"other"@en . . . "epprod"@en . . "Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy are walking through the corridors of the USS Enterprise, where they encounter Crewman Norman. McCoy mentions that Norman is odd and unemotional; for some reason, Spock hasn't noticed. Norman makes his way into auxiliary control, where he knocks out the crewman on duty and activates the override. On the bridge, Sulu reports a course change whereupon Captain Kirk sends security to auxiliary control, but to no avail. Sulu tries to override the course change, but fails."@en . . "45133"^^ . . . . . . "2268"^^ . "TOS"@nl . . . . . . . "Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy are walking through the corridors of the USS Enterprise, where they encounter Crewman Norman. McCoy mentions that Norman is odd and unemotional; for some reason, Spock hasn't noticed. Norman makes his way into auxiliary control, where he knocks out the crewman on duty and activates the override. On the bridge, Sulu reports a course change whereupon Captain Kirk sends security to auxiliary control, but to no avail. Sulu tries to override the course change, but fails. Norman then breaks into Emergency Manual Monitor and Engineering, knocks out much of the engineering crew, and jams the controls. Norman gets to the bridge and announces he is in control - any attempt to alter course will destroy the ship. He then opens up a panel in his abdominal region, revealing himself to be an android. Norman announces that he's locked the controls and that they will arrive at their destination in four days. He then promptly shuts down in front of the turbolift. Four days later, the Enterprise enters orbit around an uncharted planet. Norman wakes up and announces that Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Uhura and Chekov must beam down, or he will destroy the engines. The planet is Class K, which means that it can be adapted for life with the help of a large amount of machinery. They are ushered into the presence of Harry Mudd, who declares that he is the Emperor of the planet, Mudd the First. He declares that Kirk must stay for the rest of his life. Mudd is surrounded by androids - a slew of beauties - 500 in the Alice class alone. He implies that these androids can provide for him anything he wants. Mudd goes on to explain his presence on the planet; we learn that he had been sent to prison by Kirk and company after his last appearance. After his escape, he had been employing himself by illegally reselling patents. He was caught and sentenced to death on Deneb V; fortunately for him he was able to steal a ship and get away. After drifting aimlessly for a while, he found himself on his planet. The problem is, of course, that he has gotten bored, and the androids won't let him go. Kirk and his crewmates are there because he told the androids to go and get a starship, so the crew could stay and he could leave. He then demonstrates an android replica of his shrewish wife Stella; he amuses himself by telling her to shut up whenever he likes. The androids bring them to a recreation area, where they reveal that they were made by a humanoid race from the Andromeda Galaxy (presumably not the Kelvan Empire). Their home planet's sun went nova and only a few exploratory outposts survived. After the androids leave the room Spock surmises that the number of androids