. "This skill allows a Wardancer to confuse an opponent with a rapid succession of feints and flurries. The Wardancer must make a successful I test to use this skill. His opponent must make a WP test - if he fails, the Wardancer gains a +10 to-hit bonus against him and the transfixed victim suffers a to-hit penalty of -10 against the Wardancer. A Wardancer fighting more than one opponent need only make a single I test; each opponent must make a WP test and all those who fail are affected as normal. These modifiers continue without any further tests until the transfixed opponent hits the Wardancer (although he need not actually cause a wound). The Wardancer cannot transfix opponents with Int 6 or less or opponents who are immune to psychology (e.g. undead)."@en . . "Transfix"@en . "This skill allows a Wardancer to confuse an opponent with a rapid succession of feints and flurries. The Wardancer must make a successful I test to use this skill. His opponent must make a WP test - if he fails, the Wardancer gains a +10 to-hit bonus against him and the transfixed victim suffers a to-hit penalty of -10 against the Wardancer. A Wardancer fighting more than one opponent need only make a single I test; each opponent must make a WP test and all those who fail are affected as normal."@en .