. "Solar Satellite"@en . . "Star Fox Command"@en . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ Solar Satellites generate power for your planet but can be easily destroyed in an attack. Despite being a ship, it cannot be moved from the planet it was built on. The power generated depends on the max temperature of the planet and is therefore generally more useful on planets closer to the sun (i.e. at slots with lower numbers)."@en . . "Two Laser Beam Weapons\nMissile Launcher"@en . . . . . "Summoning the power of the sun, you fire a burst of sunlight into the sky and command it to release into your foes with a terrifying blast of cosmic power. As a full attack action, make a single ranged touch attack against 1 creature per 4 levels, no two of which can be further than 30 feet apart. Creatures struck take normal damage as well as 1d6 damage per level (Max 25d6). Half is fire and half is force damage. The creature struck must make a fortitude saving throw DC: 15+ Dexterity modifier or take full damage and be set on fire. Creatures who succeed in their save take half damage. Creatures who fail their saving throw take full damage and they will take fire damage equal to your normal damage every round they are on fire to a maximum of 5 rounds. For every successful hit you land, you heal a number of hitpoints equal to your Dexterity modifier."@en . "Zoldge along with Andrew, Zako and Octoman, was hired to fight on the Anglar Empire's behalf. Zoldge led the occupation of Solar and ordered a weapon called the Solar Satellite to be made. Falco Lombardi was the first to see the weapon while travelling to meet with Fox McCloud. But when Fox, Falco, ROB 64 and Wolf O'Donnell began to analyze the weapon they concluded that it could not be penetrated by standard starship firepower. Wolf then suggested that if the group manage to blind the pilot's vision, it could eventually topple over into the lava of Solar, destroying itself. Fox and Falco agreed, despite the tension between them and Wolf. And so, when the three pilots came to take the Anglar forces out and destroy the weapon, Zoldge sent all his pilots to kill them. But the Anglar garrisons were killed by the small group, and Zoldge decided to face them himself in the finished Solar Satellite. A fierce skirmish began and Zoldge seemed to be winning, until ROB discovered a weakness, and to Zoldge's horror, began tipping it with their fire and melting it in the lava. Zoldge pleaded them to stop, but to no avail. Finally the Satellite began to incinerate. Zoldge's last words were surprisingly calm, as he said, \"Hmm, what should I tell his excellency\", before the Satellite burned up."@en . . . . . . . . "File:Ss.gif Short Description Solar satellites are simple platforms of solar cells, located in a high, stationary orbit. They gather sunlight and transmit it to the ground station via laser. Long Description It quickly became apparent that more energy was needed to power larger mines then could be produced by conventional ground based Solar Plants and Fusion Reactors. Scientists worked on the problem and discovered a method of transmitting electrical energy to the colony using specially designed satellites in geosynchronous orbit. Solar Satellites gather solar energy and transmit it to a ground station using advanced laser technology. The efficiency of a solar satellite depends on the strength of the solar radiation it receives. In principle, energy production in orbits closer to the sun is greater than for planets in orbits distant from the sun. Since the satellites primary goal is the transmission of energy, they lack shielding and weapons capability, and because of this they are usually destroyed in large numbers in a major battle. However they do possess a small self-defense mechanism to defend itself in an espionage mission from an enemy empire if the mission is detected. Rapidfire from Small Cargo 5 Rapidfire from Large Cargo 5 Rapidfire from Light Fighter 5 Rapidfire from Heavy Fighter 5 Rapidfire from Cruiser 5 Rapidfire from Battleship 5 Rapidfire from Colony Ship 5 Rapidfire from Recycler 5 Rapidfire from Bomber 5 Rapidfire from Destroyer 5 Rapidfire from Deathstar 1250 Rapidfire from Battlecruiser 5 Rapidfire from Time Distortion Ship 5 Rapidfire from Supernova 630 Rapidfire from Mothership 5 Rapidfire from Intergalactic Frigate 5 Note: - Energy yield from Solar Sats is incresed with the Engineer. - Requirement: Shipyard level 1"@en . "File:Ss.gif Short Description Solar satellites are simple platforms of solar cells, located in a high, stationary orbit. They gather sunlight and transmit it to the ground station via laser. Long Description It quickly became apparent that more energy was needed to power larger mines then could be produced by conventional ground based Solar Plants and Fusion Reactors. Scientists worked on the problem and discovered a method of transmitting electrical energy to the colony using specially designed satellites in geosynchronous orbit."@en . . . . "Solar Fighter Hangar"@en . "Zoldge along with Andrew, Zako and Octoman, was hired to fight on the Anglar Empire's behalf. Zoldge led the occupation of Solar and ordered a weapon called the Solar Satellite to be made. Falco Lombardi was the first to see the weapon while travelling to meet with Fox McCloud. But when Fox, Falco, ROB 64 and Wolf O'Donnell began to analyze the weapon they concluded that it could not be penetrated by standard starship firepower. Wolf then suggested that if the group manage to blind the pilot's vision, it could eventually topple over into the lava of Solar, destroying itself. Fox and Falco agreed, despite the tension between them and Wolf."@en . . . . . . "Solar Fighters"@en . . "Solar Satellite"@en . . "Ultimate Weapon"@en . . . "Summoning the power of the sun, you fire a burst of sunlight into the sky and command it to release into your foes with a terrifying blast of cosmic power. As a full attack action, make a single ranged touch attack against 1 creature per 4 levels, no two of which can be further than 30 feet apart. Creatures struck take normal damage as well as 1d6 damage per level (Max 25d6). Half is fire and half is force damage. The creature struck must make a fortitude saving throw DC: 15+ Dexterity modifier or take full damage and be set on fire. Creatures who succeed in their save take half damage. Creatures who fail their saving throw take full damage and they will take fire damage equal to your normal damage every round they are on fire to a maximum of 5 rounds. For every successful hit you land, y"@en . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ Solar Satellites generate power for your planet but can be easily destroyed in an attack. Despite being a ship, it cannot be moved from the planet it was built on. The power generated depends on the max temperature of the planet and is therefore generally more useful on planets closer to the sun (i.e. at slots with lower numbers)."@en .