. . "Mistakes is an in-progress Axis Powers Hetalia Fanfic by Chelonianmobile. \n* Abusive Parents: Japan attempts to be a father figure to Korea, and is both bad at it and generally a Jerkass. \n* Attempted Rape: Trying this on North Korea leads to \"several ruptured internal organs\". Nobody dares try it again. \n* Back From the Dead: Fairly normal for nations if their bodies are killed. Less normal but still possible if their countries collapse, though the results are less reliable. \n* Berserker Tears: Balhae, while hacking up Japan. \n* Bizarre Human Biology: The Koreas' Idiot Hair bleeds when cut off, and they can see out of the little face in it. \n* Bloodier and Gorier: Hoo boy. \n* Break the Cutie: China and Korea. \n* Bring My Brown Pants: Un-funny variation; China makes m"@en . . . . "Mistakes (Fanfic)"@en . . . . "Mistakes is an in-progress Axis Powers Hetalia Fanfic by Chelonianmobile. \n* Abusive Parents: Japan attempts to be a father figure to Korea, and is both bad at it and generally a Jerkass. \n* Attempted Rape: Trying this on North Korea leads to \"several ruptured internal organs\". Nobody dares try it again. \n* Back From the Dead: Fairly normal for nations if their bodies are killed. Less normal but still possible if their countries collapse, though the results are less reliable. \n* Berserker Tears: Balhae, while hacking up Japan. \n* Bizarre Human Biology: The Koreas' Idiot Hair bleeds when cut off, and they can see out of the little face in it. \n* Bloodier and Gorier: Hoo boy. \n* Break the Cutie: China and Korea. \n* Bring My Brown Pants: Un-funny variation; China makes mention of having been frightened and confused enough when attacked to have lost bladder control, and it's alluded to during his drug withdrawal. \n* Came Back Wrong: Possibly Balhae. \n* Cluster F-Bomb: China. \n* Corporal Punishment: Japan canes Korea for misbehaviour. Korea doesn't mind that so much as everything else he does. \n* Cute but Psycho: Everyone, especially Balhae. \n* Death By Origin Story: Korea's mother Silla and sister Balhae (who may have come back). Nations don't usually die permanently, but their countries fell and they were left vulnerable to death. \n* The Determinator: It took five men to bring China down, even when he had a gaping heart wound and had been on his feet for a week straight. Even for an immortal, he's pretty tough. \n* Draco in Leather Pants / Ron the Death Eater: Weird case; the nations were quite happy to watch humans butcher each other and get their own hands bloody because they don't really mind being killed themselves, but once China was attacked, he and Japan realised what they'd been doing, and have to deal with the ruin of their multi-millenium worldviews as well as everything else. \n* Dude Looks Like a Lady: Poor, poor China. \n* Even Bad Men Love Their Brothers: Very deep down and none of them know how to show it appropriately, but they do. \n* Eyes of Gold: The Koreas' eyes become yellow when North is in control of the body, in keeping with a gumiho theme from another of the author's fics. \n* Girl with Psycho Weapon: North Korea attacks Japan with a meat cleaver. \n* Good Thing You Can Heal \n* Gory Discretion Shot: In the form of showing the violence second-hand, by verbal anecdote or medical report. \n* Humans Are Bastards: And how! \n* I'll Kill You!: China flashbacks and shouts threats in Chinese when attempting to perform Intimate Psychotherapy on himself with France, who understands what he's saying and drops him on the floor. \n* I Will Tear Your Arms Off: \"... and beat you to death with the wet ends\", if America doesn't let China talk to Japan alone. \n* Implausible Deniability: \n* Intimate Psychotherapy: China tries it and succeeds only in freaking out France as well. \n* It Got Worse \n* Jackass Genie: Japan to himself. \n* Jerkass: Japan. \n* Kaleidoscope Eyes: South has brown eyes, North has yellow. \n* Laser-Guided Amnesia: Japan. \n* Life or Limb Decision: North Korea cuts off both their feet to escape their shackles. Of course, she can immediately stick them back on, but still, ow. \n* Literal Genie: Nations have to obey orders from their bosses. Under normal circumstances \"forget about it\" would have been dismissed as a colloquialism, but Japan really wanted to forget his hand in his brothers' pain. So he did. Completely. \n* The Loins Sleep Tonight: France notices that the opium left China unable to achieve an erection. \n* Mad Doctor: The Koreas end up in the hands of Unit 731, and the doctors are overjoyed to have a reusable test subject. \n* My God, What Have I Done?: Japan. \n* The Pollyanna: Korea, until miscommunication leads him to think Japan raped China and is planning to do the same to him. \n* Poor Communication Kills: Japan tells Korea to shut up or he'll \"do to you what I did to China\", meaning hitting him. Korea is currently under the impression that Japan raped China, and shuts up very quickly. \n* Precision F-Strike: Japan. \n* Promoted to Parent: Japan thinks of himself as little brother Korea's new father figure, though technically Korea's closer to being his slave. \n* Rape and Revenge \n* Rape Discretion Shot: China trails off in his recounting when he gets to that part, and one of the [DATA CORRUPTED]s covers up misuse of the Koreas' hair. \n* Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: The nations don't particularly mind being killed because it happens a lot, but being raped upsets them as much as it would a human. It's mentioned that Japan's never committed rape himself, but he has watched it happen and found it unremarkable until it happens to his brother. \n* Sanity Slippage: Everyone! \n* Scars Are Forever: Nations can heal up most damage to their bodies with no marks, but the scars stay if the wounds are analogous to war or political turmoil. China has a hell of a lot of scars by now. \n* Shout-Out: \n* China quotes The Tempest when high. \n* During the less dark Hope Spot on \"That Fucking Island\", Russia makes a comment about the Allies' \"synchronised panicking\" not being a real strategy. \n* A reference to the infamous fic Debt; China tells America to leave him alone or he'll rip his arms off. \n* Higurashi no Naku Koro ni; Japan forces Korea to apologise with every strike while caning him. Later, Balhae attacks Japan with a cleaver while screaming \"LIAR!\" at him. \n* [DATA CORRUPTED] \n* Shrug of God: On \"Balhae\"'s actual identity. \n* Split Personality: Possibly Balhae. \n* Take Me Instead!: China. Naturally it doesn't help. \n* Talking to Themself: The Koreas. \n* Unsettling Gender Reveal: Least funny variation possible. Sadly it wasn't unsettling enough to make the guys stop. \n* Well-Intentioned Extremist: Japan. \n* What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Inverted: What Measure Is A Human To A Non-Human? The nations have no problem with watching the rape, torture, and murder of humans, and quite enjoy battles. Word of God is that if China had escaped unhurt from the massacre, he would have been pissed off at losing and not much else. \n* Why Did You Make Me Hit You?: Japan to Korea."@en . . .