"2009-09-05"^^ . . "Posted on Pastel Forum; Submachine 6: Theories and Suggestions; Page 245; Post 12. Subject; Sub-bots."@en . "it's called navigator."@en . "hard to say."@en . . "--05-31"^^ . "--09-29"^^ . "^ this."@en . "--03-16"^^ . "sounds nice.\n\nas for your question - someone triggered sponatenous creation of submachines. After the \"invention\" sub started to expand by itself. so there was a human factor in it at the beginning. but no more."@en . "1"^^ . . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "there's third option. \nbeamers open dimensions AND other things.\n\nwhich they do.\n\nthe last beamer opened a direct connection from one location to the next within layer 5."@en . "no, it was not a glitch, I changed it.\nit's the representatioon of all 7 layers depicted in sub8.\nline from sub7 goes to layer 1 of sub8."@en . . "4"^^ . "5"^^ . "What do you prefer it to be called then? 101, IOI, LOL, ioi, etc. hm?"@en . "6"^^ . "--09-05"^^ . "7"^^ . "it's kind of a offspin.\n\nAs i said - it's a vast universe and almost anything goes. So in this way - its a part of the series.\n\nCompletely different thing is that somewhere else in the subnet is an ongoing story that we follow through sub1-sub4.\n\nA short spoiler and a question. I was thinking about developing the \"wisdom gem\" plot in sub 5. Those things would be collectable, like one per game, since we already have two of them. You go on a quest for the third one. what do you think?\n\nm"@en . "submachine 1: the basement\n\nTo send more feedback or join my submachine mailing list you can email me:\n\nmateusz@rewolucje.com\n\nfrequently asked questions:\n\n1. what was the purpose of the diary?\n\nin submachine1 the diary page is pointless, it was only created to distract players. However the story is growing and in submachine2 the diary will take part in solving the game.\n\n2. what is the wisdom gem for?\n\nit's a reward for finding the hidden room. It indicates tha whoever finds it is wise. As before, wisdom gem will be necessary to kick off the sequel.\n\nwalkthrough with updates"@en . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . "Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:46 am; Subject: Submachine: your ideas and general comments"@en . "10"^^ . "11"^^ . "no."@en . "12"^^ . "on a side note, the Submachine refers only to the man-made structures created in the 1900s? or also to the elder antistructural architecture structures of the Core?"@en . "13"^^ . "14"^^ . "15"^^ . "16"^^ . "17"^^ . "18"^^ . "Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:32 pm; Subject: Submachine 6: theories on unreleased game"@en . "19"^^ . "20"^^ . "21"^^ . "22"^^ . "yeah, it was one of the firstportals created by mur. it was unstable. where did he want us to go through this? the lab? did this unstability helped the \nsub to mismatch our path and dump us into the loop?"@en . "23"^^ . "Posted on PastelForum, about the portal door."@en . "24"^^ . "25"^^ . "no, these are different kind of rooms. There are two kinds of submachine enviroments. One is when the existing terrain is adopted to the form of submachine chambers. That happened in sub2, or submachine zero. the other kind is when submachine is built from the scratch. Like Sub1 and sub 3 especially. Sub3 in fact shows that it's impossible for us to tell the location of the submachine."@en . "2012-09-06"^^ . "26"^^ . "--07-05"^^ . "the first submachine was built in early 1900.\n\nthat much we know.\n\nancient location was built later using a time machine."@en . "27"^^ . "--10-18"^^ . "28"^^ . "29"^^ . "hmm, I always thought that the loop in submachine3 was some sort of a passage. Just a path, a road to something or somewhere. As for other theories. Submachines were created here on earth in the early 20th century. I agree that all of them are in one dimension. But on the other hand it is also possible that some of them were taken out of this world and put SOMEWHERE ELSE.\n\neither case, i think you're quite ready for playing submachin4 and we should dicuss this further after you play s4. ;)"@en . . "Soullock wrote:\nBlarg!!! Thanks... now you gave us more questions than answer... whaaaa..."@en . "30"^^ . "31"^^ . "32"^^ . "LOL Mateusz, did something unexpected happen? :P"@en . "Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:48 am; Subject: Submachine theories"@en . "33"^^ . "34"^^ . "35"^^ . "Posted on PastelForum replying to a users thread regarding their theory on the Submachine."@en . "36"^^ . "I still think Defense System is the byproduct of its own evolution and awareness"@en . "37"^^ . "38"^^ . "39"^^ . "--03-12"^^ . "Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 4:22 pm; Subject: Submachine 5: The Root Theories"@en . "40"^^ . "41"^^ . "42"^^ . "...no. \n...\n\n\n\n\n//--------------------- \nThe first submachine was built by an unknown scientist. But after that it started growing on its own. Remember the first portals? those is sub5? how that technology evolved into the portal machine known originally from sub4? You think that machine was built by humans? I dont think so. But its designed to transfer humans from one location to another. So how does it compute, since the submachine treats humans as viruses . How could it build something that clearly spreads the infestation...\n\nthe only solution to this, as I see it, is that those portals were NOT created FOR humans. And certainly not by them."@en . "Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:52 am; Subject: Submachine FLF theories"@en . "44"^^ . "45"^^ . "46"^^ . "Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:40 am; Subject: Submachine1: the basement"@en . "1440.0"^^ . "47"^^ . "48"^^ . "--03-08"^^ . "Answering to an hypotesis that player in Sub0 is mur and he described Ancient ruins in the letter to Liz. Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:57 pm; Subject: Submachine 5: The Root Theories"@en . "49"^^ . "--05-31"^^ . "not quite. \nCheck out the intro dialogue between mur and liz."@en . "50"^^ . "--12-18"^^ . "51"^^ . "--04-13"^^ . "Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:16 am; Subject: Submachine4: the Lab"@en . "52"^^ . "53"^^ . "you mean the word \"submachine\"? \nit's an abbreviation of \"submerged machine\", because at the time of discovery there was a popular belief that all structures were below the ground ."@en . "54"^^ . "55"^^ . "56"^^ . "--08-30"^^ . "57"^^ . "1905"^^ . "Hodari says;And now that you\u2019re at it, what\u2019s protocol accordant retreat?"@en . "58"^^ . "Soullock wrote:\nAnd now that got me thinking... why The Loop is looping rooms and is endless???"@en . "59"^^ . "60"^^ . "o_0"@en . "61"^^ . "62"^^ . "63"^^ . "Posted on PastelForum."@en . "Soullock wrote:\nwhy did M said that each puzzle we solve, we move deeper below ground???"@en . "64"^^ . "I still don't know what change of direction made sub3 that could be equal to sub8."@en . "65"^^ . . "66"^^ . . "67"^^ . "68"^^ . "69"^^ . . "70"^^ . "71"^^ . "Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:21 am; Subject: Submachine 6: theories on unreleased game"@en . ".. and now they're all dead..."@en . "you mean this one? its not about ancient section ruins. It's about those red-walled ruins in sub2, at the beginning ;P\n\nand the origin of the wisdom gem found we dont know. We can assume it was basement's, but that'd implicate that player is mur, which I doubt, but we know by now that mur is capable of placing items on different positions, such as the orb in sub4."@en . "72"^^ . "73"^^ . "74"^^ . "Posted in PastelForum, regarding our starting point in Submachine 8: The Plan and it not being in Liz's ship."@en . "75"^^ . "Posted in Pastel Forum, in response to comments about the interactive Submachine 8 teaser."@en . "76"^^ . "77"^^ . "78"^^ . . "79"^^ . "80"^^ . "81"^^ . "82"^^ . "83"^^ . "84"^^ . "85"^^ . "2012-09-13"^^ . "86"^^ . "--09-19"^^ . "--03-10"^^ . "87"^^ . "I think I said that like 100 times already, but what the hell.\n\nsubmachines ARE REAL structures. it's not a dream, dillusion, nirvana, hallucination or whatever. murtaugh will not wake up in his own bed at the end"@en . "88"^^ . "Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:44 pm; Subject: Submachine 6: theories on unreleased game"@en . "89"^^ . "since you're wondering. \nit's the first puzzle - therefore it's kind of obvious and simple. \nafter that things get tricky."@en . "90"^^ . "91"^^ . "92"^^ . "--05-23"^^ . "DiscoMcDisco wrote:\nI highly doubt that the ship moves, if anything it'll be a berthed/crashed submarine or something....."@en . "Commenting a theory by the librarian and answering:\"is the Submachine doing it's own thing or is there someone building and expanding it? Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:20 am; Subject: Submachine 5: The Root Theories"@en . "I think we stopped escaping around sub3. and even before that it was about exploring rather, thatn escaping.\n\nright now situation couldnt be clearer. we are submachine researchers. we'll go deep into the net, to theplaces that mur already have seen or even further, depending on his own will.\n\nthere is no escaping in it.\n\nm"@en . "no, Im not going to incorporate classic puzzles. There's hardly anything classic about subamchine ;)\n\nWhat I meant was - I'm looking for fresh ideas, solutions that have never been though of. Puzzles that will not be solvable because they were similar to some other pnc games. that kind of stuff.\n\nlately I thought of a puzzle. You have that grandfathers clock. But when you zoom in, the numbers on the clock do not match hours. Like - normal goes from 1 to 12, but this would go, for example 5, 12, 8, 36, 11, 10, 2, 1 etc...\n\ntheny in some other part of the game you'd have to use those numbers correctly, like you know you have to use twelve o'clock, but the changed number. That kind of stuff.\n\nm"@en . . "I'd think so as well. besides, in the subnet it states that those are prototypes. there could've been many prototypes and I suspect that subbots look nothing like those sketches. To comfort void, they dont look like spiders either.\n\nsolved."@en . "Posted on PastelForum, confirming what is likely."@en . "will 10:The exit be all black and white like the exit in 4:The lab?"@en . "Seven games plus four spin-off and i STILL have no idea what 'submachine' means."@en . . "Posted in PastelForum about the Core and the Lighthouse and explaining possible reasons for dubious dates."@en . "This submachine is \"submachine-generated\" instead of \"man-made\"."@en . "1"^^ . . "--04-07"^^ . "question.\nat submachine 7 theres a note from Liz that says: \"they didnt have to mimic the subnet, they were already in it\".\nwho are \"they\".\nand: are \"they\" human?"@en . "well, maybe I put it wrong. murtaugh is not evil, but his actions create disturbances in the submachine net. and the net finds it as a problem, or conflict, or, dare I say, ANOMALY\n\nit sounds like matrix a bit, but what the hell."@en . . "Do you think it is a different person than the writer of the suicide note we didn't find?"@en . "you're confused. devices used in root location were not portals. they were running only within ONE location - the root. right? portals move you between locations."@en . "dont forget there is more to this in the matter of timeframe.