. . "Trinium"@es . . "Trinium was a mineral that was used in the manufacturing of weapons systems. Large deposits were located on the planet Quas Killam \u2014 on that planet, a mining cartel took control of the government with the aid of the Trade Federation to allow the Confederacy of Independent Systems access to the valuable substance."@en . "SGC f\u00F6rs\u00F6kt att bryta ett berg av Trinium p\u00E5 PXY-887, men lokala Salish stam bad dem att sluta, k\u00E4nner att deras metoder var sl\u00F6saktig och destruktiv. (SG1: \"Spirits\") Emellertid var SGC ocks\u00E5 kunna hitta en annan gruva. Trinium \u00E4r ocks\u00E5 en komponent i en f\u00F6rening som anv\u00E4nds i en hel del Tollan teknologi. (SG1: \"Between Two Fires\") Efter Jordens Stargate Iris f\u00F6rst\u00F6rdes av ett svart h\u00E5l och Tau'ri installerat en ny gjord av en Trinium-titanium legering. (SG1: \"A Matter of Time\") Legerat med naquadah, var trinium en viktig del i byggandet av Prometheus och Daedalus-klass stridsskepp. Asgard skepp anv\u00E4nder ocks\u00E5 denna typ av legering med en additon av kol. Spetsig Trinium pilar \u00E4r kapabla att penetrera den mjuka delen av Kull krigare rustning. (SG1: \"Evolution, Part 1\") Teoretiskt andra lika vassa vapen skulle vara effektivt mot Kull krigare rustning. Image:Kawoosh.JPG Denna artikel om en teknologi \u00E4r en stub. Du kan hj\u00E4lpa Sv.Stargate Wiki med ut\u00F6ka de."@sv . . "SGC f\u00F6rs\u00F6kt att bryta ett berg av Trinium p\u00E5 PXY-887, men lokala Salish stam bad dem att sluta, k\u00E4nner att deras metoder var sl\u00F6saktig och destruktiv. (SG1: \"Spirits\") Emellertid var SGC ocks\u00E5 kunna hitta en annan gruva. Trinium \u00E4r ocks\u00E5 en komponent i en f\u00F6rening som anv\u00E4nds i en hel del Tollan teknologi. (SG1: \"Between Two Fires\") Efter Jordens Stargate Iris f\u00F6rst\u00F6rdes av ett svart h\u00E5l och Tau'ri installerat en ny gjord av en Trinium-titanium legering. (SG1: \"A Matter of Time\") Spetsig Trinium pilar \u00E4r kapabla att penetrera den mjuka delen av Kull krigare rustning. (SG1: \"Evolution, Part 1\")"@sv . "Unrefined trinium is brittle and relatively useless. It can be strengthened for processing when put into a water saturating tank or found in a calm, moving river. Stargate Command attempted to mine a mountain of trinium on PXY-887, but the local Salish tribe asked them to stop, feeling that their methods were wasteful and destructive. (SG1: \"Spirits\") However, the SGC was also able to locate another mine. (SG1: \"Between Two Fires\")"@en . . "A metal that is 100 times stronger and lighter than steel. It is used on the Iris. Earth's ships, and other stuff. The SGC attempted to mine a mountain of trinium on PXY-887, but the local Salish tribe asked them to stop, feeling that their methods were wasteful and destructive. Trinium is also a component in a compound used in a great deal of Tollan technology. The Asgard also use trinium in an alloy of trinium, naquadah, and carbon."@en . . . "Trinium"@sv . "Image:Metall.gif Trinium is the equivalent of metal in the old type OGame alike games. Used in the extraction of Trinium ore, Trinium Mines are of primary importance to all emerging and established empires."@en . . . . . . "After Earth's Stargate iris was destroyed by a black hole, the Tau'ri installed a new one made of a trinium alloy. Alloyed with naquadah, trinium was an important part in the construction of the BC-303 Prometheus and other vessels of the Tau'ri Fleet. (Stargate: SG-1)"@en . . "A metal that is 100 times stronger and lighter than steel. It is used on the Iris. Earth's ships, and other stuff. The SGC attempted to mine a mountain of trinium on PXY-887, but the local Salish tribe asked them to stop, feeling that their methods were wasteful and destructive. Trinium is also a component in a compound used in a great deal of Tollan technology. The Asgard also use trinium in an alloy of trinium, naquadah, and carbon."@en . . "Image:Metall.gif Trinium is the equivalent of metal in the old type OGame alike games. Used in the extraction of Trinium ore, Trinium Mines are of primary importance to all emerging and established empires."@en . "A trinium egy igen kem\u00E9ny f\u00E9m, sokszorta k\u00F6nnyebb \u00E9s er\u0151sebb az ac\u00E9ln\u00E1l. Tr\u00EDnium-tit\u00E1nium \u00F6tv\u00F6zetb\u0151l k\u00E9sz\u00FClt a f\u00F6ldi kapu \u00EDrisze, naquadahval \u00F6tv\u00F6zve fontos elem a Prometheus \u00E9s Daedalus-oszt\u00E1ly\u00FA csatahaj\u00F3k gy\u00E1rt\u00E1s\u00E1ban. A tollanok f\u00E1zistechnol\u00F3gi\u00E1j\u00E1nak alapvet\u0151 alkot\u00F3ja, a szil\u00E1rd anyagon val\u00F3 \u00E1tjut\u00E1shoz triniummal vonj\u00E1k be a t\u00E1rgyakat.Kateg\u00F3ria:Anyagok"@hu . "Trinium"@hu . "El Trinium era un mineral utilizado en la fabricaci\u00F3n de sistemas de armas, enormes dep\u00F3sitos estaban localizados en el planeta Quas Killam. En ese planeta, un cartel minero tom\u00F3 el control del gobierno con la ayuda de la Federaci\u00F3n de Comercio para permitir que la Confederaci\u00F3n de Sistemas Independientes tuviera acceso a la valiosa sustancia."