"While being pure fantasy (historically speaking) New Cap City does follow real world physics, while minimising some of the consequences that anti-social behaviour would have if otherwise conducted in reality. As such charges of promoting promiscuity, drug use, violence and being wholly responsible for the moral decline of Caprica today (from which most subscriptions originate) have been levelled by outraged commentators and religous groups. New Cap City does have users from other Colonies who form their own 'leagues' within the environment, along with expansion zones that fantastically visualise bygone Virgon and Leonis, but is seen still as a primarily Caprican entertainment product. This artical focuses on the in-game features, lore and users of New Cap City."@en . "New Cap City refers to a game in the Virtual World. New Cap City is digitally and virtually identical to Caprica City, only without laws, and there are additional features, such as large aircraft. The object of the game is unknown; it is interpreted differently by different people. If a player \"dies\" in-game, their avatar de-rezes, and that person is unable to continue partipation - ever - in the game."@en . "While being pure fantasy (historically speaking) New Cap City does follow real world physics, while minimising some of the consequences that anti-social behaviour would have if otherwise conducted in reality. As such charges of promoting promiscuity, drug use, violence and being wholly responsible for the moral decline of Caprica today (from which most subscriptions originate) have been levelled by outraged commentators and religous groups. New Cap City does have users from other Colonies who form their own 'leagues' within the environment, along with expansion zones that fantastically visualise bygone Virgon and Leonis, but is seen still as a primarily Caprican entertainment product. This artical focuses on the in-game features, lore and users of New Cap City."@en . . . . "New Cap City"@en . "New Cap City refers to a game in the Virtual World. New Cap City is digitally and virtually identical to Caprica City, only without laws, and there are additional features, such as large aircraft. The object of the game is unknown; it is interpreted differently by different people. If a player \"dies\" in-game, their avatar de-rezes, and that person is unable to continue partipation - ever - in the game. In \"There is Another Sky\", Tamara Adama's Twin avatar is very successful in New Cap City, owing to her ability to refrain from de-rezzing when wounded, which allows her to stay \"playing\" indefinitely."@en .