"Cantompa"@en . . "Cantompa was a human male fleet trooper within the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. During the war he served on board the Herald, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer tasked with hunting down the Imperial traitor Everi Chalis. While on board the Star Destroyer he earned the trust of its Captain, Tabor Seitaron, and when Chalis surrendered herself to the Empire in the atmosphere above the planet Sullust, he chose Cantompa and his colleague Zhios to accompany him and Prelate Verge to meet with her and take her prisoner. Upon the group arriving in the hangar where Chalis had landed, she offered Verge all of the information she had gathered on the Alliance in exchange for a pardon. Verge refused and reacted violently, causing Chalis to trigger twenty ion bombs she had hidden onboard the shuttle she had arrived in. The ion bombs caused the Herald to lose enough power so that it could no longer safely remain in Sullust's orbit, and the captain ordered Cantompa and Zhios to rush to the bridge and order a retreat. The pair found that the doors to the hangar had been disabled by the bombs and had to override them and force their way through. Verge then ordered that instead of telling the bridge crew to pull the Herald out of orbit, they should give the order to fire on the Alliance's Sixty-First Mobile Infantry, who were fighting on the planet below. This order would lead to the deaths of all onboard, and Cantompa and Zhios froze, unsure of what to do. Chalis and Verge then began fighting and in an attempt to kill Chalis, Seitaron accidentally killed Verge. Seitaron then repeated his original order for the troopers to run to the bridge and have the Herald retreat, which Cantompa and Zhios rushed to do."@en . . "Cantompa was a human male fleet trooper within the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. During the war he served on board the Herald, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer tasked with hunting down the Imperial traitor Everi Chalis. While on board the Star Destroyer he earned the trust of its Captain, Tabor Seitaron, and when Chalis surrendered herself to the Empire in the atmosphere above the planet Sullust, he chose Cantompa and his colleague Zhios to accompany him and Prelate Verge to meet with her and take her prisoner. Upon the group arriving in the hangar where Chalis had landed, she offered Verge all of the information she had gathered on the Alliance in exchange for a pardon. Verge refused and reacted violently,"@en . . . "Cantompa"@en . . . . "*Galactic Empire\n**Imperial Military\n***Imperial Navy"@en . . . . "Galactic Empire"@en . .