\nmachine > raisin > [looooong time] > ladder, which is on raisin :P"@en . . "Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:24 pm; Subject: Submachine theories"@en . "--03-27"^^ . "Posted on PastelForum; Submachine experience exploration experience; Page 140. Subject; The Core."@en . "--05-16"^^ . "Mateusz was being compared to God or as a Messiah by the forum members since he created the Subs. This was his reply."@en . . "Posted on PastelForum topic \"submachine is real??...\". Discussing the method of burial of the Lighthouse."@en . "yes. dots are irrelevant.\n\none thing bugs me. you all think that layer 5 will be \"far away\"\n\nlike you could measure distance between two layers of reality. I think the distance is not the point here."@en . "the mighty leaf theory is mine.\n\nyou're all too late. sorry.\n\nbut that leaf did something out of the picture in the loop. its like a grain of sand in the large hadron collider. or something.\n\nand as for the list of organic things in the sub:\nyou should look closer. its not accurate. for example - sub6 - the aging room - there are DEGFINIETLY green mold on the wall. if thats not organic, then what is?..."@en . "November, 2008"@en . "--05-19"^^ . "yes."@en . "Soullock wrote:\nBut PLEASE do not spoil the reason for creation of Submachines!!! I think that part is major plot revelation that should stay in the game.\nThanks for not telling =3"@en . . "wasn't she mentioned in sub6?..."@en . "umm, no, you didn't understand. This is not a spoiler of the sub4 storyline. This is much further. A whole picture. Well, the part of it."@en . "Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 9:05 pm; Subject: Submachine4: the Lab"@en . "yeah...for all the visual evidence we have seen, we could be a floating camera with telekinetic abilities!"@en . "Refers to the storage in SubFLF. Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:06 pm; Subject: Submachine: FLF"@en . "--08-16"^^ . . "the name of the game starts with \"SUB\". that is because all of the locations were in fact underground. sub-machine, meaning: underground machine. not semi-automatic gun. this has nothing to do with submachine gun. ;)"@en . "(Note: All times posted in Eastern Standard Time or Eastern European Time)"@en . "main story ends in subX.\n\nand in that game we find out that... um... wait, I cant tell.\n\nand after that - subamchine MIGHT continue as unrelated single games, like FLF or Sub0. Might."@en . "Posted on Facebook, refers to the substance in the resin room."@en . "642"^^ . "wisdom gem is originally obtained in submachine1: extended."@en . "--05-19"^^ . "Posted on PastelForum on the subject of Submachine 7, and its story."@en . "Gemini wrote:"@en . "The theory was that the mur in Submachine is the author himself. Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 6:37 am; Subject: Submachine theories"@en . . "What if.. the lighthouse is in the 5th layer. What if the 5th layer is actually... earth?"@en . "No, I meant that the evolution is caused atleats partially by human rebuilding from within."@en . "June 2011"@en . "as for organic matter in the submachine.\n\neveryone forgotten that the LEAF broke the chain of looping traps in sub3?\n\nthat was definietly roganic. that was definietly something powerful.\n\na leaf.\n\n...\n\nno one made any theory about that yet? :D"@en . . "--06-07"^^ . . "--09-09"^^ . "no. all subnet is one dimention, not 999 dimentions.\n\nthere are 7 dimentions and I'd suppose - there are 7 versions of the same subnet. or not. maybe in one reality they didnt create subnet, and just core remains. there could be a dimention where the core is not damaged. who knows."@en . "Gemini said: He's already there? I understand he has a karma arm, but damn. He must want something in the core. And what is it? Well we'll find out wont we"@en . "I'm pretty sure they meant \"dimension\" differently. to them it was jumping between different clusters of submachines in one dimension. \n\nmethinks."@en . "Answers to the hypothesis that SubFLF locations can be part of the Subnet. Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:35 pm; Subject: Submachine: FLF"@en . "--09-04"^^ . "When we found those messages in the Edge, were they written by more than one person?"@en . "I hope she have one appearance in one form or another, maybe somewhere in the beginning."@en . . "yup, but that assumption raises problems. since its not for humans, it doesnt have to be designed to be accesible by humans. how in the world are we going to explore this??\n\nare we just standing outside banging our head on the doorless wall?"@en . "jeez people.\n\nthose are not zones. those are DROP zones. its written right there. you can't take one word and add time and come up with time zone. come on.\n\ndrop zone is the area of landing inside a given location. most of them are in point 1, meaning room 1, but there are few locations that have different room numbers, hence the change in drop zone.\n\ncapisci?"@en . "Posted in Pastel Forum, in response to the comments about a teaser showing blue water thought to be Kent Waterfalls."@en . "Refers to to the statue in Ancient sections of sub4 that could be the real looking of mur. Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:57 pm; Subject: Submachine FLF theories"@en . . "Posted on PastelForum topic \"The meaning of submachine\"."@en . "maybe it was a metaphore. Like - you fall deeper into trouble, or into the trap ofyour mind, madness, who knows what else...\n\ndeeper below surface.think about it.\n\n*goes back to implementing some sounds that he got from TM*\n\nm"@en . "2010-12-17"^^ . "there are two wisdom gems. ancient one - and the one found in sub1 and used in sub2.