and their interactions are such that they cannot operate independently, and there should logically be a central control system which guides the entire android population. Spock finds what appears to be a central control room. Norman is there, but will not tell Spock much about the controls; he is \"not programmed to respond in this area\". Kirk, Uhura and Chekov are being shown the Barbara series of robots. Uhura asks how long they last; the answer comes back - 500,000 yrs. Plus, they can put a human brain in the android. Uhura seems to respond well to this idea. Back in the recreation room, Scott joins the crew - he is the last of the crew to be brought down. Androids are now running the ship. Because the androids can provide whatever the crew wants, Kirk is worried his crew will be tempted. Chekov, for example, is being serviced by two Alice androids, and seems to be enjoying it a great deal. Scott, on the other hand, is quite interested in their engineering facilities. Kirk and his crewmates are planning to escape - Uhura and Chekov seem to be enjoying it there, but Kirk snaps them out of it. An Alice comes in and promises anything to make them happy, and Kirk says he can't be happy without their ship. Alice doesn't respond to this very well; she asks Norman (who is not present) to coordinate, and promptly leaves. Mudd is saying goodbye to the androids when Kirk comes in to have a chat with him. To no one's surprise but Mudd's, the androids won't let him leave. The androids then reveal their plan: to \"serve\" humans until they will become completely dependent upon the androids. \"Their aggressive and acquisitive instincts will be under our control. We shall . . . take care of them.\" Spock figures out that Norman coordinates the androids, for two reasons: first, there is only one Norman, but many of the others, and second, when Alice was confused earlier, she asked Norman to coordinate. They decide to target Norman with insane logic in an attempt to overload the central control. They decide to provide an escape attempt, because the androids will be expecting one. They knock Harry out - over his vehement protests - and then tell the androids he will die without a trip to the Enterprise for treatment. Uhura then pretends to betray the crew for immortality. At this point, the crew puts their real plan into action. They engage in a surreal pantomime for two of the Alice androids in order to confuse them. The androids cannot rationalize the conflicting and illogical inputs and suspend operation. Elsewhere, Spock tries to nerve pinch another Alice, but it has no effect. He then causes two other Alice androids to freeze up by telling one he loves her, but the other he hates her. The androids can't deal with this, as they are identical -- it is illogical to love one and not the other. When this seems to work, they decide to take down Norman. After a series of over the top speeches, android imitations and pantomimed deaths and explosions, a recitation of the liar's paradox (\"Everything I say is a lie. I am lying\" Am I a liar or not?) finally incapacitates Norman and, with him, the remainder of the androids. Mudd is left on the planet for an indeterminate amount of time under a type of \"parole\". He is quite happy with his sentence - the androids can provide him with as much of whatever he wants as he likes - until he learns that he has to share the planet with at least three and possibly up to 500 copies of his wife."