"Superbaby is an anime series with the same animation as the Batman. Superbabys real name is Ron Kent. He is the 1 year old son of Superman. Hes pretty smart and strong for a person his age. He battles villains such as Lex Luthor, Doomsday jr, Toyboy, Destructionman, and more. And even Doomsday!"@en . . "Superbaby"@en . . . "Superbaby is an anime series with the same animation as the Batman. Superbabys real name is Ron Kent. He is the 1 year old son of Superman. Hes pretty smart and strong for a person his age. He battles villains such as Lex Luthor, Doomsday jr, Toyboy, Destructionman, and more. And even Doomsday!"@en .