. "Play this card when a hero fails a test. Place this card in that hero's play area. Each time that hero tests any attribute, he rolls 1 additional grey die."@en . "DJ34"@en . "Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown."@en . "Overlord Card"@en . . "Mockery"@en . . . . . "Overlord"@en . . . "~"@en . . . "Mockery"@ia . . . . . "Overlord Reward"@en . . "Event"@en . . "If this card is in a hero's play area at the end of an encounter, the overlord may either discard it or return it to his hand."@en . . "synopsis"@en . . "Mockery"@en . . "Fropm [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mockery]] mokerie, mokery, and [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mockery]] mocquerie, moquerie, from moquer, moker (\u201C\u2018to mock\u2019\u201D) + -erie (\u201C\u2018-ery\u2019\u201D)."@ia . "Fropm [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mockery]] mokerie, mokery, and [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mockery]] mocquerie, moquerie, from moquer, moker (\u201C\u2018to mock\u2019\u201D) + -erie (\u201C\u2018-ery\u2019\u201D)."@ia . "Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown."@en . . .