@en . . "The Deadly Years"@nl . "2"^^ . . . "I, Mudd"@nl . "I, Mudd"@nl . . . "Star Trek: The Original Series"@nl . . "Alice serie; andro\u00EFde; Andromedanevel; Annabelle serie; beryllium; Deneb V; Klasse K; Maisie serie; Mudd (planeet); Mudd andro\u00EFden; Oscar serie; titanium; Trudy serie."@nl . . "212"^^ . "epair"@en . . . "Beneath the Skin"@en . . "(1) Las fechas y orden de emisi\u00F3n corresponden a Estados Unidos"@es . . . . "I, Mudd"@pl . . "4513.3"^^ . "episode"@en . . . "King_mudd.jpg"@nl . "Spock i Dr. McCoy id\u0105 przez korytarz na pok\u0142adzie USS Enterprise, gdzie spotyka ich za\u0142ogant Norman. McCoy zauwa\u017Ca, \u017Ce Norman jest dziwny i pozbawiony emocjil; z jakich\u015B powod\u00F3w Spock tego nie zauwa\u017Cy\u0142. Norman idzie do stanowiska kontroli lotu, gdzie obezw\u0142adnia za\u0142oganta pe\u0142ni\u0105cego obowi\u0105zki i aktywuje maksymalne przyspieszenie. [[Plik:Normanlurks.jpg|thumb|Norman przed pokojem kontroli.]] Na mostku Sulu melduje zmian\u0119 kursu i szybko\u015Bci. Kapitan Kirk wysy\u0142a ochron\u0119 do stanowiska kontroli, ale \u017Co\u0142nierze nie mog\u0105 si\u0119 tam dosta\u0107. Sulu pr\u00F3buje zmieni\u0107 kurs na w\u0142a\u015Bciwy, ale bezskutecznie."@pl . . . "6149"^^ . "--11-03"^^ . "TOS"@nl . . . "none"@en . . "I, Mudd"@es . "2"^^ . "I, Mudd"@en . . . . "Alice serie; andro\u00EFde; Andromedanevel; Annabelle serie; beryllium; Deneb V; Klasse K; Maisie serie; Mudd (planeet); Mudd andro\u00EFden; Oscar serie; titanium; Trudy serie."@nl . . "1967-11-03"^^ . "(1) Las fechas y orden de emisi\u00F3n corresponden a Estados Unidos"@es . . "TOS"@en . . "TOS"@en . . . . . "I, Mudd"@en . . . "Mudd's Angels by James Blish & J.A. Lawrence"@en . "anthology"@en . "Spock i Dr. McCoy id\u0105 przez korytarz na pok\u0142adzie USS Enterprise, gdzie spotyka ich za\u0142ogant Norman. McCoy zauwa\u017Ca, \u017Ce Norman jest dziwny i pozbawiony emocjil; z jakich\u015B powod\u00F3w Spock tego nie zauwa\u017Cy\u0142. Norman idzie do stanowiska kontroli lotu, gdzie obezw\u0142adnia za\u0142oganta pe\u0142ni\u0105cego obowi\u0105zki i aktywuje maksymalne przyspieszenie. [[Plik:Normanlurks.jpg|thumb|Norman przed pokojem kontroli.]] Na mostku Sulu melduje zmian\u0119 kursu i szybko\u015Bci. Kapitan Kirk wysy\u0142a ochron\u0119 do stanowiska kontroli, ale \u017Co\u0142nierze nie mog\u0105 si\u0119 tam dosta\u0107. Sulu pr\u00F3buje zmieni\u0107 kurs na w\u0142a\u015Bciwy, ale bezskutecznie. Norman w\u0142amuje si\u0119 do kontroli bezpiecze\u0144stwa i maszynowni , og\u0142usza wszystkich, kt\u00F3rych napotka i przejmuje kontrol\u0119.. Potem idzie na mostek i informuje wszystkich, \u017Ce przej\u0105\u0142 ca\u0142kowit\u0105 kontrol\u0119 nad statkiem \u2013 jakakolwiek pr\u00F3ba zmiany kursu zniszczy statek. Potem otwiera panel na swoim brzuchu, ujawniaj\u0105c, \u017Ce jest androidem. thumb|left|Efekt roboty Normana. Norman zawiadamia wszystkich, \u017Ce za cztery dni dotra do punktu przeznaczenia. \"Dziennik kapita\u0144ski, data gwiezdna 4513.3. Po opanowaniu pok\u0142adu przez androida Enterprise lecia\u0142 przez cztery dni z szybko\u015Bci\u0105 warp 7. Obecnie wchodzimy na orbit\u0119 nieznanej planety.