. "A lady swathed in the rugged attire of a farstrider. Nearly every aspect of Alaein Andilien, sister of Rognan Andilien reeks of duality and conflict. Beneath the firm and utilitarian armour design she adorns herself in resides the semi-athletic body of a pampered, well-kempt and somewhat petite minor noblewoman in her early adulthood. Naturally, it\u2019s uncertain whether or not this friction between disciplined ranger and privileged woman is any more than skin-deep appearances. Evidently prideful of her typical elven beauty, Alaein Andilien clearly makes a point of wanting to be noticed in the social climate of things. Her sanguine lips shine from beneath her camouflage hood almost as brightly as her emerald green eyes and near-flawlessly pale skin, framed by a vain coating of dark mascara and golden yellow hair. Defined and devoid of the extensive signs of aging the lesser races are prone to, her facial features are as sharp and defined as any Sin'dorei."@en . . "A lady swathed in the rugged attire of a farstrider. Nearly every aspect of Alaein Andilien, sister of Rognan Andilien reeks of duality and conflict. Beneath the firm and utilitarian armour design she adorns herself in resides the semi-athletic body of a pampered, well-kempt and somewhat petite minor noblewoman in her early adulthood. Naturally, it\u2019s uncertain whether or not this friction between disciplined ranger and privileged woman is any more than skin-deep appearances."@en . "Alaein Andilien"@en . . .