. "The Head Doctor of the medical center walked out and gave a slight bow to the man whom had requested him. \"Hello sir.\" He said with his usual polite tone. \"I heard of your return to the village, but I never expected you could asking for me.\" He hanged the coat he was wearing on a nearby rack and removed his glasses. \"I assumed you would want nothing to do with this 'mongrel'. May I ask the reason of your coming here?\" He said poofing his usual out-of-work coat from a seal and donning it. Hopefully you won't die in the process, you insignificant mongrel\" Flashback End"@en . "The Head Doctor of the medical center walked out and gave a slight bow to the man whom had requested him. \"Hello sir.\" He said with his usual polite tone. \"I heard of your return to the village, but I never expected you could asking for me.\" He hanged the coat he was wearing on a nearby rack and removed his glasses. \"I assumed you would want nothing to do with this 'mongrel'. May I ask the reason of your coming here?\" He said poofing his usual out-of-work coat from a seal and donning it. \"Yes,.\" Nisashi said, waving some stray hair from his face revealing the large eyepatch over his missing eye. \"We will talk in my office, follow me.\" He would lead the man to a small office and pull up a chair for him before walking over to teapot boiling on small stove in the corner of the room. He poured himself a cup and raised the pot over a second. \"Care for a drink?\" he asked. Having held his freshly poured cup of tea in the opposite hand he took a small sip. \"I would like to know why someone like you would go out of their way to speak to someone like me.\" He took another sip and examined the room. \"This is a lovely office you have by the way.\" It was almost as if Nisashi harbored no resentment for Shenron after what occured during their last meeting. His tone and mannerisms sounded how one would speak to an old acquaintance, or even a friend. Nisashi let out small chuckle, witnessing the noticeably forced politeness of Shenron. \"I've sent clones here for meditation in the past.\" He took another sip and stored the now empty cup in a small seal. \"The land of the sea if I'm remembering correctly. With all due respect you've yet to provide a reason as to why you brought me here.\" Nisashi thought he may regret his next choice of words. \"You don't seem like the apologetic type, so I doubt this is about our little scuffle. If by chance it is, I realize I was partially at fault in causing it, my apologies.\" He said giving a slight bow. Nisashi sat in silence for a minute and thought the proposal over. While he had grown quite bored with his daily duties, he was unsure about leaving place he had grown somewhat attached. After a nearly a minute of silence he took a deep breath and replied. \"Well all things considered, my job has consisted of nothing but sitting around and helping people with sore throats and minor illnesses.\" He thought for another few seconds. \"I'll take you up on your offer. I was planning a meeting with one of my colleagues soon anyway. I suppose that will be a good of a time as any to announce my resignation.\" He let out a small chuckle. \"If I happen to meet your expectations that is.\" \"Indeed. We barely had a chance to get started last time.\" Nisashi actually sounded audibly disappointed that their previous battle was cut short. \"Perhaps you could take to a place where we will not be disturbed? I would like a repeat of our prior meeting.\" Nisashi thought back to the disappointment of the battle ending when it had virtually just begun. Nisashi removed the coat he was wearing and neatly folded it, before poofing it into a seal. \"Well then, I suppose neither of us have anything to worry about.\" Sparks could be seen for brief moment around Nisashi, using his bioelectrical prowess to enhance the speed of the signals of his brain. He then immediately constructed a suit of armor around himself. He quickly rushed Shenron with speed reminiscent of Lightning Release Chakra Mode and promptly attempted to ram his fist into the ribs of Shenron. In small instance in which Shenron avoided his technique and prepared his wind bullets, Nisashi manged to piece a few things together. \"He made this barrier, and can likely manipulate it's properties. He far faster than me in raw speed and reaction times, I doubt even the gates will fully close the gap. Taijutsu will be practically useless.\" At that moment Nisashi could sense Shenron behind him. His armor had already been dented by several wind bullets as Nisashi released a massive explosion around himself in directions. \"My best chance is to attack in all directions at once, I don't stand much of a chance any other way.\" He thought as he released several more explosions engulfing large portions of the area they were in. \"Hmm that barrier is going to screw me over if I don't do something about it.\" Nisashi quickly channeled explosive chakra into his finger tips. \"How about we stress test that barrier of yours?\" Nisashi was suddenly surrounded by a thick layer of explosive chaka, before releasing a a beam resulting in a series of explosions in an attempt to destroy the barrier surrounding the academy. \"Well then, I'll have to make sure to thank them.\" Nisashi then quickly decided to think of what to do next. \"That little barrier of his will be a pain until I can destroy it, I may not be able to match his reaction time, but I may just be able to beat his physical speed.\" Having decided it was closest thing to a plan he would get for now, he decided to see just how far he could push Shenron's speed. Nisashi's muscles would suddenly grow noticeably larger. He then made use of his ability to quickly open the gates, skipping straight to the gate of view. \"Let's see if his body matches his brain!