\" Cztery dni p\u00F3\u017Aniej Enterprise wchodzi na orbit\u0119 nieznanej planety. Norman budzi si\u0119 i oznajmia, \u017Ce Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Uhura i Chekov musz\u0105 przes\u0142a\u0107 si\u0119 na d\u00F3\u0142, w przeciwnym razie android zniszczy silniki statku. thumb|Kr\u00F3l Mudd I. Planeta ma klas\u0119 Class K, co znaczy, \u017Ce mo\u017Ce by\u0107 zaadaptowana do \u017Cycia z pomoc\u0105 odpowiedniej maszynerii. Dru\u017Cyna zostaje zabrana przed obliczeHarry Mudda, kt\u00F3ry oznajmia im, \u017Ce teraz nazywa si\u0119 cesarz: Mudd I. M\u00F3wi te\u017C, \u017Ce Kirk musi zosta\u0107 przez reszt\u0119 swego \u017Cycia na tej planecie, kt\u00F3ra obecnie r\u00F3wnie\u017C nosi nazw\u0119 Mudd. Harry Mudd jest otoczony androidami, w wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci us\u0142uguj\u0105cymi mu pi\u0119kno\u015Bciami \u2013 500 androidek z serii Alice. M\u00F3wi, \u017Ce androidy dostarczaj\u0105 mu wszystkiego, czego zapragnie. Mudd wyja\u015Bnia, sk\u0105d wzi\u0105\u0142 si\u0119 na tej planecie. M\u00F3wi, \u017Ce przez Kirka i jego za\u0142og\u0119 znalaz\u0142 si\u0119 w wi\u0119zieniu. Po ucieczce stamt\u0105d zarabia\u0142 na \u017Cycie, handluj\u0105c fa\u0142szywymi patentami. Zosta\u0142 schwytany i skazany na \u015Bmier\u0107 na planecie Deneb V; szcz\u0119\u015Bliwie uda\u0142o mu si\u0119 ukra\u015B\u0107 statek i uciec. Przypadkiem, po d\u0142ugim dryfowaniu w przestrzeni, znalaz\u0142 si\u0119 na tej planecie. K\u0142opot w tym, \u017Ce si\u0119 tu nudzi, a androidy nie chc\u0105 go wypu\u015Bci\u0107. Kirk i jego za\u0142oga s\u0105 tu, poniewa\u017C Mudd powiedzia\u0142 androidom, \u017Ce chce statku, zatem za\u0142oga zostanie tu, a on odejdzie. Demonstruje p\u00F3\u017Aniej replik\u0119 swej okropnej \u017Cony, Stella; cieszy si\u0119 tym, \u017Ce mo\u017Ce wy\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 j\u0105, kiedy zechce. Androidy zabieraj\u0105 dru\u017Cyn\u0119 do miejsca rekreacji, gdzie wszyscy dowiaduj\u0105 si\u0119, \u017Ce zosta\u0142y one skonstruowane przez humanoidaln\u0105 ras\u0119 z galaktyki Andromedy (prawdopodobnie nie nale\u017C\u0105c\u0105 do Cesarstwa Kelvan). S\u0142o\u0144ce ich planety przesz\u0142o w Now\u0105 i ocala\u0142o tylko kilka wysuni\u0119tych plac\u00F3wek. Gdy androidy odchodz\u0105, Spock zauwa\u017Ca, \u017Ce ich numery wskazuj\u0105 na to, i\u017C nie mog\u0105 one dzia\u0142a\u0107 samodzielnie i jest rzecz\u0105 logiczn\u0105, ze gdzie\u015B musi by\u0107 centrum kontroli. [[Plik:Barbara series.jpg|thumb|left|Roboty \"Seria Barbara\".]] Spock odkrywa centrum kontroli. Jest tam Norman, nie chce jednak powiedzie\u0107 Spockowi o kontroli; \"nie jest zaprogramowany, by odpowiada\u0107 na te pytania\". Kirk, Uhura i Chekov ogl\u0105daj\u0105 roboty z serii Barbara. Uhura pyta, jak d\u0142ugo mog\u0105 dzia\u0142a\u0107; odpowied\u017A brzmi \u2013 500,000 lat. Co wi\u0119cej, w androidzie mo\u017Cna umie\u015Bci\u0107 ludzki m\u00F3zg. Wygl\u0105da na to, \u017Ce Uhurze podoba si\u0119 ten pomys\u0142. W pokoju rekreacyjnym Scott do\u0142\u0105cza do za\u0142ogi, jako ostatni z przes\u0142anych na d\u00F3\u0142. Teraz statek jest we w\u0142adaniu android\u00F3w. Poniewa\u017C androidy spe\u0142niaj\u0105 wszystkie \u017Cyczenia swych wi\u0119\u017Ani\u00F3w, Kirk obawia si\u0119, \u017Ce za\u0142oga ulegnie pokusom tego miejsca. Chekov, na