"The Consumer Electronics Show, commonly referred to as CES, is an industry driven convention for electronics, which premiered in 1967. Prior to the premiere of the Electronic Entertainment Expo in 1995, CES was the primary venue for demonstrating video games. On January 6th, January 7th, and January 8th, 2000, the thirty-third annual CES took place. Interact demonstrated the GameShark CDX (the North American localized version of Datel's Action Replay CDX). It is the first independently developed code running on the Dreamcast."@en . "Consumer Electronics Show"@en . . . "The Consumer Electronics Show, commonly referred to as CES, is an industry driven convention for electronics, which premiered in 1967. Prior to the premiere of the Electronic Entertainment Expo in 1995, CES was the primary venue for demonstrating video games. On January 6th, January 7th, and January 8th, 2000, the thirty-third annual CES took place. Interact demonstrated the GameShark CDX (the North American localized version of Datel's Action Replay CDX). It is the first independently developed code running on the Dreamcast."@en .