"Silmaril"@en . "Cristallo duro"@it . . "Grandi quanto un pugno"@it . "One Silmaril was stolen back from Morgoth by Beren and L\u00FAthien Tin\u00FAviel, and was eventually given to the Valar by E\u00E4rendil as a token of repentance on the part of the Noldor as a whole. This Silmaril was set in the sky as a star. The other two eventually came into the hands of Maedhros and Maglor, two of F\u00EBanor's sons, and at the end of the day wound up in a fiery pit and at the bottom of the sea respectively. Thus all three elements of Arda (sky, fire, and water) were represented, as Elrond will be certain to point out in his Numerology 101 class. There were always three Silmarils, and the presence of any more is a definite sign of worry for a PPC Agent on the job. Silmarils, of course, are high on the list of items that are Absolutely Forbidden to be taken into possession of PPC Agents -- a recent development that was enacted only after a bitter fight over ownership of one sent three Agents to Medical[]."@en . . "I Tre Gioielli, i Grandi Gioielli, Gioielli di F\u00EBanor, Silevril, Golodhvir, Miruin"@it . . "I Silmaril (in Quenya Silmarilli), anche chiamati Gioielli di F\u00EBanor sono tre gemme di cristallo create da F\u00EBanor durante la Prima Era che racchiudevano la luce e l'essenza dei due Alberi di Valinor. Nessuno cap\u00EC mai come F\u00EBanor fosse riuscito a creare simili oggetti; nessuno riusc\u00EC mai a duplicarli, nemmeno lo stesso F\u00EBanor. Essi sono considerati gli oggetti di fattura elfica pi\u00F9 preziosi mai creati e furono ardentemente desiderati da molti. In particolare Mandos predisse che i destini di Arda (terra, mare e aria) erano racchiusi nei Silmaril. Ne \"Il Silmarillion\", le vicende contenute nella sezione denominata \"Quenta Silmarillion\" (dal Quenya \"la storia dei Silmaril\") sono basate sulla loro storia e sulla lotta contro Morgoth per recuperarli."@it . "Trasparenti"@it . "Silmaril"@de . . . "I tre Silmarilli"@it . "F\u00EBanor e i suoi figli, anche se a seguito dei loro crimini quest'ultimi persero ogni diritto sui gioielli"@it . . "One Silmaril was stolen back from Morgoth by Beren and L\u00FAthien Tin\u00FAviel, and was eventually given to the Valar by E\u00E4rendil as a token of repentance on the part of the Noldor as a whole. This Silmaril was set in the sky as a star. The other two eventually came into the hands of Maedhros and Maglor, two of F\u00EBanor's sons, and at the end of the day wound up in a fiery pit and at the bottom of the sea respectively. Thus all three elements of Arda (sky, fire, and water) were represented, as Elrond will be certain to point out in his Numerology 101 class."@en . . "Dei tre Silmaril solo uno si salv\u00F2 cio\u00E8 quello di E\u00E4rendil, gli altri due venero inghiottiti uno dal mare l'altro dalla terra"@it . . "The Silmarils (or Silmarilli), also known as the Jewels of F\u00EBanor, were gems crafted by F\u00EBanor from some essence of the Two Trees of Valinor; Laurelin and Telperion, before the First Age. They were among the most prized of all the wonders crafted by the elves and were coveted by many. It was said that the fate of Arda was woven about the Silmarils."@en . "Furono le pi\u00F9 magnifiche gemme mai create dagli Elfi, e la loro bellezza era in parte dovuta alla luce degli Alberi di Valinor che F\u00EBanor era riuscito a imprigionare in esse"@it . . . "I Silmaril (in Quenya Silmarilli), anche chiamati Gioielli di F\u00EBanor sono tre gemme di cristallo create da F\u00EBanor durante la Prima Era che racchiudevano la luce e l'essenza dei due Alberi di Valinor. Nessuno cap\u00EC mai come F\u00EBanor fosse riuscito a creare simili oggetti; nessuno riusc\u00EC mai a duplicarli, nemmeno lo stesso F\u00EBanor. Essi sono considerati gli oggetti di fattura elfica pi\u00F9 preziosi mai creati e furono ardentemente desiderati da molti. In particolare Mandos predisse che i destini di Arda (terra, mare e aria) erano racchiusi nei Silmaril."@it . . . "thumb|Beren h\u00E4lt einen der drei Silmaril in der Hand Die drei Silmaril sind die Edelsteine, die vor der Vernichtung der Zwei B\u00E4ume von Valinor von dem Elb Feanor erschaffen wurden, und das Licht dieser B\u00E4ume enthielten. Das Quenta Silmarillion (gr\u00F6\u00DFter Teil des Buches \"Das Silmarillion\") erz\u00E4hlt die Geschichte von diesen Silmaril."@de . "Irradiavano la luce degli Alberi di Valinor, cosa che gli consentiva di fendere le tenebre pi\u00F9 buie, e a causa delle benedizioni di Varda non potevano essere toccate da qualcosa di impuro. Sembra anche che avessero dei poteri curativi in quanto uno dei Silmaril fu in grado di ridare per breve tempo la vita a Beren"@it . . "thumb|Beren h\u00E4lt einen der drei Silmaril in der Hand Die drei Silmaril sind die Edelsteine, die vor der Vernichtung der Zwei B\u00E4ume von Valinor von dem Elb Feanor erschaffen wurden, und das Licht dieser B\u00E4ume enthielten. Das Quenta Silmarillion (gr\u00F6\u00DFter Teil des Buches \"Das Silmarillion\") erz\u00E4hlt die Geschichte von diesen Silmaril."@de . "The Silmarils (or Silmarilli), also known as the Jewels of F\u00EBanor, were gems crafted by F\u00EBanor from some essence of the Two Trees of Valinor; Laurelin and Telperion, before the First Age. They were among the most prized of all the wonders crafted by the elves and were coveted by many. It was said that the fate of Arda was woven about the Silmarils."@en . . . . "The_three_Silmarils.jpg"@it . "Silmaril"@it . "Silmaril"@it . "Gemme dei Noldor"@it .