\n\nsorry, soul.\n\nbut that has to be clearly stated if we want sub5 plot to make any sense.\n\nhehe"@en . . "--04-22"^^ . "Mar 10, 2008 9:32 pm"@en . "the lighthouse was buried by intradimentional horizontal shift. they switched the location of the lighthouse to dimention that had a gravitational pull reversed by 90 degrees, so the lighthouse appeared as lying on the ground horizontally. then they just released the sand. it looked quite spectacular from the original lighthouse dimention. imagine. all that sand pouring onto lighthouse sideways.\n\nMaybe I'll make a drawing of that in the future, would be quite a view."@en . "I am to say this. ;). it was made long after the first submachine. From the builders point of view, naturally, what other point of view can w take?... \nhistorical? with the time machine a 'historical' point of view doesnt exist anymore.... Besides, they're ancient RUINS. we've got ruins up to date, so who tossed the idea that ancient location was built in BC? they could've built it in 1932 using some old ruins, as I see it. I'm not saying that they did, but there is a possibility..."@en . "--05-17"^^ . "Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:38 pm; Subject: Submachine 5: The Root Theories"@en . . . "The_Lone_Watcher wrote:\nalso, where EXACTLY did you lose me?"@en . "Lemartes wrote:\nIf by the builders point of view they built one in 1900ad then went back in time to build one in 1900bc then and only then could you say the\n1900ad was 1st and only if you looked at it from the builders view of time."@en . "--06-28"^^ . . "slow down there, partner.\n\nremember sub6? at the end murtaugh said, that since defsys is down, he could invade the core. right? that's like knowlegde we have since more than a year.\n\nso, as we actually go to the core, there are two options.\n\n[/end of free info]"@en . . "yeah.\n\nwe are human.\n\nthe portals were not created for humans. We can use portals.\n\nPortals were made for something human-like \n\nno, there are no aliens in this universe.\n\nno, no other life forms.\n\nyou know how does the google bot work? jupming through different websites checking the content and updating mainframe info?\n\nintroducing new term into the sub universe:\n\nsub-bot.\n\nchew on this =)\n\n[and no, Im not spoiling anything that would be seen in sub6]"@en . "AnnaOCD wrote:\nYes: \nPerhaps the video game was a mere tool to manipulate the Submachine world without actually GOING there. So the basement is a real place, we just\nweren't really THERE. get it??? :?"@en . "you're confusing the structure of the core with the man-made structures of the subnet."@en . "Posted in PastelForum regarding the beamers."@en . "Posted on PastelForum on subject of Sub-bots and their development and shape."@en . "C, E, F are usually names of drives in the comp, not files ;P\n\ndid you mean that M was a drive name?\n\nmakes little sense\n\nm"@en . . "well, you are the experts, but as far as I remember the story goes like this:\n\n- murtaugh had a third, invisible, karma arm with which he was able to create portals. The structure was then disturbed for the first time. \n- then he proceeded to create portals for others - that was in sub2, where he created stable portal using the lighthouse lamp. \n- then the story breaks, and we get back to it when there is a whole lab created by mur. with poirtals and everything.\n\nIt's quite clear that portals are not native structures of the sub.\n\nok, just found thus topic thanks to amarillo."@en . "infinite"@en . "Pkailes wrote:\nHave you played Myst?"@en . "protocol accordant retreat is a suggested location you should go to in case the current location you\u2019re in is dangerous or unsafe."@en . "exactly"@en . "that's what he said in this note. \nmur telling him to go and shut down the defsys.\n\nprobably."@en . "that is represented by us sumoning the main portal door by striking the gong. frequency of the atom structure manipulation. woah."@en . "--06-25"^^ . "Posted on PastelForum replying to another comment of his prior note."@en . "I'd agree with that."@en . "not exactly. what he meant was... wherever you look, you probably see bones. You probably have them in your eyesight. somewhere. that was him making a point that not only the subnet is endless by now and everywhere, but the people searching the net also spread everywhere.\n\nAt least that's what I think."@en . "Quote:\nHi Elizabeth. \nEven in my strangest dreams I never thought that I would be able to create through dimentional pathways leading to new unexplored places. My\nnew experiment took me rigth below the lighthouse straight to those legendary ruins. You can call me a discoverer from now on. And I only used\nthat wisdom gem that I found lately. Just think where possibly I could go using the lighthouse itself and its full power of light. \n\nI'm considering moving to another place next 32 days. \n\nWill you take care of Einstein for me? \nYours \nm"@en . "Posted in PastelForum, discussing the green leaf and plantlife in the Submachine series."@en . "yeah, sure, its all possible since we're all living inside the matrix.\n\nI have a history of the submachines in my head. One day I'll tell you about the early builts of the submachine, that took place in ~1900 ~1906 in Kent.\n\nwhoops, did I spoil something?\n\nMaybe one day I'll take you there to see it for yourself. Those early, brickwalled builts of submachines. But as far as I remember from being there, they were smaller than modern submachines, they were kind of experiments only. The biggest one had capacity similar to that from the first submachine. About 20 chambers. It was a engineering miracle at that time. \nAfter the fourth game we will gain some device, or a computer software - in case this is all just simulation - to take us there.