. . . . . "27"^^ . "Athene was an equiraptor, owned by Amelinda Lukarian, and used as part of her act for the Warp-Speed Classic Vaudeville Company. Athene had the ability to fly for a short time, but was mostly of the Arabian breed. (TOS novel: Enterprise: The First Adventure)"@en . "Athene TRAM.jpg"@nl . "Athene"@de . . "Athene"@en . "Nomadenaktion April 2012"@de . "7.258248E10"^^ . . . "1435"^^ . "Athene is best known as the Greek Goddess sacred to the city of Athens. Originally, she was a Libyan goddess from North Africa. In the Greek legends she was born from the head of Zeus. She has dozens of attributes which include: warrior-goddess and protectress of heroes; patron of architects, sculptors, spinners, and weavers; protectress of horses and oxen; and a counsellor-goddess famed for her wisdom. The owl is associated with her. Sulphur is an element identified with her because it was believed that burning brimstone (sulphur) would drive away the evil spirits that caused disease. Athene's major temple was Parthenon which means \"virgin-house\"."@en . . . . "Een AnsaldoBreda Sirio tram"@nl . . "Athene ist eine Stute und geh\u00F6rt zu den Nomadenpferden. Athene stellt die gleichnamige griechische G\u00F6ttin der Weisheit, der Strategie und des Kampfes, der Kunst und der Handarbeit dar. Au\u00DFerdem ist sie die Schutzg\u00F6ttin der Stadt Athen."@de . "Athene.png"@de . "rightAthene \u00E8 una distro commerciale sviluppata da Rocklyte Systems per usi di ufficio e casalinghi. Athene combina l'esperienza di Rocklyte's R&D con le ultime tecnologie Linux per creare uno dei pi\u00F9 veloci sistemi operativi oggi disponibili. Con un tempo di boot di pochi secondi ed un avanzata sistema grafico non disponibile nelle distro Linux standard, Athene pu\u00F2 essere la pi\u00F9 interessante alternativa a basso costo di Windows per il vostro computer. \n* Pagina principale : http://www.rocklyte.com/athene/ \n* Origine : Nuova Zelanda \n* Mailing List : http://www.rocklyte.com/mailinglists.html \n* Forum Utenti : http://www.rocklyte.com/forum \n* Documentazione : -- \n* Download : -- \n* Siti web affini : RocklyteFiles"@it . "750"^^ . "Athene"@nl . . . "Athene was an equiraptor, owned by Amelinda Lukarian, and used as part of her act for the Warp-Speed Classic Vaudeville Company. Athene had the ability to fly for a short time, but was mostly of the Arabian breed. (TOS novel: Enterprise: The First Adventure)"@en . . . . "Athene"@it . . . "Weiblich"@de . "3"^^ . "Flag of Greece.png"@nl . "Athene is Syrinx's mother."@en . . "Athene"@de . "Athene is best known as the Greek Goddess sacred to the city of Athens. Originally, she was a Libyan goddess from North Africa. In the Greek legends she was born from the head of Zeus. She has dozens of attributes which include: warrior-goddess and protectress of heroes; patron of architects, sculptors, spinners, and weavers; protectress of horses and oxen; and a counsellor-goddess famed for her wisdom. The owl is associated with her. Sulphur is an element identified with her because it was believed that burning brimstone (sulphur) would drive away the evil spirits that caused disease. Athene's major temple was Parthenon which means \"virgin-house\". The Athene was also the name of a ship docked in Southampton. On its way to Thessalonica seeking also to trade in Malaga and Tunis."@en . "Athene is Syrinx's mother."@en . "rightAthene \u00E8 una distro commerciale sviluppata da Rocklyte Systems per usi di ufficio e casalinghi. Athene combina l'esperienza di Rocklyte's R&D con le ultime tecnologie Linux per creare uno dei pi\u00F9 veloci sistemi operativi oggi disponibili. Con un tempo di boot di pochi secondi ed un avanzata sistema grafico non disponibile nelle distro Linux standard, Athene pu\u00F2 essere la pi\u00F9 interessante alternativa a basso costo di Windows per il vostro computer."@it . . "Athene"@nl . "Tramway Ath\u00E8nes.JPG"@nl . "2004-07-19"^^ . "Athene ist eine Stute und geh\u00F6rt zu den Nomadenpferden. Athene stellt die gleichnamige griechische G\u00F6ttin der Weisheit, der Strategie und des Kampfes, der Kunst und der Handarbeit dar. Au\u00DFerdem ist sie die Schutzg\u00F6ttin der Stadt Athen."@de . . . . "75"^^ . .