. "It certainly wasn\u2019t the best idea, being towed on a repulsor board behind a speeder driven by one of the Order\u2019s best pilots, but Padm\u00E9 really hadn\u2019t thought about all this when she strapped the board to her foot and jumped off. She didn\u2019t even think about it now, all that mattered was she didn\u2019t let this dizzying ordeal overcome her. More than once she had to twist in different directions so as not to collide with oncoming air-traffic. Fortunately, they were doing their best to stay out of her way which wasn't always a good thing. \u201CTurn around!\u201D she shouted, hoping Anakin heard her."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "It certainly wasn\u2019t the best idea, being towed on a repulsor board behind a speeder driven by one of the Order\u2019s best pilots, but Padm\u00E9 really hadn\u2019t thought about all this when she strapped the board to her foot and jumped off. She didn\u2019t even think about it now, all that mattered was she didn\u2019t let this dizzying ordeal overcome her. More than once she had to twist in different directions so as not to collide with oncoming air-traffic. Fortunately, they were doing their best to stay out of her way which wasn't always a good thing. Somehow, Anakin managed to get them closer again, so close she could see some of the detail on the green speeder. It wasn\u2019t the best but it would have to do. \u201CTurn around!\u201D she shouted, hoping Anakin heard her. Whether he heard her shout or somehow knew what she wanted there was not difference, he put the speeder through a three-point turn whipping her around in an arc. She moved with it, angling her body so she wouldn\u2019t spin as had happened the first time. Then, at the right moment she pulled free of the cable and the board, using the momentum of Anakin\u2019s turn to dive through the air towards the assassin\u2019s speeder. \u201CClear that cable,\u201D Anakin said quietly. \u201CClear it,\u201D he repeated when Obi-Wan didn\u2019t respond. \u201CIt\u2019s dragging us.\u201D While Obi-Wan clambered over the back seat, Anakin could fully appreciate Padm\u00E9\u2019s astonishing leap from the repulsor-board to the assassin\u2019s speeder. And without any hesitation or admonishment from his Master. The Jedi were still after her. Zam cursed as she put the speeder into a higher gear, wishing she could do away with all of them with that one motion. Her speeder then shuddered violently as if something large had hit it, this was followed by the sounds of sliding and scraping. She swore again when she saw what slid past the viewport. One of the Jedi! The female who had stopped her first attempt on the senator, and far too close for comfort. Zam threw the throttle into reverse, smiling as she heard the Jedi slid back over the speeder and to the edge. But not over the edge. She threw the throttle forward again, hearing the Jedi slide back. She laughed, Jedi or no Jedi, she had the upper hand. If it was a crazy idea to jump onto the speeder the way she did, it was crazier still to hang onto it while it was moving like this. As she hung from the back the speeder lurched again, she pressed her hands hard into the frame and flipped onto the roof. With her free hand she got out her lightsaber. The green blade cut into the green durasteel, removing several circuits with the crackle of sparks. She didn\u2019t want to cripple the vehicle but she did need to slow it down. As she lay on her stomach to sever something more critical the speeder reeled again and Padm\u00E9 dropped her lightsaber. She was able to catch her weapon in her mouth so she could hold on to one of the holes she had made with both hands. \u201CI\u2019m going to help her,\u201D Anakin said. They were right above her now, Padm\u00E9 had managed to slow the assassin down but that was about it. \u201CAnakin, she has things under control,\u201D Obi-Wan told him. \u201CNot now she doesn\u2019t,\u201D Anakin replied. Obi-Wan looked down to see Padm\u00E9 hanging on with both hands to the now out of control speeder with her lightsaber in her mouth. What has she done? he wondered. But there was no time to consider the question as the next moment Anakin stepped over the side of their vehicle and landed next to Padm\u00E9 below. \u201CI hate it when he does that,\u201D Obi-Wan muttered, taking the controls. By the time Anakin had joined her, Padm\u00E9 had managed to regain some control. She was just about to cut off something else when Anakin landed beside her. \u201CAnakin, what are you doing here?\u201D she demanded. \u201CHelping you,\u201D he replied as if the answer was obvious, he stiffened his arm so he could move with the speeder. \u201CI don\u2019t need\u2014\u201Dthe speeder collided with an air-taxi, throwing her back until Anakin caught her wrist. \u201CThanks,\u201D she murmured, then climbed up to lie beside him. \u201CDo you think you can disable this thing?\u201D Anakin nodded. \u201CGood, I\u2019ll give you a few minutes.\u201D She loosened her grip so she could slid past the cockpit. Zam had just about had enough of the Jedi, more so given the fact that another had joined the first. Who were they to hang onto her speeder like suicidal maniacs? A sharp tap on the viewport made her look up. It was the female Jedi, she brandished her lightsaber in her free hand then ignited it. The green blade swang dangerously close to the window, making Zam blink and forget her concentration. Her Clawdite features flashed across her face for a moment. With the tip of the blade the Jedi then cut a hole in the viewport filling the cockpit with air. Cursing, Zam reached for her blaster pistol, but it was ripped out of her hand and falling out of the hole in the window before she had a proper grip on it. She snarled and swerved the speeder, satisfied when the Jedi slid out of sight. Suddenly her engines were no longer responding, her readouts said they were losing power for some unknown reason. The other Jedi! she realised as her Clawdite features showed again. She inclined the speeder into a steep dive, pushing the steering all the way down. If she couldn\u2019t escape alive, neither would the Jedi."@en . . . . . . "Attack of the Clones (AU)/Chapter 5"@en .