. . . . . . . . . . "Ritual"@en . . "Ritual"@el . . "The ritual skill grants access to a wide range of spells and incantations. These can enchant your items, boost your luck and potentially alter the environment, all to your benefit. New rituals are granted periodically, upon receiving a message about your character in relation to their surrounding. These messages are: \n* \"You feel unity with the world\" \n* \"You feel comfortable\" \n* \"The woods feel hostile around you\""@en . . . . . "Rituals are spells that require more than one participant (usually 3 participants), similar to Meeting Stones. Current rituals include: Warlock's Ritual of Summoning -- Summon a non-present party member to the warlock's location. Warlock's Ritual of Doom -- Sacrifices a random participant to summon a Doomguard. Warlock's Ritual of Souls -- Creates a Soulwell, containing Master Healthstones. Mage's Ritual of Refreshment -- Creates a Refreshment Table, containing Conjured Mana Biscuits."@el . "None yet!"@en . . . . . . . "A Ritual is a type of skill that creates a spirit creature at the caster's location. Rituals typically have long activation and recharge times, balancing the fact that they affect all allies and/or foes in a very large range. If you are within range of two or more Nature Rituals of the same type you will be affected by the one which was created with the highest attribute. All Rituals except for Gaze of Fury are untargeted and summon a spirit at your location. After the activation of a ritual is complete, there is a brief delay before the spirit is actually created."@en . "Shaman"@en . . "10"^^ . . . . "No"@es . "El sol ya se hab\u00EDa ocultado. El ritual hab\u00EDa comenzado. Era necesario seguir las pautas de rigor para formar parte de la logia. Le ataron con firmeza sobre la gran rueda, mirando hacia al cielo estrellado. Hab\u00EDa bebido de la \u201CCopa Selena\u201D y recibido el mordisco del \u201CGran Sacerdote\u201D, que permanec\u00EDa en silencio, a su lado. El ritual segu\u00EDa su curso. El notaba que crec\u00EDa, que su piel se llenaba de intensas matas de pelo gris, sus alaridos comenzaron a sonar guturales y su rostro estaba deform\u00E1ndose creando una versi\u00F3n grotesca de una especie de lobo."@es . . . . . "Ein Ritual, auch Ritus, ist eine wiederkehrende Handlung, die nach bestimmten Regeln abl\u00E4uft. W\u00E4hrend des Dominion-Krieges f\u00FChrt man auf der USS Defiant das Ritual ein, die Energiezellen der Phaserphalanx als Zeichen der Erfolge der Mannschaft in der Offiziersmesse auszustellen. (DS9: ) In der klingonischen Tradition wird in Vorbereitung auf eine Hochzeit sieben Tage gefastet. Der Br\u00E4utigam und seine Freunde nehmen daran teil. Vor seiner Hochzeit mit Jadzia Dax l\u00E4dt Worf 2374 die F\u00FChrungsoffiziere der Raumstation Deep Space 9 ein, mit ihm dieses Fastenritual zu durchlaufen. (DS9: )"@de . "Ritual"@de . "Rituals are complex ceremonies that create magic effects. You don't memorize or prepare a ritual; a ritual is so long and complex that no one could ever commit the whole thing to memory. To perform a ritual, you need to read from a book or a scroll containing it. A ritual book contains one or more rituals that you can use as often and as many times as you like, as long as you can spare the time and the components to perform the ritual."@en . "A ritual is a ceremonial formula employed to carry out a magical action. While majority of the rituals consist of alters, candles and mystical symbols while speaking in ancient languages, not all rituals have these demands. Some rituals might consist of other requirements, such as fasting, herbal ingredients, specific moon cycles, and more. While the majority of rituals are accompanied with spells, some rituals can produce an effect simply by creation."@en . . . . "Ritual might refer to: \n* Ritual (L&O), the Law & Order season 8 episode. \n* Ritual (SVU), the Law & Order: Special Victims Unit season 5 episode."@en . "|}"@en . . "Ritual"@es . . . "Certain spells have a special tag: ritual. Such a spell can be cast following the normal rules for spellcasting, or the spell can be cast as a ritual. The ritual version of a spell takes 10 minutes longer to cast than normal. It also doesn\u2019t expend a spell slot, which means the ritual version of a spell can\u2019t be cast at a higher level."@en . "Ein Ritual, auch Ritus, ist eine wiederkehrende Handlung, die nach bestimmten Regeln abl\u00E4uft. W\u00E4hrend des Dominion-Krieges f\u00FChrt man auf der USS Defiant das Ritual ein, die Energiezellen der Phaserphalanx als Zeichen der Erfolge der Mannschaft in der Offiziersmesse auszustellen. (DS9: ) In der klingonischen Tradition wird in Vorbereitung auf eine Hochzeit sieben Tage gefastet. Der Br\u00E4utigam und seine Freunde nehmen daran teil. Vor seiner Hochzeit mit Jadzia Dax l\u00E4dt Worf 2374 die F\u00FChrungsoffiziere der Raumstation Deep Space 9 ein, mit ihm dieses Fastenritual zu durchlaufen. (DS9: ) 2374 berichtet Chakotay den F\u00FChrungsoffizieren der USS Voyager, dass die Hirogen seiner Meinung nach eine Spezies sind, deren gesamte Kultur, einschlie\u00DFlich Kunst, Religion und sozialen Ritualen auf der Jagd basieren. (VOY: )"@de . . . "Bludy-Mary"@en . "Rituals are spells that require more than one participant (usually 3 participants), similar to Meeting Stones. Current rituals include: Warlock's Ritual of Summoning -- Summon a non-present party member to the warlock's location. Warlock's Ritual of Doom -- Sacrifices a random participant to summon a Doomguard. Warlock's Ritual of Souls -- Creates a Soulwell, containing Master Healthstones. Mage's Ritual of Refreshment -- Creates a Refreshment Table, containing Conjured Mana Biscuits."