\" He thought before rushing Shenron. If he failed to hit him he'd come up with something else, but this was his best shot for now. Wasting no time he release an incredibly fast storm of punches attempting to break the barrier surrounding Shenron and strike him within it. Nisashi was caught off guard by the explosion and from Shenron's point of view would be completely enveloped in the explosion. However rather than being blasted away, he remained in place, having released chakra chains beneath himself he was rooting into the ground like a tree. He was missing several large portions of flesh and broken bones in many parts of his body, and his blood could be seen sparking from several of his open wounds. Where as these injuries would cripple or even kill some people, Nisashi's injuries could be seen rapidly healing, being entirely healed in moments. Nisashi cracked his neck and looked up at Shenron. \"Got another one in ya?\" He said with a light smirk. \"Look at that, seems like our little medic, angered Shenny. Now lets see if he has the strength to back it up.\" the God of Genjutsu stated watching the battle from monitors in the Master's lobby. If Shenron could see within the sphere of unending explosions, he would see his weapons clashing with carbon copies Nisashi had constructed and packed with explosive chakra to destroy Shenron's weapons upon contact with them. As for the projectiles heading his way, they would be primarily be blocked or at the least mitigated a personal favorite of Nisashi's defensive techniques. \"If this is a place worse than hell, then I have no fear of Death!\" He shouted, overcome by the adrenaline and excitement he was feeling, through do to his own roaring explosion as well as those of the weapons, he shout likely went unheard. Flashback Using a surge of chakra to clear smoke, the Red-haired Deity sat on a well sculpted chair of rock, with a face of boredom. Hopefully you won't die in the process, you insignificant mongrel\" Flashback End Shenron had made one fatal mistake trying to paralyze Nisashi by using his own natural energy against him. Since the natural energy Nisashi absorbs is always being converted into chakra by him, thus the natural energy Shenron could try to use to confine him was miniscule at best. Nisashi would be able to break the seal paralyzing him with relative ease, as the seal would actually have virtually nothing to work with at the time of it's activation. As for the water that was filling his body, Nisashi would have to do something a little reckless. Knowing he would lose consciousness if he did not somehow stop the flow of water in his body, and then he had an idea. With the seal trying to confine him using his natural energy broken, Nisashi used a vast array of chakra chains into the ground beneath him, bringing natural energy into his body at an alarming rate as thunder clouds rolled in and lightning began rapidly striking around Nisashi and Shenron. Wings sprouted from Nisashi's back and his electrolytic blood went into overdrive. It turned from a mere electrically charged blood into a mere pure energy like state, as his physiology changed as he entered sage mode. This pure energy flowing through his veins would evaporate the excess water, causing steam to comes out of Nisashi's body. The lightning would tear away at the ground around Nisashi and rapidly attempt to strike Shenron. Nisashi was them simelf struck by lightning and his eyepatch was torn off revealing both of his eyes surrounded a lightning like aura. During this same process Nisashi opened the Gate of Wonder. As the lightning stormed down Nisashi rushed shenron yet again attempting to get behind him as the lightning attempted to strike him. He then released a massive punch followed by the construction of a massive dragon attempting to carry Shenron into the sky. - \"Watch your tongue from now on mongrel, next time I won't be so kind.\" - When he said the word mongrel one last time it was initially for a long term effect, using it if he was ever to cross paths with Nisashi again. But some chain of events would force Shenron to play he his hidden card now. The seal placed on him is known as the Three Symbols of the Imperial Palace Gate Sealing Technique. He would activate the seal's first effect, the ability to take their conciness away, leaving them as if they were a corpse with no body, motions less. Knowing that Nisashi is a creative bastard he would also activate the second seal, that forces Nisashi to believe that Shenron was God, praising him as if he were from another world, forcing Nisashi to believe he was the one he was always meditating to and telling him to never turn against or harm him, this was the memory Nisashi had of Shenron. This would make sure Nisashi's subconscious would not get in the way either. Nisashi would only get so close, teleporting to Shenron but never completing his fatal punch. And to make 100% sure this battle was over, he woudl rescript what the Natural Energy Seal had into a Soul removal seal, that would activate if a surge of Nisashi's chakra would emit from his body. Unbeknownst to Shenron, Nisashi has prepared his bio-electric mental defenses as soon as he heard the word \"Mongrel\" having associated it with Shenron's seals, he prepared in the only way his reflexes could thing we uttered the word, sealing off all but the bare essentials of his brain. This would include his frontal lobe and cerebral cortex, and while Nisashi could not remember his own recent actions and was passed out due to the stress put on the brain to resist the seal, he would not be praying to shenron tonight, while the effect was mitigated, it could be completely shut out, and Nisashi now felt a respectful admiration for Shenron, as one would a sensei or even an older sibling they look up to. Shenron looked back to make sure the man was unconscious the spoke. \"Yeah I guess....he was better than I thought. His medical ninjutsu skill as well as his taijutsu skill are superb but are sorta unique to him. I believe we should put him as a sub division teacher for now. And if he wants to be a strong fist sub master as well he can.\" Shenron said dropping the burnt out cig and reapplying. \"Exactly what we were thinking, as usual always on point Shenron. Now, um....take him back to the Uzushio hospital, we ain't go no medics here as of now.\" the voice said cutting the microphone off to no back talk was permitted."@en . . "Student or Master, Nisashi's Invitation"@en . .