@es . . "Unrefined trinium is brittle and relatively useless. It can be strengthened for processing when put into a water saturating tank or found in a calm, moving river. Stargate Command attempted to mine a mountain of trinium on PXY-887, but the local Salish tribe asked them to stop, feeling that their methods were wasteful and destructive. (SG1: \"Spirits\") However, the SGC was also able to locate another mine. (SG1: \"Between Two Fires\")"@en . . . . "El Trinium es un metal muy d\u00E9bil y quebradizo en estado crudo pero puede refinarse en una sustancia 100 veces mas fuerte y ligera que el acero. Es un componente importante en la tecnolog\u00EDa de Tollan. El Comando Stargate ha intentado adquirir reservas de \u00E9l varias veces. Se le ha dado un buen uso como el iris instalado en el Stargate del SGC que es una aleaci\u00F3n de trinium-titanio. Tambi\u00E9n se usa para los cascos de los cruceros de la Tierra como las clases Prometeo y Dedalo. Los Asgard usan una aleaci\u00F3n de Trinium, Carbono, y Naquadah como casco para sus naves, la O'Neill y probablemente el resto de la serie de naves clase O'Neill que los Asgard construyeron despu\u00E9s de la destrucci\u00F3n de la O'Neill. El Trinium es distinto del tritium. Categor\u00EDa:Stargate Categor\u00EDa:Materiales"@es . . . . . "After Earth's Stargate iris was destroyed by a black hole, the Tau'ri installed a new one made of a trinium alloy. Alloyed with naquadah, trinium was an important part in the construction of the BC-303 Prometheus and other vessels of the Tau'ri Fleet. (Stargate: SG-1)"@en . . "Il Trinium \u00E8 un minerale ferroso molto pi\u00F9 leggero, resistente e malleabile dell'acciaio terrestre. Il Comando Stargate con la collaborazione di molte civilt\u00E0 lo estrae su diversi pianeti non specificati, e viene utilizzato per costruire tutti i tipi di strutture terrestri, dagli avamposti sulla superficie dei pianeti alle astronavi classe Daedalus, F-302 e stazioni spaziali. La forza e la resistenza del Trinium garantiscono alle navi terrestri di resistere a qualsiasi minaccia, in assenza degli scudi."@it . . "El Trinium era un mineral utilizado en la fabricaci\u00F3n de sistemas de armas, enormes dep\u00F3sitos estaban localizados en el planeta Quas Killam. En ese planeta, un cartel minero tom\u00F3 el control del gobierno con la ayuda de la Federaci\u00F3n de Comercio para permitir que la Confederaci\u00F3n de Sistemas Independientes tuviera acceso a la valiosa sustancia."@es . . . . . "Trinium was a mineral that was used in the manufacturing of weapons systems. Large deposits were located on the planet Quas Killam \u2014 on that planet, a mining cartel took control of the government with the aid of the Trade Federation to allow the Confederacy of Independent Systems access to the valuable substance."@en . . . "Il Trinium \u00E8 un minerale ferroso molto pi\u00F9 leggero, resistente e malleabile dell'acciaio terrestre. Il Comando Stargate con la collaborazione di molte civilt\u00E0 lo estrae su diversi pianeti non specificati, e viene utilizzato per costruire tutti i tipi di strutture terrestri, dagli avamposti sulla superficie dei pianeti alle astronavi classe Daedalus, F-302 e stazioni spaziali. La forza e la resistenza del Trinium garantiscono alle navi terrestri di resistere a qualsiasi minaccia, in assenza degli scudi."@it . . . . "Trinium"@it . . "Trinium"@en . . . . . . "A trinium egy igen kem\u00E9ny f\u00E9m, sokszorta k\u00F6nnyebb \u00E9s er\u0151sebb az ac\u00E9ln\u00E1l. Tr\u00EDnium-tit\u00E1nium \u00F6tv\u00F6zetb\u0151l k\u00E9sz\u00FClt a f\u00F6ldi kapu \u00EDrisze, naquadahval \u00F6tv\u00F6zve fontos elem a Prometheus \u00E9s Daedalus-oszt\u00E1ly\u00FA csatahaj\u00F3k gy\u00E1rt\u00E1s\u00E1ban. A tollanok f\u00E1zistechnol\u00F3gi\u00E1j\u00E1nak alapvet\u0151 alkot\u00F3ja, a szil\u00E1rd anyagon val\u00F3 \u00E1tjut\u00E1shoz triniummal vonj\u00E1k be a t\u00E1rgyakat.Kateg\u00F3ria:Anyagok"@hu . . "El Trinium es un metal muy d\u00E9bil y quebradizo en estado crudo pero puede refinarse en una sustancia 100 veces mas fuerte y ligera que el acero. Es un componente importante en la tecnolog\u00EDa de Tollan. El Comando Stargate ha intentado adquirir reservas de \u00E9l varias veces. Se le ha dado un buen uso como el iris instalado en el Stargate del SGC que es una aleaci\u00F3n de trinium-titanio. Tambi\u00E9n se usa para los cascos de los cruceros de la Tierra como las clases Prometeo y Dedalo. El Trinium es distinto del tritium. Categor\u00EDa:Stargate Categor\u00EDa:Materiales"@es . .