. "Lois Kills Stewie"@en . . . . "Peter's Daughter"@en . "Padre de Familia/Quotes"@en . "Padre de Familia"@en . ":Brian: Immigrants are part of our community. \n:Peter: [interrupting] They're a part of the Rebel alliance, and a traitor. Take them away!\n----\n:Peter: Hey, look, Lois, The John McCain Experience! [he pays money to be locked up in a bamboo cage while a Vietnamese person tortures him] Ahh! Agh! Agh! I want to be President! \n----\n:Peter: [dressed up in an American flag suit] Good morning, my American family!\n:Lois: Peter, where did you get that suit?\n:Stewie: My God, you look like the Statue of Liberty's pimp. [he and Brian high-five each other]\n:Peter: This is how a patriot dresses, Lois! Boy, I never knew it would feel this good to love my country. It's like loving God or a step-parent. You never really feel them love you back, but that's okay, because they got other stuff going on and you understand.\n:Brian: Peter, you do realize there's a difference between loving America and being swept up in post-9/11 paranoia.\n:Peter: Brian, are you suggesting that 9/11 didn't change everything?\n:Brian: What? No, I was just...\n:Peter: 'Cause 9/11 changed everything, Brian! 9/11 changed everything!\n:Brian: Peter, you didn't even know what 9/11 was until 2004.\n----\n:[in the back yard. Peter has a goat tied up near some bushes. Lois walks out]\n:Lois: Peter, what the hell are you doing?\n:Peter: Lois, I am doing my duty as a patriotic American! I'm sacrificing a goat to Toby Keith.\n:Lois: Peter, Toby Keith doesn't want to be fed. Toby Keith wants to hunt!\n----\n:Joe: Wow, Peter, you're really becoming quite the Patriot.\n:Peter: You bet I am. I just had my penis tattooed to look like the space shuttle, and my 'nads tattooed to look like launch exhaust.\n:Quagmire: [in his head] That bastard! That was my idea; he stole it! I was gonna do that to my penis! Oh, well, maybe I can do something else. Like, like, like the Space Needle... or a banana... or a Sharpie. Ah, I'm boring myself. Guess I'll just listen to some music.\n----\n:Peter: Angela, I have a complaint.\n:Angela: What is it, Griffin?\n:Peter: I think Fouad is an illegal immigrant, and I cannot stand by while he steals wages and opportunities from citizens. I mean, this is an American company! You don't see Nike or Microsoft or General Motors or Ford or Boeing or Coca-Cola or Kellogg's profiting from non-American labor.\n:Fouad: [in the hallway] Oh-ho-ho! Is funny because they all do! Oh-ho-ho!\n:Angela: You have a point, Griffin. Maybe we should run a company-wide check to make sure all our personnel are legal citizens.\n:Peter: Now you're talking, Angela! This country needs more immigrants like my cousin Peter the Pig needs a new house.\n:[cutaway to the Big Bad Wolf trying to blow down a straw house]\n:Peter the Pig: [from inside] Uh, I wouldn't do that if I were you.\n:Big Bad Wolf: What?\n:Peter the Pig: I said I wouldn't do that. [the wolf continues blowing] I said knock it off!\n:Big Bad Wolf: Why? \n:Peter the Pig: [hushed voice] Because I just made stool in there, and if you blow it down, the whole woods is gonna stink. Do you understand? Do you understand me, sir?\n----\n:Thelma: Peter, as far as the U.S. government is concerned, you are an illegal Mexican immigrant.\n:Peter: Holy crap!\n----\n:INS employee: The only thing remaining is the oral test, which I will administer here. Now, question number one: Who discovered America?\n:Peter: Dick York?\n:INS employee: No.\n:Peter: [slams his hand on the desk] Dick Sargent. It was Dick Sargent.\n:INS employee: Ugh. Question number two: Complete this sentence: \"The land of the free and the home of the 'blank'.\"\n:Peter: Home of the Whopper?\n----\n:[Peter is looking for jobs in the newspaper]\n:Peter: \"Hotel Maid Wanted.\" Aw, sweet! I could do that!\n:[cut to Peter at a motel dressed as a maid, pushing a trolly of cleaning supplies. He stops at a door and knocks]\n:Peter: [in foreign accent] Housekeeping. [no answer. He knocks again] Housekeeping.\n:Man: [from inside] Come back later, please.\n:Peter: Housekeeping?\n:Man: Not now.\n:Peter: House keeping.\n:Man: Go away!\n:Peter: I come in anyway?\n:Man: No! Go away!\n:Peter: I come in anyway. [inserts a key in the door and opens it. Inside are a couple having sex]\n:Woman: Oh, my God!\n:Man: I said no!\n:Peter: Okay, I clean?\n:Man: No! Get outta here!\n:Peter: I clean now?\n:Man: No!\n:Peter: I stay and watch?\n:Man: No!\n:Peter: I get involved?\n:Man: What?\n:Peter: I get involved with lady? \n:Man: W... w... [to the woman] what do you think?\n:Woman: Turn around. [Peter turns a full 360\u00B0] I don't think so.\n:Peter: Okay. You lend me money?\n:Man: No.\n:Peter: You drive my grandmother to doctor's appointment?\n:Man: No! No, I'm not doing that.\n:Peter: I stick finger in your mouth? [pause of silence] Housekeeping?\n:Man: Okay.\n:Peter: Okay. \n----\n:Peter: \"Nanny Wanted.\" Well, that sounds like a good job for an immigrant.\n:[two children are talking about their new nanny]\n:Jane Banks: Michael, did you hear the good news? We're getting a new nanny!\n:Michael Banks: Oh, Jane, I'm ever so excited! Do you suppose she'll be everything we dreamed?\n:Jane Banks: Oh, I do hope so! I've always imagined the most beautiful... [suddenly, Peter, dressed in Mary Poppins' outfit, crashes through the ceiling and literally crushes the children to death]\n:Peter: Oh! Ah! Ah! Damn it! \n----\n:[the family arrives to work at the Pewterschmidt mansion]\n:Lois: Daddy, we don't want any special treatment. We're here as a family and we're gonna live as a family.\n:Stewie: Are you serious? We come to a mansion and you want to live with the help? Ugh, it's like going to a strip club on a Tuesday afternoon.\n:[cutaway to Stewie sitting by the stage at a strip club]\n:Stewie: Is there anyone here who hasn't had a C-section?\n----\n:[the family is touring the Pewterschmidts' back area, where Carter's migrant workers live. Stewie sees some kids playing Ball-in-a-Cup]\n:Stewie: Oh no, that boy's ball fell out of the cup! Oh, but it's okay, because the ball is on a string and attached to the cup.\n----\n:[Peter is offered a citizenship deal by Carter]\n:Gerardo: Peter, you must go. We will find our own way. [Peter gives him a good-bye hug]\n:Peter: I'll never forget you, Gerardo.\n:[cut to the Griffins' living room]\n:Peter: Boy, I sure am gonna miss Reynaldo.\n----\n:Peter: Well I guess everything's back to normal.\n:Michael McDonald: Well I guess everything's back to normal\n:Peter: Oh man, not this guy again!\n:Michael McDonald: Oh man, not this guy again! [Peter farts] Fart."@en .