\n\nI have to think about it.\n\nbut seems like a good idea. How did it all start? who was the creative genius that made these sub constructions possible? I know him, I met him myself. Quite a nice guy by the way."@en . "--03-23"^^ . "--03-07"^^ . "Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:50 pm; Subject: Re: ^^"@en . "I surely know MOTAS, but I dont know if I can say it was an inspiration for sub. I could as well point out samorost, games created by Nanahiro, such as treasure box, all those chambers and all pnc games in general for I've been playing them all on lazylaces.com for a long time now. \nm"@en . "lighthouse is inside the core. I thought that was clear.\n\nI've got two landmines for you to blow you away. I'm curious how nobody thought of:\n\n1. the first submachine was built around 1900, but that's not the beginning of the submachine. that's just the beginning of the outer rim ;\n\n2. subnet experience + karma portals. all I'm saying. just imagine."@en . "If Murtaugh really had gone silent to his Lighthouse for five months, why did they bury it?"@en . "neurostatictoxin said: Those are just sketches, done by Void. I'd say, in the canon, were blueprints or prototype sketches or something. I am expecting Mateusz to have his own idea of how the sub-bots look and the designs in SNEE were just Mateusz \"paying respect\" to his fans work and stuff.\n\nLike the 3D models of the Mover."@en . "Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:43 am; Subject: Submachine 5: The Root Theories"@en . "Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:00 pm; Subject: Submachine FLF theories"@en . "Refers to the fact that anna said if Sub0 isn't a submachine sub4 isn't a submachine either. Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 2:18 pm; Subject: Submachine 5: The Root Theories"@en . "--08-29"^^ . "Soullock wrote:\nOh wait... you mean the one of first kind of Submachine was the red brick-built chambers underneath the Lighthouse?"@en . "Soullock wrote:\nNow you pretty much convince me that Submachine isn't within machine, even though it a good theory of mine.... v.=.v whaaaa..."@en . "kaboom. Can't tell you you hit the nail on the head, but that's a very good idea"@en . "spectrum and frequency and wavelength."@en . "Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:29 pm; Subject: Submachine theories"@en . "--04-28"^^ . "Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 7:34 am; Subject: Submachine theories"@en . "that's exactly what happened."@en . "Posted in PastelForum, rerading the theory that Submachine 3: The Loop and Submachine 8: The Plan mirror each other."@en . "--10-11"^^ . "ok, Ill solve this argument.\n\nit WAS a morgue, but the FLF crew wanted me to change that to storage because it was too creepy \nm"@en . "uhm... \nthe first and most important reason of all?\n\nwe follow murtaugh."@en . "in subnet there's one location with gravitational abnormalities.\n\nI'm talking about something else. Pulling a patch of gravity from one dimention and placing it onto another dimention. In this case the trick was - put the vertical building in the horizontal environment, causing it to become prone to sideways attack. that would also explain the sand coming through the windows of the lighthouse.\n\nOne thing is certain - that dimentional pull was temporary. Once the damage was done - they turned it off. Or rather - disconnected the layers.\n\nDamn, I should copy this somewhere to keep it alive in the canon of the subnet.\nI should also stfu already. ;)"@en . "Death Road said: I thought that, one second, going to go look . . .\nEdit: nevermind, The Root's description is early 19th century, but in the game it said that the stuff looked 1950s.\nSo yeah . . .\nI don't know."@en . . "Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:28 am; Subject: Submachine3: the LOOP"@en . "Lemartes wrote:\nAs for Sub 0 Who is to say this was not the 1st Submachine built. After all even if time travel was involved according to anyone\nother than the builders it would have been the 1st. Its construction predates the the rest so far as we know on a liner time line. Wouldn't\nthat make it the 1st one build by a historical point of view"@en . "--10-10"^^ . "Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:42 am; Subject: Submachine theories"@en . "clever reply anna.\n\nyou got him there"@en . "the..."@en . "\"I've heard stories.\n\nWell, not actually heard. I just read them on pieces of paper. I read that there were exploring teams. For the love of god, did he really form teams? what happened to those men and women? where their shattered bones lie right now?\n\nI know that everywhere I look I'm probably looking at bones. The subnet is everywhere. How many people had to die for him to gather the information he so dearly needed?\n\nJesus.\n\nI never joined any exploration team. I never saw anybody. I'm not much of an explorer. If you tell me to do something - I will. But I see no point in exploring the infinity. Maybe that's why he chose me for the defsys mission. Maybe that's the reason I'm standing on this ledge right now.\n\nWhen I look around I see submachine. \nWhen I look down I see nothing.\n\nI want to be there.\"\n- lost note from sub6, written, but never found."