. . "Lineage II"@pl . "Lineage II has been revitalized with a revamp of existing content, all-new high level content and the introduction of the Truly Free business model with the launch of Goddess of Destruction. Truly Free breaks the shackles of limited gameplay and invites you to enjoy the full game world as it was meant to be experienced. Lineage II: Goddess of Destruction will provide you with all the tools you need to propel yourself to the heights of power and beyond. Follow the Path to Awakening from the new starting zone to experience rapid progression through three class transfers on your way toward your destiny. At level 85, Awaken to one of the eight new classes with unique skills to advance your game experience and take on new challenges. The world of Lineage II is a war-torn land spanning two continents, where trust and betrayal clash as three kingdoms vie for power. These kingdoms share a delicate balance of power; however, within each kingdom they are vulnerable to internal strife, as each manor has strong desire for self-rule. Players rule supreme in this brutal and beautiful world filled with magical beasts, large scale conflict, territories to conquer and rival clans to battle. With a strong emphasis on PvP, you may find challenges around every corner in Lineage II, but you have the means to protect yourself. Develop your character and obtain the power to enforce your will upon the realm. Seize your destiny and allow your own hand to write the history of this world! \n* Choose your path by creating unique characters from six different races: Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Orc, Dwarf, and Kamael. \n* Take part in colossal server-wide PvP siege warfare battles, defending your castle or fortress whatever the cost. \n* Encounter an wide variety of raid bosses in beatifully designed zones as you explore this vast land. \n* Master the advanced combat system and harness the power of real-time tactical decisions while fighting. \n* Form a clan and unite your powers to defeat epic world bosses, achieve common goals, and have your own Clan Hall. \n* Enhance your game or increase your progression with items available in the L2 Store or L2 Galleria. \n* Raise pets to be powerful companions and to travel in style with a mount."@en . "\u042E\u0440\u043D\u0438\u043A"@ru . "Lineage II"@ru . "Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 06:03, December 13, 2013 (UTC)"@en . "77"^^ . . "1"^^ . . . "2010-03-25"^^ . "2010-03-25"^^ . . "\u0445\u0443\u0439 \u0441\u043E\u0441\u0438 \u0436\u0430\u0431\u0430 \u0435\u0431\u0430\u043D\u0430\u044F"@ru . "\u0410\u0431\u0441\u0443\u0440\u0434\u043E\u043F\u0435\u0434\u0438\u044F"@ru . . . . "\u0445\u0443\u0439 \u0441\u043E\u0441\u0438 \u0436\u0430\u0431\u0430 \u0435\u0431\u0430\u043D\u0430\u044F"@ru . "Lineage II has been revitalized with a revamp of existing content, all-new high level content and the introduction of the Truly Free business model with the launch of Goddess of Destruction. Truly Free breaks the shackles of limited gameplay and invites you to enjoy the full game world as it was meant to be experienced. Lineage II: Goddess of Destruction will provide you with all the tools you need to propel yourself to the heights of power and beyond. Follow the Path to Awakening from the new starting zone to experience rapid progression through three class transfers on your way toward your destiny. At level 85, Awaken to one of the eight new classes with unique skills to advance your game experience and take on new challenges."@en . . . "Lineage II - gra MMORPG, ca\u0142kiem fajna."@en . "Lineage II - gra MMORPG, ca\u0142kiem fajna."