"In the beginning, there was Chaos, and Chaos decided that he was not to be only a concept, so he made in himself a form. And with this form came Life, which was inspired by Chaos, and became Gaia. And there was little to do, so time was not passed. On the Nonexistent Day of the First Beginning, Gaia sneezed, and then time was passed, and it took the form of Chronos. Thus, they were all created at the same time, since there was no time before Chronos. The Sneeze of Life shook the nothingness that was the universe with such force that, out of fear of the Chaos that existed, both in concept and form, took shape and became many universes: Ursa, Embla, Panacea, Lazarus, Osmium, Serendipity, Antagonist, Myriad, Feint, Rorschach, Courier, and Lustrum. But Chronos was displeased as this had happen"@en . "In the beginning, there was Chaos, and Chaos decided that he was not to be only a concept, so he made in himself a form. And with this form came Life, which was inspired by Chaos, and became Gaia. And there was little to do, so time was not passed. On the Nonexistent Day of the First Beginning, Gaia sneezed, and then time was passed, and it took the form of Chronos. Thus, they were all created at the same time, since there was no time before Chronos. The Sneeze of Life shook the nothingness that was the universe with such force that, out of fear of the Chaos that existed, both in concept and form, took shape and became many universes: Ursa, Embla, Panacea, Lazarus, Osmium, Serendipity, Antagonist, Myriad, Feint, Rorschach, Courier, and Lustrum. But Chronos was displeased as this had happened instantly, and that time had no part in the creation of these new universes, so, in his anger, he banished Lazarus away. For a time, when time was, there was silence, and Chaos, Gaia, and Chronos pondered on how they would make their creations grow. Yet within the crevices of nothingness, deep within Lazarus, the Gods of Epon began to form, an evil unlike anything the world has ever known. With such animosity, they conquered logic before logic even was; they defied order before there was law. With all their madness, they sought to create forms for themselves that would become Houth, Quanivore, and The Blender of Souls, that of would overpower their creators and plunge what was into Epon, meaning \"the chaotic absence of chaos\". Chaos quaked at the idea and, for a moment, questioned his realm. Gaia shivered at the sight and, for a timeless moment, regretted creation. Chronos, realizing what he had brought upon all things that were to be, buried himself into Lustrum out of shame, not to be seen again for a long time. But since there was no time, he was not seen again, and there was no Chronos. And since there was no time, Gaia was not born. And since Gaia was not born, there was no life. And without life, Chaos became a concept once again. And for a time, the Gods of Epon ran amuck- being disorderly without chaos, alive without life, and existing without time."@en . "SR World Pantheon/The Book of Creation"@en . . . .