@en . . "well, that is the big question now. So is it a computer loop? a disfunctional sector of the matrix? I doubt that. That looks like another dimension to me. Ask another question. WHY is it described as timeless and spaceless. The measurement of \"time\" attached to our planet can be altered or seen differently somewhere else. And the space? that three-dimentional concept of the space? well, I guess it applies to sub3, since we have a navigator in our hand. but when I look at that device I'm even more convinced that its not from that lcoation. It was put there by someone. It was not part of the loop mystery. it was just laying there waiting for you to pick it up. So who put it there? I did."@en . "Mur. Could actually be a machine leading you to the edge when in fact you are going deeper into the net.\n\nSubmachine 7 is called \"The Core\"\n\nThese little spoilers should keep you happy..."@en . . "--05-22"^^ . . "The i stands for infestation."@en . "I think we went there, and that arcade game at the beginning of sub2 is phony."@en . "somebody's playing tricks with your mind. Do't let them fool you. How can you tell that you came out of arcade at the beginning? Only because you see the picture on the screen. I show you things, and you believe them. I guess that's how it goes."@en . "we follow murtaugh."@en . "Posted in PastelForum anwsering questions about the layers."@en . "Refers to SubFLF locations. Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 6:39 am; Subject: Submachine: FLF"@en . "--08-25"^^ . "dont worry.\n\nIts not a dream.\n\nIts reality"@en . "Posted on PastelForum replying on a comment about the meaning of his prior note."@en . "Posted in PastelStories replying to a comment about the 4th version of the SNEE."@en . "Posted in Pastel Forum, in response to comments about the meaning of dimension in a note from Sub4."@en . "you were going to layer 5.\non the way - you fell into the portal within the portal that changed your direction and threw you into the dimensional knot that you had to untie in order to move forward.\n\nnow ask me again, how sub8 mirrors sub3. -__-"@en . "--04-05"^^ . "Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 6:34 am; Subject: Submachine4: the Lab"@en . "Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:13 pm Subject: Submachine 6: theories on unreleased game"@en . . "--05-22"^^ . "you have no idea..."@en . "Makes me think that the absorption theory is indeed correct. That the Submachine does indeed absorb humans."@en . "(Note: All times posted in Eastern Standard Time or Eastern European Time)"@en . "well, it could.\n\nthe submachine net is vast."@en . "--05-16"^^ . "--09-13"^^ . "Death Road wrote:\nmaybe Mur is a \"Mur\"derer and kills the people that go against his advice"@en . "Posted in Facebook, answering a question concerning the notes found in Submachine 6 and their writer."@en . "no it doesn't\n\nit ends up within sub2\n\n:P\n\nm"@en . "Late September, 2012"@en . "Posted on the Subnet changes chatter-thread in PastelForum on drop zones."@en . "Posted in PastelForum topic Submachine 8: the plan, discussing the lines between games in submachineworld.com"@en . "Soullock wrote:\nI believe that each Submachine is within specific machine that is similar to the structure or function of machine."@en . "hm.\n\nsub bots.\n\nyou treat them as inhabitans, like humans, like something aware and spread through the net.\n\ntheyre a piece of machinery. just a piece of metal with a job to do.\n\nthey're not C3PO-like."@en . "When asked about mur's gender, the author answers we really don't know nothing about him; could even not be human. Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:40 am; Subject: Submachine4: the Lab"@en . "Posted in PastelForum regarding Layer five."@en . . "they are real.\n\nthat's been said like three times already.\n\npls don't loop the discussion."@en . . "Darrin wrote:\nI gotta say, I wasn't overly fond of the third one. I kinda liked having to find and collect all the little items and components and whatnot.\nStill amazing, and I can't wait for the fourth, and even many more, with a subject like time and space, you can go forever. \n\nAlso, did you get the idea of the Submachine series from the also point and click Mysteries of Time and Space?"@en . "--10-02"^^ . "--05-21"^^ . "fuck..."@en . "mur stands for murtaugh, nothing else.\n\nme thinks..."@en . "the reason...... I doubt even the great man at the beginnig didn't quite know the purpose. he just got directives."@en . "2010"^^ . "liz says that the early portals, mur's \"baby steps\" were short-range, i shoulda mentioned this before, but i figured the green one was made later, when mur got into the core and then went onto section 5''\n\nso we're literally following in his footsteps"@en . "there is a possibility that this mysterious open door behind grates in sub4 is just painted on the wall. or - if you open it you find a brick wall once again. no exit whatsoever.\n\nsub4 lab and sub5 lab are the same, just from a different perspective. or time."@en . "Posted in Pastel Forum, in response to comments about the symbol and the interactive Submachine 8 teasers."@en . . . "Lemartes wrote:\nP.S.S. I was also wondering about the number 32 too. It shows up a lot. Hmmmm wasn't there a movie recently with Nick Cage that had some super\nnatural thing about the number 32? If you do some math stuff to it you get bible numbers and stuff."@en . "--09-30"^^ . "Going back to the humans building the defense system. Perhaps they weren't barring themselves out, but maybe something else? Perhaps there is an alien species involved, they want something from the humans... So the humans built defenses to keep out the aliens, Mur is this alien and wants us to help him get it..."