@en . "250"^^ . "RPG"@ru . "Ju\u017C na pocz\u0105tku rozgrywki gracz dokonuje wyboru: czy b\u0119dzie Fighterem (rze\u017A), czy Mystikiem (efekty specjalne). Od 20. poziomu gracz mo\u017Ce wybra\u0107 posta\u0107 maj\u0105c wi\u0119kszy, a od 40. poziomu zakres postaci jest jeszcze obszerniejszy. Profesje warte uwagi: \n* Warlock \u2013 Lokalizator Wojenny (uwaga, to nie jest maszyna!) \n* Duelist \u2013 Duelista (podw\u00F3jniak ?) \n* Elemental Summoner \u2013 \u017Bywio\u0142owy Przywo\u0142ywacz (wbrew pozorom chyba nie chodzi o jego charakter?) \n* Spellsinger \u2013 Piosenkarz Zakl\u0119\u0107 (niestety, nie zarabia na swoich koncertach tak du\u017Co, by kupi\u0107 sobie dobry ekwipunek...) \n* Sword Muse \u2013 Muza Miecza (t\u0142umaczcie sobie jak chcecie...) \n* Palus Knight \u2013 Blady Rycerz (uwa\u017Caj, \u017Ceby nie nazwa\u0107 go Phallus!) \n* Spellhowler \u2013 Wyjec Zakl\u0119\u0107 (tak, tak, bycie emo nie jest \u0142atwe...) \n* Storm Screamer \u2013 Krzykacz Burzy (jw. tylko, \u017Ce jeszcze bardziej) \n* Tyrant \u2013 Tyran (je\u015Bli zechce ci\u0119 przyj\u0105\u0107 do swego klanu to lepiej odm\u00F3w!) \n* Scavenger \u2013 \u015Acierwojad (eee... chyba nie trzeba nic t\u0142umaczy\u0107) \n* Maestro \u2013 (w\u0142.) Mistrz (Nie, nie, nazwa ma zareklamowa\u0107 profesje, nie o nich \u015Bwiadczy\u0107) \n* Soul Breaker \u2013 \u0141amacz Dusz (uwa\u017Caj, bo mo\u017Cesz poczu\u0107 k\u0142ucie w sercu) \n* Inspector \u2013 Inspektor (bynajmniej nie Gad\u017Cet, chocia\u017C... mo\u017Ce...) \n* Trickster \u2013 Oszust (uwaga, taki przydomek maj\u0105 akurat nie tylko Kamael!) \n* Destroyer \u2013 Niszczyciel (wymiata dopiero gdy jego hp , kt\u00F3re wynosi 10000000kkkkk spadnie do 30%) \n* Hell Knight \u2013 Piekielny Rycerz (prawdopodobnie pracuje dla szatana) \n* Treasure Hunter \u2013 Poszukiwacz Skarb\u00F3w (nie myli\u0107 go z piratem! a tym bardziej drogowym) \n* Sorcerer \u2013 Ten od ognia. Sma\u017Cy kie\u0142baski na czas swoimi czarami. \n* Necromancer \u2013 prawdziwy nekrofil (chyba nie musz\u0119 m\u00F3wi\u0107, czym si\u0119 zajmuje) \n* Cardinal \u2013 przeciwie\u0144stwo Hell Knighta (pracuje dla Dzizasa) i nie lubi gdy si\u0119 go prosi o buffa \n* Bishop \u2013 Biskup ale nie g\u0142osz\u0105cy kaza\u0144 tylko daj\u0105cy b\u0142ogos\u0142awie\u0144stwo \n* Fortune Seeker \u2013 osoba ubiegaj\u0105ca si\u0119 o maj\u0105tek(czy napewno?) \n* Soultaker \u2013 Przyjmowacz Dusz (jeszcze wi\u0119kszy nekrofil i do tego chowa dusze do torby na przek\u0105sk\u0119) \n* Sagittarius \u2013 Strzelec(nie wyborowy) strzela nawet do siebie \n* Bladedancer \u2013 Ta\u0144cz\u0105cy z no\u017Cami(nic doda\u0107 nic uj\u0105\u0107) \n* Phoenix Knight \u2013 Rycerz Feniksa (nie robi dla Dzisasa tylko dla feniksa) \n* Titan \u2013 tytan, kt\u00F3ry mo\u017Ce dobrze wali\u0107 i wytrzyma\u0107 ciosy wrog\u00F3w(co za twardziel) ale ma s\u0142abo\u015B\u0107 do kobiet \n* Monk \u2013 mnich \u0142a\u017C\u0105cy z kastetami kt\u00F3rymi mo\u017Ce da\u0107 ka\u017Cdemu do rozumu w kogo ma wierzy\u0107(oczywi\u015Bcie w Dzisasa) \n* Raider \u2013 korsarz(nie ma nic wsp\u00F3lnego z piratami) poprostu naciera i robi co trzeba"@pl . "Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 06:03, December 13, 2013 (UTC)"@en . . . "Lineage II"@en . . "--04-28"^^ . . . "Ju\u017C na pocz\u0105tku rozgrywki gracz dokonuje wyboru: czy b\u0119dzie Fighterem (rze\u017A), czy Mystikiem (efekty specjalne). Od 20. poziomu gracz mo\u017Ce wybra\u0107 posta\u0107 maj\u0105c wi\u0119kszy, a od 40. poziomu zakres postaci jest jeszcze obszerniejszy. Profesje warte uwagi:"@pl . . "Lineage II"@ru . .