"18000"^^ . "Infector is Korasai's smarter henchman and resident evil scientist of Philipnova798's The Adventure Squad. He was responsible for turning the majority of the population of Wetlands City into the horrible things that live there. As well as being responsible for turning a Matoran into a rather dumb (and mind controlled) lackey."@en . "The Infector is a type of Mutant infantry, a female mutant armed with a rifle firing infectious darts. On rookie level, the toxins in the darts cause the victim's body to swell and rip open, releasing a cloud of poison gas that harms unprotected infantry nearby. On elite level, the gas itself is infectious, causing its victims to swell and burst into more infectious gas, wreaking havoc on infantry formations in this chain reaction. Both the Infector's darts and the gas are ineffective against vehicles and structures."@en . "220000"^^ . . . . . "Infector"@fr . "?"@en . . "?"@en . "Infector ampuu vierivi\u00E4 myrkkykuulia. Jos myrkkykuula osuu viholliseen, se alkaa hy\u00F6k\u00E4t\u00E4 muiden vihollisien kimppuun. Se kehittyy Infecto Bombiksi."@fi . "Low"@en . . "Mind control weapon"@en . . . "?"@en . "*James"@en . "180"^^ . "Infecto-Bomb"@en . "15"^^ . "Infector"@fi . "The Infector is a unique Necromorph encountered in Dead Space and Dead Space 2. The Infector's sole purpose is to spread the Necromorph contagion, thus creating more Necromorphs to spread the infestation."@en . "25"^^ . "20"^^ . "18"^^ . . . . "20"^^ . "?"@en . "*Grote Guthe"@en . "Infector ampuu vierivi\u00E4 myrkkykuulia. Jos myrkkykuula osuu viholliseen, se alkaa hy\u00F6k\u00E4t\u00E4 muiden vihollisien kimppuun. Se kehittyy Infecto Bombiksi."@fi . . "2"^^ . "240"^^ . "Infector"@it . "It can be upgraded to the Infecto Bomb with use, and in challenge mode, can be upgraded to the Mega Infecto Bomb from any Gadgetron vendor. While the Infector weapon did not reappear, its effect reappeared in later games."@en . . "Infector is an Overlord class that specializes in 'infecting' the heroes with special Overlord tokens to represent the infection. The infection tokens can be spent by the Overlord in various situations for bonuses."@en . . . "Infector is an Overlord class that specializes in 'infecting' the heroes with special Overlord tokens to represent the infection. The infection tokens can be spent by the Overlord in various situations for bonuses."@en . . "30"^^ . . . "It can be upgraded to the Infecto Bomb with use, and in challenge mode, can be upgraded to the Mega Infecto Bomb from any Gadgetron vendor. While the Infector weapon did not reappear, its effect reappeared in later games."@en . "*Resembling either a manta ray or a headless bat in appearance, with a retractable proboscis that injects the Necromorph contagion."@en . . "320"^^ . . "18"^^ . "600"^^ . "15"^^ . "4000"^^ . "?"@en . . "5000"^^ . . . "?"@en . "L'infector \u00E8 un necromorfo che vi dar\u00E0 non pochi problemi. Oltre alla velocit\u00E0, \u00E8 in grado di trasformare i cadaveri nell' area in necromorfi."@it . . "L'infector \u00E8 un necromorfo che vi dar\u00E0 non pochi problemi. Oltre alla velocit\u00E0, \u00E8 in grado di trasformare i cadaveri nell' area in necromorfi."@it . "400"^^ . . . "20"^^ . "Medium"@en . . "6000"^^ . "The Infector is a type of Mutant infantry, a female mutant armed with a rifle firing infectious darts. On rookie level, the toxins in the darts cause the victim's body to swell and rip open, releasing a cloud of poison gas that harms unprotected infantry nearby. On elite level, the gas itself is infectious, causing its victims to swell and burst into more infectious gas, wreaking havoc on infantry formations in this chain reaction. Both the Infector's darts and the gas are ineffective against vehicles and structures."@en . "*Infectors use the talons on their wings to slash prey.\n*They can impale victims through the forehead with their proboscis."@en . "?"@en . . "?"@en . . "Capacit\u00E9s: il peuvent comme leurs noms l'indique, parasiter les corps des humains (morts ou vivants) , ils peuvent voler donc se deplacer rapidement. Faiblesses: quand ils sont au sol ils ne peuvent pas se deplacer rapidements ils sont donc faciles \u00E0 atteindre , ils n'ont comme attaque que le fait de se jeter sur vous pour vous parasiter.Si les corps qu'il parasitent n'ont pas de bras ou de t\u00EAte alors il se peut que le parasite n'en ait pas. Apparance: ce sont des cr\u00E9ature plates avec des sortes d'ailes plus une sorte de membrane semblable a une griffe ou a une mandibule."@fr . "Infector"@en . . "Infector"@en . . "The Infector is a unique Necromorph encountered in Dead Space and Dead Space 2. The Infector's sole purpose is to spread the Necromorph contagion, thus creating more Necromorphs to spread the infestation."@en . "Infector is Korasai's smarter henchman and resident evil scientist of Philipnova798's The Adventure Squad. He was responsible for turning the majority of the population of Wetlands City into the horrible things that live there. As well as being responsible for turning a Matoran into a rather dumb (and mind controlled) lackey."@en . "Capacit\u00E9s: il peuvent comme leurs noms l'indique, parasiter les corps des humains (morts ou vivants) , ils peuvent voler donc se deplacer rapidement. Faiblesses: quand ils sont au sol ils ne peuvent pas se deplacer rapidements ils sont donc faciles \u00E0 atteindre , ils n'ont comme attaque que le fait de se jeter sur vous pour vous parasiter.Si les corps qu'il parasitent n'ont pas de bras ou de t\u00EAte alors il se peut que le parasite n'en ait pas. Apparance: ce sont des cr\u00E9ature plates avec des sortes d'ailes plus une sorte de membrane semblable a une griffe ou a une mandibule. Armes efficaces :cutter plasma , trancheur , arme d'assaut, choc laser. Arme de d\u00E9fense : mega-pk (pour \u00E9viter que la cr\u00E9ature ne se jette sur vous!) Armes inutiles: lance-flamme et d\u00E9coupeur. Zones fr\u00E9quent\u00E9es par ces cr\u00E9atures: toutes Astuce: si vous rencontrez des corps, d\u00E9coupez la t\u00E9te et certains membres pour que dans le cas o\u00F9 un infector les parasitent la creature n'en ait pas. donc se d\u00E9place moins vite et vous pouvez alors vous concentrer sur l'infector avant que la situation ne commence a devenir critique. Ne laissez jamais un infector sur une zone remplie de cadavres pour eviter qu'il ne les parasite , en conclusion l'infector doit \u00EAtre au plus vite \u00E9limin\u00E9 car si il y a des cadavres il peut devenir dangereux. \u00E9tude des docteur: k\u00E9k\u00E9 et goliate. Correction du rapport ; No more Zombies"@fr .