"Heaven and Earth Winged Messenger Technique"@en . . . "Heaven and Earth Winged Messenger Technique"@en . "Tenshi Yokushisha no Jutsu"@en . . . "is a technique that allows the user to have his or her image appear in front of another user. This is mostly a communicative technique that allows communication over long distances. In order for this technique to work properly, the two users either have to initiate the technique at the same time or during the duration that one of them is executing the technique. Both of the users will receive a chakra signal which alerts them that one of the users is trying to connect to them. The technique will then broadcast the users image to the other user. The image itself appears rather faint and ghost-like. The image appears as large as a small dog and is three dimensional proportionally. It is unsure what the image is comprised of but any attempt to grab the image results in the user only grabbing air. The image itself decreases in quality the farther the users are apart from each other. However, increasing and balancing out the two chakra signatures can solve this problem. It is possible for more than two individuals to talk to each other but it requires more chakra control."@en . "Ram, Snake, Tiger, Dog"@en . . "\u5929\u5730\u7FFC\u4F7F\u8005\u306E\u8853"@en . "is a technique that allows the user to have his or her image appear in front of another user. This is mostly a communicative technique that allows communication over long distances. In order for this technique to work properly, the two users either have to initiate the technique at the same time or during the duration that one of them is executing the technique."@en . "No"@en . "Ninjutsu"@en . "Anime, Manga"@en . "C"@en . "Supplementary"@en . "No"@en . "Winged Messanger of Heaven and Earth Technique"@en . . "Tetsumoto, Kinfu, Hassenr\u014D, The No-Faced Man"@en .