"Marcel Dassault, born Marcel Bloch (Paris, 22 January 1892 - Neuilly-sur-Seine, 17 april 1986) was a Jewish-French industrialist, best known as aircraft constructor. In 1913 he graduated from the College for aeronautical engineering. During the first world war , he developed a new type of propeller, which allowed better performance than the common types. He called this the \"H\u00E9lice Eclair\" and together with another aviation pioneer, Henry Potez, he founded the \"Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 des H\u00E9lices Eclair\". In 1917, they formed, along with a third friend, the \"Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 d'Etudes A\u00E9ronautiques\" (SEA) with the intention to build own aircraft. The first airworthy model was the two-seater SEA 4, of which the French Ministry of war thousand copies ordered. When the supply could start however the war was over and was cancelled the order; only a hundred copies to which was already built, were delivered. Thereupon pulled Bloch out the aviation and went into the real estate. When in 1928 the French Air Ministry was founded, Bloch returned back to the aircraft industry and founded the \"Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 des Avions Marcel Bloch\" on the second against 1935 grew from this largest aviation company in France. In 1936 the company was nationalized and housed in the \"Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 nationale de constructions a\u00E9ronautiques du Sud-Ouest\" (SNCASO), of which he was the Managing Director. A few months later he began a new company, the \"Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 anonyme des avions Marcel Bloch\" (SAAMB). In this he developed prototypes of new aircraft, of which the series construction by the State-owned French aviation industry happened: the SNCASO built as in the single-engine fighter aircraft series MB 150, the two-engined bomber MB 170, and a four-engine passenger plane, the MB 161. The MB 174 (1939) was a single-enginereconnaissance aircraft that would be used by Antoine de Saint-Exup\u00E9ry. After the outbreak of the Second World War in 1940 he was arrested by the VichyGovernment. He refused to collaborate with the occupier and eventually ended up in Buchenwaldin 1944, from which he was released after eight months. In 1949 he changed his family name in Dassault; This was the code name that his brother, Paul Bloch, General in the resistance during the war used. In that year flew the MD 450 Ouragan, the first jet aircraft of Dassault. In 1952 followed the Myst\u00E8re III and Myst\u00E8re IV; in 1956 the \u00C9tendard IV (for the aircraft carriers of the French Navy) and the Mirage III, which would be sold to many countries, including Israel and (in a later version Mirage V) to Belgium. In 1959 came the Mirage IV bomber for the French nuclear \"Force de Frappe\". Most recent Dassault combat aircraft are Mirage 2000 and Rafale . In the Dassault civil aviation is best known for its Falcon business jets, of which there are different versions released since 1970. A large passenger plane, the Mercure (1971) was not a success; only 12 were built. The \"Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 des Avions Marcel Dassault\", later \"Dassault Aviation\" grew into a large military-industrial conglomerate. In 1981 it was nationalized, but Dassault remained the company lead to his death. Dassault was still active in other areas. He founded a weekly magazine on, \"Jours de France\", \"Paris-Match\" competitor, and took care of it itself the section \"le caf\u00E9 du commerce\". He also produced some films (La Boum 2 (1982) with Claude Brasseur; Jamais avant le mariage (1982); La septi\u00E8me CAL (1984) with Lino Ventura; Les parents ne sont pas simples cette ann\u00E9e (1984)) and also possessed own cinemas at the ParisChamps Elys\u00E9es. He was also politically active and was elected senator and later in the French National Assembly, of which he was the most senior person for a long time. He received the highest French award, the Grand Cross of the Legion of honour. The company put his son Serge Dassault Dassault on."@en . "Marcel Dassault, born Marcel Bloch, (Paris, 22 January 1892 - Neuilly-sur-Seine, 17 April 1986) was a French aircraft industrialist. After graduating from the lyc\u00E9e Condorcet, Breguet School and Supaero, he invented a type of aircraft propeller used by the French army during World War I and founded the Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 des Avions Marcel Bloch aircraft company. Following the nationalization of his company in 1936, under the Front Populaire, he stayed as a director. As a Jew, he was deported to Buchenwald during World War II, refusing collaboration with the German aviation industry. He changed his name from Bloch to Bloch-Dassaut then Dassault in 1949. Dassault was the pseudonym of his brother, General Darius Paul Bloch, in the French resistance and means \"for assault\", originally from \"char d'assaut"@en . . "Marcel Dassault, born Marcel Bloch, (Paris, 22 January 1892 - Neuilly-sur-Seine, 17 April 1986) was a French aircraft industrialist. After graduating from the lyc\u00E9e Condorcet, Breguet School and Supaero, he invented a type of aircraft propeller used by the French army during World War I and founded the Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 des Avions Marcel Bloch aircraft company. Following the nationalization of his company in 1936, under the Front Populaire, he stayed as a director. As a Jew, he was deported to Buchenwald during World War II, refusing collaboration with the German aviation industry. He changed his name from Bloch to Bloch-Dassaut then Dassault in 1949. Dassault was the pseudonym of his brother, General Darius Paul Bloch, in the French resistance and means \"for assault\", originally from \"char d'assaut\", French for tank. Marcel Dassault converted to Catholicism in 1950. After the war, Dassault built the foremost military aircraft manufacturer in France, Avions Marcel Dassault. He was succeeded by his son Serge as head of the group. Marcel Dassault was buried in the Passy Cemetery in the 16th arrondissement of Paris."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Marcel Dassault"@en . . . . "Marcel Dassault, born Marcel Bloch (Paris, 22 January 1892 - Neuilly-sur-Seine, 17 april 1986) was a Jewish-French industrialist, best known as aircraft constructor. In 1913 he graduated from the College for aeronautical engineering. During the first world war , he developed a new type of propeller, which allowed better performance than the common types. He called this the \"H\u00E9lice Eclair\" and together with another aviation pioneer, Henry Potez, he founded the \"Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 des H\u00E9lices Eclair\". In 1917, they formed, along with a third friend, the \"Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 d'Etudes A\u00E9ronautiques\" (SEA) with the intention to build own aircraft. The first airworthy model was the two-seater SEA 4, of which the French Ministry of war thousand copies ordered. When the supply could start however the war was over and wa"@en . . .