@en . "KindledRose wrote:\nBut now that I think about it... All of the sub games seemed to have taken place underground... Am I the only one who finds that strange...? \n*inquisitively raises an eyebrow*"@en . "yeah, somebody came up with logical explanation. :P"@en . "Aug 25, 2009 2:00 pm"@en . . "2012-09-07"^^ . "Soullock wrote:\nWhoa... that is kinda a huge spoiler for the plot... \nIsn't that too early before releasing Sub 4???"@en . "Posted on Facebook, refering to \"they\", in \"they didnt have to mimic the subnet, they were already in it\"."@en . . "Soullock wrote:\nAnd why did we come out of the Arcade in beginning of Sub 2???"@en . "--08-10"^^ . "Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:14 am; Subject: Submachine: your ideas and general comments"@en . "2"^^ . . "ha!"@en . "1"^^ . "Posted on PastelForum while discussing about Liz."@en . "sub6 is not going to be the loop.sorry.\n\nsub6 will be about the edge and defence systems - I wasnt joking about those systems.\n\nNo retrospections of previous submachines. Completely new material.\n\nDo the defence systems point outwards or inwards - that was avery good question. Its so good, that I cant answer that :D\n\nJust to steer you to some direction - a pure, untouched by murtaugh location. He's never been there. He can't go there.\n\nDefence system recognizes infested locations. Infested by portals and humans. With the lab location being the hive of all evil that's destroying the structure and murtaugh being a father of all this mess."@en . "Jeez you guys with Alexander and the knot.\n\nThe game was making a simple reference to Alexander the Great cutting the Gordian Knot in half, which ties to the notes' several mentions of the knot metaphors. No need to over-analyzing it. What you need to analyze instead is the knot metaphor itself with the Loop.\n\nThank you.\n\n:D"@en . "sigh...\n\nblue water \u2260 kent waterfall.\n\nthere, happy?"@en . . "isn't that kind of... obvious? :D"@en . "Soullock wrote:\nIt take a lot to convince me"@en . "no, that would be bad idea."@en . "ok guys, I'll take that even further. Who ever said that M is even HUMAN?? or ALIVE for that matter.\n\n:D\n\nnow sit on this one. :D\n\nm"@en . "Lemartes wrote:\nI think the reason you see no people is cause your the straggler in this game you have been left behind to catch up with everyone else. They\nare already deep in the Submachine network where as you just started scratching the service of the whole thing."@en . "Well what is our purpose of going to the core."@en . "drop me an PM and we'll see. But I doubt that.\n\nm"@en . "You need answers? but that what you saw was just a tip of the iceberg. The rest is... you know... under water. or in other words - under the surface of my mind. I've been there, I've seen it all with my very own eyes. Maybe you should start asking proper questions. Maybe your theories don't work that well because you see only what I want to show you. \nm"@en . . "December, 2010"@en . "i don't understand you, or you don't understand me\n\nlet's write it down with numbers, please write which ones are correct and which aren't:\n\n*1. The subnet is made of 7 different layers.\n*2. A layer is made of its dimenions.\n*Example:\n*3. The layer in which the core is in, has dimensions as the number of the different locations.\n*4. In the layer of the regular submachine , , there are 1000 dimensions.\n*5. Like in submachine 5, location 5-5-1 has 7 sub-dimensions \n\nwhich are correct and which aren't? and why?\n\nthanks!"@en . "Well, that is true on more than just one level. I create those games. From that perspective they're all in my head. On the other hand, from the perspective of a game character, that would be possible that the man actually went to all those locations, and that surely wouldn't be me. Which theory do you choose? :D \nm"@en . "Posted on PastelForum on the layers."@en . "Posted in PastelForum, giving a name to the \"layer-switch\"."@en . "Posted on Pastel Forum; Submachine 6: Theories and Suggestions; Page 244; 5 post. Discussing the usage of Portals in Sub4 and Sub5 and revealing the existance of sub-bots."@en . . "2010-12-02"^^ . "The_Lone_Watcher wrote:\nany way it happens, multiplayer will be extremely difficult to produce. \nMurtagh, u might want to e-mail existing mulitplayer game creators for assistance"@en . "I know that. I dont intend making that by myself.\n\ndid you make some multiplayer games?\n\nand btw - we were thinking hard on taking the submachine on to the next level. that was one of the ideas. 3D however is not an option. graphics and appearance must be the same. And I would even think of multiplayer submachine unless SOMEBODY told me it was possible.\n\nagain:\n\nI know its all mysterious, just as the submachine itself, but the mere coinsidence of mentioning the exploartion teams in sub4 lead us to multiplayer. taking the community even further."@en . "Posted in PastelForum, establishing Alexander as a mere reference."@en . "This post was made before Sub5 was published. Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:40 pm; Subject: Submachine0: the ancient adventure"@en . . "Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:43 am; Subject: Submachine theories"@en . "Answering to someone that was saying wisdom gem in Sub2 and Sub0 were the same. Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 6:39 pm; Subject: Submachine FLF theories"@en . . "Refers to SubFLF locations. Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:32 pm; Subject: Submachine: FLF"@en . "Forum posts"@en . "umm, thanks for support and feedback, I'll keep'em coming then, ;)\n\nas for myst - I only played myst5 the end of ages, but didnt finish that. It's damn hard. Now the biggest surprize of all times: I'm not that good at point and click games. :D\n\nI can make them, no problem, but solving a game is quite difficult for me...\n\nHowever, Myst wasn't my inspiration, for as far as I can tell that was your question about.\n\nHowever there are games that I adore. Samorost 1 and 2, I think those are the best pnc games ever. 99rooms, another great online adventure. I didn't enjoy classic MOTAS, probably because of not so sharp graphics. I'm very sensitive about the game graphics. What else, crimson room was doable, but viridian room was too hard for me :/\n\nYou mentioned time spent on making sub4. Well, few months as I recall. Right now my wife is making last test of the game, no bugs spotted :D\n\nSo its up to arcadetown how fast will they publish this.\n\nm"@en . "Posted in Facebook, in response to the question whether Submachine 10 is going to be black and white, in resemblance to the 596 location."@en . "--08-27"^^ . "Posted on Submachine Network Exploration Experience; Page 64; Post 2. Subject; future of the Submachine series."@en . "who told you that mur was at the beginning of the sub? o_0\n\nbecause guess what - he wasn't"@en . . "--11-17"^^ . "Posted on PastelForum, about the resin room."@en . "Posted on PastelForum topic \"The meaning of the submachine\". Discussing the origin of the term \"submachine\"."@en . "Posted on Pastel Forum; Submachine 6: Theories and Suggestions; Page 243; Replying to several users posts regarding Submachine 6 and the history of Submachine and the Subnet"@en . . "2010-12-18"^^ . "Posted on PastelForum; Submachine 7: Theories & Suggestions regarding organic matter in the Submachine series."@en . "well, hopefully she have a role in the Core, seeing that in SubNet she left a note in the place where Mur is said to plow his way to the Core."@en . "Soullock wrote:\nScientists clearly disagree with Mur and attempt to find the purpose of Submachine on their own."@en . "2010-11-08"^^ . "what..."@en . "2012-09-29"^^ . "I don't think so."@en . "--05-21"^^ . "--08-23"^^ . . . "take it more symbolical."@en . "April 2011"@en . "lone watcher wrote:\nMurtagh, I now have a good idea what the game will be about ."@en . "2012-06-16"^^ . "Soullock wrote:\nmight have saved his life countless times..."@en . "Posted on PastelForum, on discussion about what \"i\" on Sub6 subnet infestation map stands for."@en . "then sub9's line would start in the fifth layer, am I right? :P"@en . "Refers to a theory that mur is a pc and M is a computer drive name. Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:40 am; Subject: Submachine4: the Lab"@en . "2012-09-10"^^ . "Posted on PastelForum, refers to the dates of the notes found during Submachine 2: The Lighthouse."@en . "soullock you forget that the subnet is vast and limitless, as shown in sub3. \nI've been saying that for a long time. there is place for DIFFERENT kinds of subs in it. there can be even structures floating in air. we didn't see it yet, but they exist. besides, the name \"submachine\" was given by the original creator of the first submachine in early 20th century as we know, and there are two options:\n\n- he named that after what he has seen, and surely he didnt see it all. maybe he has seen only submerged parts of the structure, hence the name.\n\n- he named it after what he desired to built , but we know that submachine got out of hands and started spreading by itself. to no limit.\n\nno limit."@en . "but didn't sub3 destroy that nice image of the structure? i mean, timeless, spaceless and stuff?\n\n;)\n\nm"@en . "--03-22"^^ . "what form. a busty manga type?"@en . "--05-23"^^ . "The question by ShadowsQuest2500 was:did you program the game as an infiniitve number when clicking up, down, left, or right or is there a number in which the game stops? Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:18 pm; Subject: Submachine3: the LOOP"@en . "besides, you dont see a submachine room on that screen that says \"it's just a computer screen\", now do you.\n\nyou were wondering around. solved puzzles. got beamed up by the lighthouse lamp. and at that point yous ee the cutscene, which is on the computer screen. right?\n\nthat means - the issue or subamchine's realm and image being on screen have nothing to do with each other.\n\nso far we've seen: few tests, the lab, which is an outside structure created for sub exploration, now the root, we haven't seen the most important things, like the centre of the subnet, peripheral defense structure and such. oops, I'm thinking too loud. will shut up."@en . "Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:42 am; Subject: Re: All I can say is WOW!"@en . "--09-10"^^ . "Those satellite antennas caught us 'mid-flight'?"@en . "because they knew he was up to something. remember. he mad small portals - reality begun shattering. locations started falling apart. death toll was high. and those were only small portals. his next step was desire to create big portal using lighthouse lamp. the one that eventually started 'the collapse'."@en . "June, 2010"@en . "people who created man-made sections of the subnet."@en . "--11-08"^^ . "no, it's a solid state. like resin or something. ancient resin. it took over the machine. and centuries alter someone put a ladder on it."@en . "\u00A0\n*1. no. reality is made of 7 different layers. subnet is a part of that reality.\n*2. no. layer = dimension\n*3. no. layer has all locations.\n*4. no. there are 7 layers.\n*5. no. certain location is not a layer.\n\nso lets smmarize: you got it all wrong."@en . .