"* Charubin the Fire Knight x2"@en . . . "FlamvellBaby-WC11.png"@en . "Burning Blood"@en . "Flamvell Baby is a character version of the card, \"Flamvell Baby\"."@en . "* Burial from a Different Dimension\n* Card Destruction\n* Dark Hole\n* Giant Trunade\n* Instant Fusion\n* Rekindling x3"@en . . . . . "Flamvell Baby (character)"@en . . . "Flamvell Baby"@en . . "unknown"@en . "True Flame Backdraft"@en . "Flamvell Baby"@en . "Flamvell Baby is a character version of the card, \"Flamvell Baby\"."@en . "* Flamvell Archer\n* Flamvell Baby x2\n* Flamvell Firedog x3\n* Flamvell Grunika x3\n* Flamvell Magician x3\n* Flamvell Poun x3\n* Genex Ally Birdman\n* Glow-Up Bulb\n* Magical Merchant x3\n* Morphing Jar\n* Neo Flamvell Hedgehog x3\n* Neo Flamvell Origin x2\n* Neo Flamvell Shaman\n* Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x2"@en . . "Furemuberu Beb\u012B"@en . . . "\u30D5\u30EC\u30E0\u30D9\u30EB\u30FB\u30D9\u30D3\u30FC"@en . . "* Ally of Justice Catastor\n* Ancient Flamvell Deity x2\n* Black Rose Dragon\n* Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier\n* Flamvell Uruquizas\n* Goyo Guardian\n* Red Dragon Archfiend x2\n* Red Nova Dragon x2\n* Stardust Dragon\n* Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier"@en . "* Bottomless Trap Hole\n* Fiend Comedian x2"@en . .