriors too) of the Chief\u2019s court. There was no chance that the stranger could attack or try to kidnap him tonight. Near to the end of the feast, a light entertainment began. There were dances and songs sung, poems were recited. Anyone who felt inclined to do something went unto the stage. Everyone had a great time, and was laughing. Presently, one of the warriors of Guijan came up to Ardeth. Ardeth realized that it was the leader, Anul of Luijan. \u2018Rhogan, beware.\u2019 He whispered into Ardeth\u2019s ear. \u2018The stranger has not lifted his eyes off of you. He is of the strange folk we like to call wizards. But wizards are usually wise, and less concerned with men. Do not fight with him. Your might is not match for his magic. Run if he comes near.\u2019 And the stranger went on by. None could tall that he had spoken to Ardeth. The stranger then went to the Chief and spoke of affairs Ardeth could not understand. But the stranger had seen the message delivered, and is face grew red with anger. His staff began to glow softly, eerily. He got up and went away, but to where, Ardeth knew not. After a while dancing had begun. Kari came up to Ardeth, took him by the hand, and pulled him to dance. Jama went away and after a while came back with a friend of his, a girl, and they too danced. All thoughts were gone from Ardeth of the wizard. They danced till their feet got weary, and yet danced. As they did most of the tables and chairs were cleared away. Drinks were still plenty. It was not until about mid-night that the dancing stopped. All was bid to take to their tents. It was difficult for the group to finds theirs had not Meoc come back. He was to camp with them, and give them a tour of the village in the morning, for the market will start in the afternoon (it took a while to clear the arrangements of the feast). The five stayed up even longer, talking about things real and unreal (or so they thought). It was in the end that Ardeth told them of the wizard and the warning. \u2018Long days of peace all the Chiefs had said.\u2019 Spoke Kari at last. \u2018How do we not know that it is just a preparation time for a greater war yet to come? And what of this wizard business?\u2019 With that everyone became silent until they all fell asleep, Ardeth the last."@en . "The air was still wet, and no light were yet to be seen, for the sun had not yet risen. But outside the room was busy with noises of people hustling about. Inside the room, nothing much could be seen except for two other beds with two boys: Jama and Jorma. Ardeth got up, he judged that it was nearing dawn, and soon lady Jor would call for them. He walked over to the side of his bed and picked up his sword that he had gotten from the boat. That incident was three years ago, but he remembered every detail of it. \u2018Jama, Rhogan, Jorma!\u2019 Lady Jor cried out from outside the room. \u2018Get up!\u2019 \u2018Really?\u2019"@en . .