"The data chip is a terran device used for storing data. Such data is varied, ranging from simple resumes to full profiles. At least 282 full files can be stored on a single chip."@en . "Like Notes, Data Chips too can occasionally be found in randomly spawning Treasure Chests in all Creativerse game-worlds, or can rarely be obtained from Things or Keepas of any kind. These chips cannot be \"used\" ingame in any way, they can merely be - literally! - read for your information as a player by hovering your mouse-button over the icons of the chips, and then they can be stored into storage containers like chests. These chips currently only exist to give you (as a player) hints about the background-story of Creativerse and the Arctek-technology."@en . "Data chips were used for flight recording. Data chips for this purpose were developed during the Dark Times. They functioned like black boxes, allowing people to trace the ships. This required advanced technology, since the chips were older than most species."@en . "Data Chip"@en . . "Data chip"@en . . . . "Like Notes, Data Chips too can occasionally be found in randomly spawning Treasure Chests in all Creativerse game-worlds, or can rarely be obtained from Things or Keepas of any kind. These chips cannot be \"used\" ingame in any way, they can merely be - literally! - read for your information as a player by hovering your mouse-button over the icons of the chips, and then they can be stored into storage containers like chests. These chips currently only exist to give you (as a player) hints about the background-story of Creativerse and the Arctek-technology. These chips seem to have been written by an unknown female \"entity\" named Pixi. It seems like she has been created by someone (male) who seemingly came from Earth. These chips seem to have been written one after another, related to the layer of the world and such the Treasure Chests you can find them in. However the order in which to read them is not really overly important. The codes on some of these chips also are hints of some kind - sort of an easter-egg though and not really Creativerse-related. See the ...---... on some of these Data Chips? Searching for information on the internet about this will help you decipher these codes. The first step is to learn about SOS. Look it up with any search machine - it's important knowledge that can perhaps save your life one day! No, this is not all to it. After turning the codes to letters and numbers with the first (SOS-related) step, another additional decoding-step will be needed. A decryption code has been used. The second step to decipher the code is related to a very famous ruler of the Roman Empire who is not only known for his outstanding military success, but also for his Latin literary works. It was said that this ruler used to cipher some of his commands in a certain way. Use online decoding programs that can decipher this kind of code to change the letters (and numbers) to actual words. Still lost? To uncode the cipher in the second step you might want to search the internet for the roman ruler who you have read about in the Asterix comics:\"decoding (Roman ruler) cipher\" and you will find the according online decryption tools. If you don't know Asterix, read about it a bit in the Wiki. It's a classics and really recommandable: Then you'll only have to arrange the order of the data chips \"correctly\" by sorting the now decoded bits to form an internet-related location, which is the easiest step. Again use your internet browser to search for this as the very last step."@en . "Data chips offer high storage capacity for various media types in a wafer-thin card format."@en . "Data chips were used for flight recording. Data chips for this purpose were developed during the Dark Times. They functioned like black boxes, allowing people to trace the ships. This required advanced technology, since the chips were older than most species. The spacecraft the Infinite had four data chips. Each was a small disk with an infinity symbol on it. Each would allow the owner to find the next data chip. When they had all four, they could find the Infinite. After the Infinite was destroyed, its chips were scattered around the universe. Eventually, Baltazar, Capitan Kaliko, Meregrass and Gurney were each able to obtain a data chip by their time at Volag-Noc. Using the Tenth Doctor to track them, Baltazar killed the other three and took their data chips. (TV: The Infinite Quest)"@en . . . . . "The data chip is a terran device used for storing data. Such data is varied, ranging from simple resumes to full profiles. At least 282 full files can be stored on a single chip."@en . . . . "In 2152, Doctor Yuris gave Sub-Commander T'Pol a container full of data chips on which was research concerning Pa'nar Syndrome. The research had been requested by Dr. Phlox and Yuris handed it over to T'Pol in hopes that it might be of some use to T'Pol, as she was suffering from the illness. T'Pol was extremely grateful for the data chips, believing Yuris had taken a big risk by passing them onto her. When Phlox later analyzed the chips, however, he discovered that, though the research was far from a cure, it seemed very helpful and would probably help Phlox slow the progression of the disease and come closer to developing a cure for the syndrome than the Vulcans had. (ENT: \"Stigma\") T'Pol and Commander Charles Tucker III later recovered some crystal-like Skagaran data chips from a data module in a crashed Skagaran starship. After showing Captain Jonathan Archer the data chips, Tucker and T'Pol \u2013 in an effort to salvage data from them \u2013 took the data chips back to Enterprise NX-01, where they tried to interpret the data. Several other data modules were also used. (ENT: \"North Star\") These data chips are not named on screen; their designation comes from the final draft scripts of \"Stigma\" [1] and \"North Star\"."@en . . "In 2152, Doctor Yuris gave Sub-Commander T'Pol a container full of data chips on which was research concerning Pa'nar Syndrome. The research had been requested by Dr. Phlox and Yuris handed it over to T'Pol in hopes that it might be of some use to T'Pol, as she was suffering from the illness. T'Pol was extremely grateful for the data chips, believing Yuris had taken a big risk by passing them onto her. When Phlox later analyzed the chips, however, he discovered that, though the research was far from a cure, it seemed very helpful and would probably help Phlox slow the progression of the disease and come closer to developing a cure for the syndrome than the Vulcans had. (ENT: \"Stigma\")"@en . "Data chips offer high storage capacity for various media types in a wafer-thin card format."@en .