. "Henry Taylor was the First Gentleman of the United States during Redemption and Day 7 after his wife, Allison Taylor was sworn in as the first female President. He was able to prove his son Roger Taylor's cause of death was not suicide but rather murder. He was kidnapped by Ik\u00E9 Dubaku in an attempt to force his wife to remove her troops from Sangala, and shot in the process. He was saved by Jack Bauer who helped him and brought him to a hospital where he underwent surgery. Six hours later, he seemed to be stable and was able to talk to his wife and daughter. Henry was later relocated to the White House where he learned about Olivia's complicity in the murder of Jonas Hodges and fiercely tried to defend her against his wife's quest for justice, to no avail. Sometime after Day 7, he and Alli"@en . . . . . . "1"^^ . "Henry Taylor"@en . "7"^^ . . "\"Day 7: 7:00am-8:00am\""@en . . . . "Henry Taylor was the First Gentleman of the United States during Redemption and Day 7 after his wife, Allison Taylor was sworn in as the first female President. He was able to prove his son Roger Taylor's cause of death was not suicide but rather murder. He was kidnapped by Ik\u00E9 Dubaku in an attempt to force his wife to remove her troops from Sangala, and shot in the process. He was saved by Jack Bauer who helped him and brought him to a hospital where he underwent surgery. Six hours later, he seemed to be stable and was able to talk to his wife and daughter. Henry was later relocated to the White House where he learned about Olivia's complicity in the murder of Jonas Hodges and fiercely tried to defend her against his wife's quest for justice, to no avail. Sometime after Day 7, he and Allison divorced."@en . . . . . "Alive"@en . . "Roger Taylor"@en . "yes"@en . . . "24"^^ . . . . . "First Gentleman of the United States"@en . . "yes"@en .