@el . . . . . "Rituals are spells that require more than one participant (usually 3 participants), similar to Meeting Stones. Current rituals include: Warlock's Ritual of Summoning -- Summon a non-present party member to the warlock's location. Warlock's Ritual of Doom -- Sacrifices a random participant to summon a Doomguard. Warlock's Ritual of Souls -- Creates a Soulwell, containing Master Healthstones. Mage's Ritual of Refreshment -- Creates a Refreshment Table, containing Conjured Mana Biscuits."@en . . . "|}"@en . . . "A Ritual is a type of skill that creates a spirit creature at the caster's location. Rituals typically have long activation and recharge times, balancing the fact that they affect all allies and/or foes in a very large range. If you are within range of two or more Nature Rituals of the same type you will be affected by the one which was created with the highest attribute. All Rituals except for Gaze of Fury are untargeted and summon a spirit at your location. After the activation of a ritual is complete, there is a brief delay before the spirit is actually created."@en . . . . . . . "*Your next health replenishment spell or ward will heal x% more.\n*Ritual will terminate when a health replenishment spell is cast."@en . . . . "Summon Spirit Companion at Rank 1"@en . "Ein Ritual ist ein magische Sitzung, eine Aus\u00FCbung eines Zaubers, alleine oder in einer Gruppe."@de . . . . . . . "Ritual"@es . "rushu"@en . . . "A ritual is a ceremonial formula employed to carry out a magical action. While majority of the rituals consist of alters, candles and mystical symbols while speaking in ancient languages, not all rituals have these demands. Some rituals might consist of other requirements, such as fasting, herbal ingredients, specific moon cycles, and more. While the majority of rituals are accompanied with spells, some rituals can produce an effect simply by creation."@en . . "The ritual skill grants access to a wide range of spells and incantations. These can enchant your items, boost your luck and potentially alter the environment, all to your benefit. New rituals are granted periodically, upon receiving a message about your character in relation to their surrounding. These messages are: \n* \"You feel unity with the world\" \n* \"You feel comfortable\" \n* \"The woods feel hostile around you\" After one of these messages, a new, unlearned ritual will be added to your rituals list, accessed with F4. This will only happen if you have no prior unlearned rituals. If you have learned all the rituals before, you will receive the message but no new ritual. New rituals (red on the rituals list) can only be used after a sage teaches you. To ask one to teach you, simply ask (via # and [T]alk to someone). To gain favour with the spirits, perform sacrifices or pacifying rituals, such as General Sacrifice or Greet the Supernatural Guardian. However, performing them too much results in a message saying \"This seems useless\"."@en . . "Certain spells have a special tag: ritual. Such a spell can be cast following the normal rules for spellcasting, or the spell can be cast as a ritual. The ritual version of a spell takes 10 minutes longer to cast than normal. It also doesn\u2019t expend a spell slot, which means the ritual version of a spell can\u2019t be cast at a higher level. To cast a spell as a ritual, a spellcaster must have a feature that grants the ability to do so. Classes that can cast rituals as a class feature include Bard, Cleric,Druid, Wizard. Ritual Caster feat also allows any class to cast ritual spells from one of the following classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard. The caster must also have the spell prepared or on his or her list of spells known, unless the character\u2019s ritual feature specifies otherwise, as the Wizard\u2019s does or while using the ritual caster feat. Pact of the Tome Warlocks with the Book of Ancient Secrets Eldritch invocation may also cast any ritual spells they find and add to their book."