. "Covadine is a 2019 American Drama film written by William Goldman and directed by Rob Reiner starring Winston Ellis, Will Smith, Kirsten Dunst, Daniel M. Hasan, Al Pacino, Christian Bale, Adrien Brody, Zoe Saldana, Jeremy Renner and Emmy Rossum. The film concerns a small fictional Alabama Town during 1955 still operating under the African American treatment of the mid 1800s and deals with a fictional quadron of Ku Klux Klan Members. It is told through the narrations of six central characters."@en . . . . . . "Covadine"@en . . . . . . . "Covadine is a 2019 American Drama film written by William Goldman and directed by Rob Reiner starring Winston Ellis, Will Smith, Kirsten Dunst, Daniel M. Hasan, Al Pacino, Christian Bale, Adrien Brody, Zoe Saldana, Jeremy Renner and Emmy Rossum. The film concerns a small fictional Alabama Town during 1955 still operating under the African American treatment of the mid 1800s and deals with a fictional quadron of Ku Klux Klan Members. It is told through the narrations of six central characters."@en . .