"Jessica Fisgus (Megan Park): Wayne's cousin who debuts near the end of the first season. She and Chuck Mugel meet at a school gathering of the Ace Lightning fanclub, revealing they have unknowingly been in contact for months under internet aliases. They start dating in the second season, Jessica wishing for a sturdy relationship and often refer to Chuck by his full name when he does something wrong. She is talented with computers."@en . . "Jessica Fisgus (Megan Park): Wayne's cousin who debuts near the end of the first season. She and Chuck Mugel meet at a school gathering of the Ace Lightning fanclub, revealing they have unknowingly been in contact for months under internet aliases. They start dating in the second season, Jessica wishing for a sturdy relationship and often refer to Chuck by his full name when he does something wrong. She is talented with computers."@en . . . . "Jessica Fisgus"@en .