. . . . . "Holowan Laboratories"@en . . "Holowan Laboratories, located on the planet of Halowan the so-called \"Friendly Technology People,\" were the designers and manufacturers of the IG-88 line of assassin droids. Holowan Mechanicals, responsible for the IG-100 MagnaGuard droids, was a subsidiary of this company. This was where IG-88A first escaped, slaughtered his creators, and programmed IG-88B, IG-88C, and IG-88D. He also met IG-72."@en . . "players/news_archive.vm?id=67423&month=092007"@en . . . "Droid manufacturer"@en . . . . "Holowan Laboratories/Legends"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Holowan Laboratories, located on the planet of Halowan the so-called \"Friendly Technology People,\" were the designers and manufacturers of the IG-88 line of assassin droids. Holowan Mechanicals, responsible for the IG-100 MagnaGuard droids, was a subsidiary of this company. This was where IG-88A first escaped, slaughtered his creators, and programmed IG-88B, IG-88C, and IG-88D. He also met IG-72."@en . . . "Holowan Laboratories"@en . "Holowan Laboratories"@en . . . . . "\u30DB\u30ED\u30EF\u30F3\u7814\u7A76\u6240"@en . . "Laboratorios Holowan"@en . "Faces of Evil"@en .