przyk\u0142ad, obs\u0142ugiwany przez dwie androidki z serii Alice, wydaje si\u0119 by\u0107 uszcz\u0119\u015Bliwiony. Scotta za\u015B interesuje bardzo maszyneria, dzia\u0142aj\u0105ca w tym miejscu. thumb|Znokautowany Mudd Kirk i jego ludzie planuj\u0105 ucieczk\u0119 \u2013 Uhura i Chekov wydaja si\u0119 by\u0107 zadowoleni, ale Kirk przywo\u0142uje ich do porz\u0105dku. Agdy jedna z Alice przychodzi I obiecuje wszystko, by by\u0142 szcz\u0119\u015Bliwy, Kirk odpowiada, \u017Ce nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 szcz\u0119\u015Bliwy bez swego statku. Alice nie wie, co odpowiedzie\u0107; pyta nieobecnego Normana o koordynaty, a potem wychodzi. thumb|left|Wyobra\u017Ania triumfuje nad logik\u0105. Mudd \u017Cegna si\u0119 z androidami, gdy przychodzi Kirk i chce z nim rozmawia\u0107. Wydarza si\u0119 co\u015B, co nie jest niespodziank\u0105 dla nikogo opr\u00F3cz Mudda, androidy nie chc\u0105 go uwolni\u0107. Odkrywaj\u0105 za to sw\u00F3j plan: chc\u0105 \"s\u0142u\u017Cy\u0107\" ludziom, a\u017C ci b\u0119d\u0105 od nich kompletnie uzale\u017Cnieni. \"Ich agresywne i chciwe instynkty b\u0119d\u0105 pod ca\u0142kowit\u0105 kontrol\u0105. My zaopiekujemy si\u0119 nimi.\" Spock domy\u015Bla si\u0119, \u017Ce to Norman koordynuje androidy, z dw\u00F3ch powod\u00F3w: po pierwsze, jest tylko jeden Norman, a wiele innych, a po drugie, gdy Alice by\u0142a zdezorientowana, prosi\u0142a go o wskaz\u00F3wki. Za\u0142oga decyduje si\u0119 zaatakowa\u0107 Normana nielogicznym dzia\u0142aniem i przeci\u0105\u017Cy\u0107 jego uk\u0142ad kontrolny. Podejmuj\u0105 jawn\u0105 pr\u00F3b\u0119 ucieczki wiedz\u0105c, \u017Ce androidy spodziewaj\u0105 si\u0119 tego. Og\u0142uszaj\u0105 Mudda \u2013 mimo jego protest\u00F3w \u2013 I m\u00F3wi\u0105 androidom, \u017Ce umrze, je\u015Bli nie odzyskaj\u0105 statku. Uhura udaje, \u017Ce zdradzi za\u0142og\u0119 w zamian za nie\u015Bmiertelno\u015B\u0107 w ciele androida. Za\u0142oga wprowadza sw\u00F3j plan w \u017Cycie. Aran\u017Cuj\u0105 nielogiczna pantomim\u0119 w obecno\u015Bci dw\u00F3ch Alice, co je dezorientuje. Androidki nie mog\u0105 zrozumie\u0107 tego, co widz\u0105 i ich program zawiesza si\u0119. thumb|Mudd reaguje przera\u017Ceniem na to, co go czeka Spock pr\u00F3buje nerve pinch na innej Alice, ale bez efektu. Wprowadza dwie inne w stan zawieszenia, oznajmiaj\u0105c im, \u017Ce s\u0105 jednakowe, a on jedn\u0105 kocha, drugiej za\u015B nienawidzi. Androidki nie mog\u0105 tego zrozumie\u0107, gdy\u017C jest to ca\u0142kowicie nielogiczne. Gdy ludzie upewniaj\u0105 si\u0119, \u017Ce ta metoda dzia\u0142a, decyduj\u0105 si\u0119 zaatakowa\u0107 Norman. Po serii nielogicznych scenek przedstawiaj\u0105 mu paradoks k\u0142amcy (\"Wszystko, co m\u00F3wi\u0119 to k\u0142amstwo. K\u0142ami\u0119\" Jestem k\u0142amc\u0105 czy nie?) kt\u00F3ry powoduje dezorientacj\u0119 i wy\u0142\u0105czenie Normana, a wraz z nim - reszty android\u00F3w. Mudd zostaje pozostawiony na planecie. Ten wyrok wydaje mu si\u0119 ca\u0142kiem pomy\u015Blny \u2013 androidy dadz\u0105 mu wszystko, czego b\u0119dzie chcia\u0142 \u2013 dowiaduje si\u0119 jednak, ze b\u0119dzie dzieli\u0142 planet\u0119 z pi\u0119ciuset kopiami swej \u017Cony. Co gorsza, nie ma nad nimi \u017Cadnej kontroli, a ich program ka\u017Ce im dr\u0119czy\u0107 go bez ko\u0144ca."@pl . "The Trouble with Tribbles"@nl . . . . . . . .