"Waspinator is a heroic Predacon in the Shattered Beasts universe. \"You can relax now, Wazzpinator izz here.\" -Waspinator after arriving at the battlefield Waspinator is the Predacons ultimate warrior, fast, strong, courageous, and equiped with inpenatrable armor, Waspinator is the perfect warrior. He also tends to have a tendency to lizzp and speak in the third person, a wonderfully low price for his prowess in battle. He is always kind to people and now matter what will always give someone a second chance."@en . . . . "Waspinator (SB)"@en . . . "Waspinator is a heroic Predacon in the Shattered Beasts universe. \"You can relax now, Wazzpinator izz here.\" -Waspinator after arriving at the battlefield Waspinator is the Predacons ultimate warrior, fast, strong, courageous, and equiped with inpenatrable armor, Waspinator is the perfect warrior. He also tends to have a tendency to lizzp and speak in the third person, a wonderfully low price for his prowess in battle. He is always kind to people and now matter what will always give someone a second chance."@en .