@en . "A ritual was a specialized act or event which was important to a culture, society, sect or individual. Rituals often involved groups of those who believed in what is being ritualized. Chanting, singing, dancing or praying was often involved in performing a ritual. Many species throughout the galaxy had established rituals for a variety of events. Examples of such species included the Klingons, Vulcans, Humans and Ferengi, to name but a few. T'Pol once participated in the Vulcan ritual kahs-wan. (ENT: \"The Catwalk\")"@en . . "y"@en . . . . . . . . "Rituals are spells that require more than one participant (usually 3 participants), similar to Meeting Stones. Current rituals include: Warlock's Ritual of Summoning -- Summon a non-present party member to the warlock's location. Warlock's Ritual of Doom -- Sacrifices a random participant to summon a Doomguard. Warlock's Ritual of Souls -- Creates a Soulwell, containing Master Healthstones. Mage's Ritual of Refreshment -- Creates a Refreshment Table, containing Conjured Mana Biscuits."@en . . . . . "Ritual"@en . "A Ritual is a complex ceremony that create magical effects."@en . . . . . "The Ritualist's next health replenishment spell or ward will have its amount increased."@en . . . "33"^^ . "Los da\u00F1os infligidos a la vudul se redistribuyen hacia este objetivo."@es . . . . . "Wisdom"@en . "El objetivo est\u00E1 bajo el efecto de un ritual vud\u00FA sadida."@es . . . . . "Rituals are highly complicated spells."@en . . . . "A Ritual is a complex ceremony that create magical effects."@en . . "14"^^ . . . . "Ein Ritual ist ein magische Sitzung, eine Aus\u00FCbung eines Zaubers, alleine oder in einer Gruppe."@de . "None yet!"@en . . . . "1"^^ . "A ritual was a specialized act or event which was important to a culture, society, sect or individual. Rituals often involved groups of those who believed in what is being ritualized. Chanting, singing, dancing or praying was often involved in performing a ritual. Many species throughout the galaxy had established rituals for a variety of events. Examples of such species included the Klingons, Vulcans, Humans and Ferengi, to name but a few. T'Pol once participated in the Vulcan ritual kahs-wan. (ENT: \"The Catwalk\") The inhabitants of Kaelon II practiced a ritual known as the Resolution when an individual approached his or her 60th birthday. During the Resolution, a ceremony was held in the person's honor touting the person's accomplishments and their noteworthy achievements. Once the celebration was complete, the individual committed a ritualistic suicide. (TNG: \"Half a Life\" )"@en . . . "Ritual might refer to: \n* Ritual (L&O), the Law & Order season 8 episode. \n* Ritual (SVU), the Law & Order: Special Victims Unit season 5 episode."@en . . . . "Rituals are highly complicated spells."@en . "Das Ritual benutzen Unterirdische Wesen um ihre Magie zu erneuern."@de . . . . . "yes"@en . . . . . "El sol ya se hab\u00EDa ocultado. El ritual hab\u00EDa comenzado. Era necesario seguir las pautas de rigor para formar parte de la logia. Le ataron con firmeza sobre la gran rueda, mirando hacia al cielo estrellado. Hab\u00EDa bebido de la \u201CCopa Selena\u201D y recibido el mordisco del \u201CGran Sacerdote\u201D, que permanec\u00EDa en silencio, a su lado. Cuando la luna llena hizo acto de presencia comenz\u00F3 el dolor. Era una sensaci\u00F3n horrible, intensa. Se estaba transformando, lo notaba. Si lo consegu\u00EDa ser\u00EDa por fin uno de ellos. Su cuerpo no dejaba de dolerle, emiti\u00F3 varios gritos y cerr\u00F3 los ojos con fuerza como para no ver la luna y con ello espantar el dolor. Pero ya era tarde. El ritual segu\u00EDa su curso. El notaba que crec\u00EDa, que su piel se llenaba de intensas matas de pelo gris, sus alaridos comenzaron a sonar guturales y su rostro estaba deform\u00E1ndose creando una versi\u00F3n grotesca de una especie de lobo. Los all\u00ED reunidos lo miraban en absoluto silencio. Todos ten\u00EDan los ojos encendidos inquisidores. Esperaban con ansia la transformaci\u00F3n definitiva pero algo fallaba. \u00C9l ten\u00EDa miedo. Aun se resist\u00EDa. El beb\u00E9 lo solucion\u00F3 todo. En cuanto el \u201CGran Sacerdote\u201D lo deposit\u00F3 a su lado, su olor, su llanto fue suficiente como para que alcanzase la transformaci\u00F3n definitiva. Solt\u00F3 un gemido ronco, entrecortado muy parecido a una risotada sard\u00F3nica. De repente una enorme lengua, llena de babas, se asom\u00F3 de su boca llena de dientes. El dolor ces\u00F3 de repente. Se sent\u00EDa euf\u00F3rico, enormemente feliz. Mejor que nunca. Ten\u00EDa tanta hambre que en ese momento se comer\u00EDa a todo el mundo. De momento comenzar\u00EDa con aquel ni\u00F1o. Ten\u00EDa toda la pinta de estar muy sabroso. Categor\u00EDa:Animales"@es . "Das Ritual benutzen Unterirdische Wesen um ihre Magie zu erneuern."@de . . "Rituals are complex ceremonies that create magic effects. You don't memorize or prepare a ritual; a ritual is so long and complex that no one could ever commit the whole thing to memory. To perform a ritual, you need to read from a book or a scroll containing it. A ritual book contains one or more rituals that you can use as often and as many times as you like, as long as you can spare the time and the components to perform the ritual. A ritual scroll contains a single ritual, and you can perform the ritual from that scroll only once. After that, the magic contained in the scroll is expended, and the scroll turns to dust. Anyone can use a ritual scroll to perform the ritual it contains, as long as the appropriate components are expended."@en . . .